Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 502 505. Professor (4)

Perhaps this scene will stay in the hearts of tourists for a long time:

Under the bright sunshine, the sea water is clear and exudes a faint orchid luster. A huge whale head emerges from the water, and on it there is a dark-skinned, muscular young man smiling...

The sperm whale's well-behaved and humane behavior is the main reason why tourists are surprised. It took the initiative to hold Ao Muyang on its head and did not show any aggression.

Ao Muyang knew that it was waiting for the golden drop to eat.

He did not disappoint the sperm whale. He threw two golden drops into the water with a flick of his hand, then jumped up and jumped into the water to swim towards the sea fishing boat.

Wang Dong and Hao Meili were stunned on the boat, but the boy Tuantuan reacted quickly: "Wow, uncle, is this big whale yours? Can you take me to touch it?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "This big whale is a sperm whale. Although it is very friendly and has a good temper, not everyone can touch it because it is too big and it is easy to hurt you accidentally."

He just touched the sperm whale to dispel the tourists' fear.

After all, the sperm whale is too big!

But he didn't expect that he went a little too far. When the tourists saw the sperm whale, they took the initiative to put him on their heads. They thought that the sperm whale was as well-behaved as a domestic cat or dog, and they all wanted to get close to it.

When the sperm whale appeared, who would compete with it?

The green turtles, which were originally the protagonists of this sea area, suddenly lost their attention, and everyone's attention was focused on the sperm whale.

The sperm whale ignored the tourists. After eating the golden drop, it sank into the water contentedly, and its huge body disappeared...

Watching whales and dolphins is the highlight of any island tourist destination. Longtou Village naturally attracts more and more tourists.

Sperm whales only occasionally come out of the water to breathe, but tigers and porpoises like to wander around to act cute in exchange for food.

Ao Muyang revealed that they like to eat beef and pork. It has to be said that the tourists are really rich. The meat stalls in Qiantan Town were sold out that day, and the people in the town had no meat to eat.

Sea turtles, killer whales, porpoises and sperm whales have become the four kings of summer tourism in Longtou Village. The villagers have made a lot of money. All fishing boats have been requisitioned. One seat is 100 yuan, and they can earn at least 1,000 or 2,000 yuan a day...

Fishermen in surrounding villages have benefited from it. There are too many tourists going out to sea, and the boats in Longtou Village are not enough. Some tourists come to rent boats from the surrounding areas.

This made the villagers quite dissatisfied: "The turtles come to our beach, and the whales and dolphins also come to Longtou. Why should they make money with them?"

Ao Muyang dispelled their hostility and ordered the villagers not to care about these things with people from other villages, not to have conflicts, and to honestly take tourists to watch whales and dolphins on the sea.

Fishermen from other villages followed suit, and they didn't say it, but they were full of gratitude to Ao Muyang and Longtou Village in their hearts.

Now Ao Muyang has mobilized law enforcement teams from surrounding villages to maintain maritime security. The team members are very happy to flatter him, and this incident has earned him a high reputation in the surrounding villages.

Li Ji temporarily lived in Ao Muyang's house because he came to rescue turtles. Ao Muyang didn't let him spend money to live in a fisherman's house, but vacated a room for him.

He knew that the old man liked quietness, so he specially gave him a north bedroom. Although the light was average, when he opened the window, he could see Dalong Mountain, with bamboo forests and heavy flower shadows on the mountain. This scenery was a kind of enjoyment for the old man.

Li Ji happily stayed there. Ao Muyang made a few simple fisherman dishes in the evening, which made him savour the food.

Sitting in the yard at night, enjoying the sea breeze and the sound of pine and bamboo waves, the old professor looked happy: "Oh, your village is really nice. No wonder the green turtles come here. It's really comfortable to stay here."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Professor, if you like the environment here, I will find you a house. You can stay here temporarily during the winter and summer holidays."

Ao Zhibing handed Li Ji a palm leaf fan. Li Ji asked him for a handful of tobacco leaves. He made his own hand-rolled cigarettes and smoked them happily.

"That's great. Actually, I've retired. Now I'm continuing to play my spare time at my post, guiding graduate students and doctoral students. I don't have anything to do. I'll stay in your village this summer. It's really comfortable to live here." The old professor smiled after spitting out a puff of smoke.

Youfu ran over with his big ears and rubbed against the side to smoke second-hand smoke.

Li Ji was delighted when he saw it: "Hey, fennec fox, your pet is rare."

He reached out to touch Youfu, but Youfu ran away.

But it was unlucky to knock over a chick, and several old hens and roosters immediately chased it.

Youfu had been beaten by the roosters several times and had a psychological trauma. When he found that he was being targeted by these big birds again, he ran away very fast.

The roosters were not a threat to Youfu at night. Chickens can't see anything at night when there is no light. They can only chase Youfu when the backyard lights are bright. As long as Youfu runs into the shadow, they are helpless.

Chickens are born with night blindness because their eyes only have cones but no rods. The former can work during the day and the latter can work at night.

Humans have both rods and cones, so they can see the shape of objects at night and the color of objects during the day. Owls only have rods and no cones, so their vision is sharp at night, but they can't see anything during the day. They also can't sense colors and are completely color blind.

However, they still have hearing, and even if insects crawl into the yard and make noises at night, they still cannot escape being pecked by them.

As the night deepens, most chickens return to the breeding beds and gather together to prepare for sleep.

They have developed conditioned reflexes, looking for food in the yard and in the grass outside the wall during the day, and returning to the breeding beds at night, which is their chicken coop.

Seeing the breeding bed on the breeding pond, the old professor shook his head repeatedly: "Raising fish with chicken manure? This is not good, Xiao Ao, you should remove the breeding bed, otherwise there will be problems with your breeding pond below."

Ao Muyang wondered: "Raising chickens and ducks on the breeding pond, isn't this three-dimensional breeding very scientific?"

The old professor continued to shake his head: "No, that's not the case. Chicken manure falls into the breeding pond, which increases the organic matter and fish diseases. There is ammonia nitrogen in chicken manure, which will cause the water color to turn black and affect the water quality."

"Also, have you noticed that the loaches, eels and other fish here like to pop up? This is because chicken manure accumulates at the bottom of the pond, causing the bottom of the pond to lack oxygen. In addition, I see that you have raised Elodea in your pond. After the chicken manure is dissolved in water, the nutrition in the pond is unbalanced, and the algae will be very poor!"

Ao Muyang looked carefully and it was true!

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