Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 492 495. Eat me out of money (4)

Taking over this batch of sea crickets is a bit like being a scapegoat. According to what he said, it sounds good, but it sounds bad, and it's a bit stupid.

Ao Muyang is not stupid. He has his own plans for buying this batch of sea crickets.

Twenty thousand yuan is not a lot of money. He wants to try to use gold drops to cultivate barnacles. After all, this is a newly cultivated barnacle variety. Maybe it can have a surprising result if it is cultivated well.

Ao Mingtao and the other two are even more not stupid. Ao Muyang said that, why don't they sell it?

Erdeng waved his hand hurriedly: "How can we be reluctant? But don't say that we cheated you in the future, village chief. We can't bear this sin."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "I know, all right, don't unload it, just turn to my Brick Island, and unload it to the side of the island when you get there."

The water around Brick Island is clearer, and there is a warm current passing through it. There are waves all year round. This is the prime habitat for barnacles.

The fishing boat turned around and Ao Muyang followed it back to the fishing ground.

Just as the fishing boat approached Zhuantou Island, a column of water suddenly spurted out from the sea not far away.

The water column was thick and high above the sea surface, like a water cannon hidden underwater.

Most of the people on the boat were old sea ghosts. Seeing this scene, they exclaimed: "Fuck, there is a whale here?"

"Village chief, you should find a way to get rid of this whale quickly, otherwise your fishing ground will be ruined." San Deng said quickly.

Whales are too large in tonnage and have too much appetite. The plunder of fishery resources in the places they pass through is very terrifying.

Maybe many people know that Japanese fishing companies are fishing whales and dolphins on a large scale. In fact, this is not simply because they are cruel or for the sake of hunting fish meat. You must know that dolphin meat cannot be eaten. It is rich in heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium, and can only be crushed into meat paste as agricultural fertilizer.

The tradition of killing whales and dolphins in Japan is related to the terrifying hunting ability of these large marine fish.

Ao Muyang looked at the familiar water column and couldn't help but take a breath: "That's not a whale, no, that's a whale, that's a sperm whale!"

The sperm whale he had fed Jin Di before was left around the fishing ground!

After understanding this, he didn't bother to command the unloading of barnacle seedlings, and quickly took a small boat to the location where the sperm whale sprayed water.

When the boat drove nearby, he jumped into the water, and soon the tiger heard the news and came.

After seeing him, the tiger was very excited and plunged directly into his arms.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang was also very excited. He quickly avoided it. The tiger was now like a truck. If it hit it, Lao Ao would probably vomit blood!

The group of porpoises followed the tiger and swam over. Their postures were chic and agile, worthy of the name of ocean elves.

Finally, a huge body floated over...

This body was really too big. It floated on the sea to form a terrifying shadow, and a small area of ​​the sea suddenly became dim-the sunlight that penetrated the sea surface was blocked by it.

There is no doubt that this is the sperm whale, and it has indeed stayed here.

Swimming slowly, the sperm whale has a kind of leisurely and domineering aura, the aura of a giant beast.

Its feelings for Ao Muyang are not like those of the tiger and the dolphins. The tiger treats Ao Muyang like a master, and the dolphins treat him like a relative, and they all have a very close relationship with him.

The sperm whale seems to treat him as a friend. After seeing him coming, it also took the initiative to approach, but did not make any gestures to show intimacy.

Ao Muyang was very troubled. What does this sperm whale mean? Isn't it planning to stay in the fishery?

The existence of the sperm whale is a very big threat to the fishery. As Sandeng said, if it gets hungry one day and finds that there are so many large yellow croakers and sardines in the fishery, it will definitely crash into it and hit a home run.

Especially sardines are too tempting for it. This is one of the favorite foods of sperm whales.

After the tiger stayed beside Ao Muyang, it kept nudging him with its big head. Ao Muyang knew that it was asking for gold drops, but how could he be in the mood to feed it gold drops at this time? He was worried to death by this sperm whale.

He had not given out gold drops, and not only the tiger was anxious, but also the porpoises.

The porpoises were used to Ao Muyang feeding the tiger with gold drops first and then feeding them after he appeared. Now that Ao Muyang did not show any reaction, they surrounded him from all directions.

This was really a 360-degree no-dead-angle blockade. Soon, Ao Muyang was surrounded by dolphins and the sea above and below.

As Ao Muyang's figure was blocked, the sperm whale was a little anxious. Its relatively small tail shook, and its huge body came like a hill...

The sperm whale hit it, and the porpoises disappeared immediately without a trace. Ao Muyang was driven by the water flow and floated in the water, and finally landed on its head.

Sitting on the sperm whale's head, Ao Muyang looked around and felt a different feeling from when he was driving a tiger. This was really a bird's-eye view of the world!

The sperm whale was so big, and it felt so good to sit on its head!

Ao Muyang stood up. The sperm whale swam slowly and very steadily, and its square head was like an underwater island.

If you look at it this way, it would be nice to keep the sperm whale by your side. At least it would be very impressive, Lao Ao thought optimistically.

But then he thought again, how can I raise this big whale? !

It was already difficult for him to raise a tiger. Killer whales have a big appetite, but compared to sperm whales, that's not enough. Sperm whales can eat two tons of meat in one meal!

For example, if you feed this sperm whale pork, one catty of pork is ten yuan, and two tons of pork is 40,000 yuan!

Of course, he didn't have to feed the sperm whale. It had strong hunting ability. It lived well without anyone feeding it before, and it grew to such a big size today.

But if it wasn't fed, it would be a threat to the fish farm. What if it got hungry and found the fish in the fish farm? The consequences...

Ao Muyang thought it would be better to feed it with his own money. The fish farm was too valuable and must not be destroyed!

Thinking of this, he remembered the eunuch treasure under the ancient temple. Maybe he should find a way to take out the gold, silver and jewelry inside and sell them.

So much gold, silver and jewelry would definitely cost a huge amount of money if sold. It wouldn't be a problem to feed this big fish.

Thinking of this, Ao Muyang's thinking diverged: the combination of tiger and sperm whale bodyguards was enough for him to roam the sea, and the sperm whale had better long-distance sailing ability. He could fight to support the war and take the tiger and sperm whale to the sea to find sunken ships. There were many valuable sunken ships in the sea!

The tiger bravely swam to the sperm whale's head next to him, and gently touched Ao Muyang with its mouth. Normally, the eyes of fish are dull and cannot express any emotions, but at this moment Ao Muyang clearly saw the tension in the tiger's eyes.

Ao Muyang released a little gold drop to comfort it, but as soon as the gold drop came out, the quiet sperm whale immediately started moving!

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