Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 501 504. The Four Heavenly Kings of Tourism (3)

Li Ji is a professional in infectious disease research, and he brought a set of testing tools.

The students put on gloves to extract the liquid from the herpes, put it into test tubes and culture media and started working. Some people took out microscopes to observe the slices made from the herpes skin.

In just two hours, the results came out.

The old professor found Ao Muyang with a report and said, "This is not herpes. They have fibrous papilloma, which is a tumor to be exact."

Ao Muyang said in surprise, "Is this tumor a cluster? It seems that the whole group of turtles has this problem."

He went to the sea last night and saw that the turtles had small tumors growing under their abdomens to varying degrees.

The old professor nodded, "Yes, because they are viral, that is, they are caused by a viral infection. This virus is called SSAR-2 virus, which is widely present in seriously polluted seawater."

"Is the seawater here seriously polluted?" Ao Muyang asked hesitantly.

The old professor said: "On the contrary, the sea water here is the clearest and the water quality is the best. They are not infected with the virus here. It seems that these turtles have been infected with the virus for some time, otherwise there would be no symptoms. According to my speculation, they were infected with the virus in the waters of Japan."

Ao Mudong immediately shouted excitedly: "Let me tell you, I will say that the Japanese discharged nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, causing them to become ill!"

The old professor smiled and said: "In fact, they have little to do with nuclear pollution. The SSAR-2 virus is widely present in many waters and specifically targets turtles for infection. However, this virus is not active. As long as the immune system of the turtle is fine, it can kill them completely."

"Obviously, these turtles have been in severely polluted water for a long time, which has reduced their immunity, and the virus invades and then becomes ill."

"But the turtles did not sit idly by. Their nature lets them know how to solve this dilemma, so they look for sea areas with good water quality to survive, so as to adjust their body's immunity, Finally, we came to the sea outside your village. "

After hearing the latter part, Ao Muyang couldn't help but feel happy. It seemed that the water quality in the sea had indeed improved a lot, and the seaweed in the fishery played a big role.

He decided to go back to the fishery and release more gold drops to the seaweed for them to absorb. The ability of these seaweeds to purify water quality was too precious.

Lu Zhizi asked with concern: "Teacher Li, is this tumor benign or malignant? How much impact does it have on turtles?"

Li Ji looked at her with appreciation and said: "You hit the point. These tumors are benign, but they have a great impact on turtles. They will further destroy the turtles' immune system, making them more susceptible to illness. Then they will cause complications in vision, movement, eating, etc...."

"What can we do about this?" Ao Wenchang said worriedly, "Alas, humans will kill humans sooner or later!"

Ao Mudong said: "Since the problem has been found, it should be easy to deal with, right? You are really worrying about nothing. What is this called? A few people worrying about the sky?"

"That word is pronounced qi, which means worrying about the sky." Ao Wenchang helped him correct it, "In addition, I am not worried about these turtles, but those infected turtles that we have not found. These few can be saved, but what about the others?"

The reason for infection with this virus is that the turtles have reduced immunity.

Li Jixian first used drugs to kill the SSAR-2 virus, and then he had no choice but to rely on the turtles' own immune system to recover.

He temporarily decided to stay in Longtou Village to observe the turtles' recovery. Anyway, the school was on summer vacation and he had time to stay outside the school.

The turtles also stayed. As the professor said, the water quality in this sea area is the best and the seaweed is the most delicious. They stayed here temporarily to recover and recuperate.

So there were more tourists in Longtou Village, and many parents brought their children to vacation.

Ao Muyang also called the tigers and dolphins here. The sea outside Longtou Village almost became a marine zoo.

The porpoises are gentle and enthusiastic. They like to jump out of the sea to swim and interact with tourists on the boat. If someone feeds them, they can show their heads for people to touch.

The tourists, especially the children, were so surprised. They originally came to see the turtles, but there were killer whales and dolphins to see and even touch. This is a good thing that is hard to come by in other places.

Li Ji was also very curious when he learned that killer whales and porpoises had come to the sea. Seeing this, Ao Muyang personally accompanied him to the sea to watch whales and dolphins.

When the speedboat was about to set off, a couple with two children, one big and one small, came over: "Brother, brother, there is a vacant seat on your boat, can you rent it to us?"

Ao Muyang said happily: "No need to rent, come on board."

The couple was very happy. The husband immediately handed him a cigarette when he got on the boat and said: "Thank you, brother, my name is Wang Dong, this is my wife Hao Meili, I am very happy to be on your boat."

Ao Muyang refused his cigarette and smiled: "Sister-in-law is indeed Hao Meili."

The young woman smiled, and then called her son and daughter over: "Tuan Tuan, Yuan Yuan, come and thank uncle, uncle will take you to see whales and dolphins."

The younger girl bowed obediently: "Thank you, uncle."

The boy next to him pointed to the distant sea and shouted: "What is that?"

Ao Muyang turned his head and saw a fountain appearing diagonally on the sea.

The fountain gushed out at a 45-degree angle toward the sky, gradually increasing in size...

"Fountain on the sea?" Yuanyuan smiled happily.

Hao Meili introduced: "That's a whale breathing and spitting out water. It should be the killer whale that is about to float up."

Li Ji was shocked: "No, this is not a killer whale, this is..."

"Sperm whale!" Ao Muyang sighed, and the big guy followed.

He drove the boat closer, and the figure of the sperm whale gradually emerged from the water.

The big size of the sperm whale shocked the people on the boat again. A large area of ​​the sea turned black, and then its head appeared, as if a gray-black island appeared on the sea.

The tourists on the surrounding boats were going crazy: "Ah, what is this?"

"Fuck, it's so big, is this a blue whale?"

"Look at its head, the captain, go and have a look, sperm whale, this is a sperm whale!"

"Don't go over, what if it knocks over the fishing boat? Stay away, stay away!"

Ao Muyang drove the boat closer, and Hao Meili quickly protected her son and daughter in her arms.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. This sperm whale has appeared several times before. As long as you don't hurt it, it is very docile."

When the speedboat approached, he asked Zhong Cang to steer the ship, and he jumped into the water and swam towards the sperm whale.

After the big whale found him, it showed some enthusiasm, swung its tail, lowered its head, and dived a little underwater. When it raised its head again, Ao Muyang sat on its head.

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