Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 503 506. Love to teach others (5)

After all, a professor is a professor, and Li Ji is not the notorious beast on the Internet today. He is a serious oceanography expert, and Ao Muyang learned a lot from him.

Li Ji had a good impression of Ao Muyang, the village chief. First, Ao Muyang treated him enthusiastically, secondly, he treated the entire ocean with enthusiasm, and thirdly, Ao Muyang was eager to learn and had a flexible mind.

The old man was delighted to see Hunter. At first, Ao Muyang pulled him to learn knowledge, and then he pulled Ao Muyang to instill knowledge into him. The two of them actually stayed up until midnight.

Ao Muyang couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Teacher Li, I won't disturb your rest. It's getting late. Let's go to bed first."

The old man said with unfinished content: "Huh? Are you just sleeping like this? My old man doesn't sleep much and doesn't have much sleepiness. Can I tell you about the evolutionary history of reptiles?"

This is the problem. Ao Muyang is now a pragmatist. What he wants to learn is ocean knowledge that is closely related to life.

The old man is an educator. He doesn't care whether it is used in life or not. In short, he throws out a system of knowledge and then forcefully stuffs it into Ao Muyang's head.

After hearing what he said, Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said, "I'm a little sleepy. I have other things to do tomorrow."

The old professor smiled kindly and said: "Are you sleepy? You young man has no energy. When I was your age, in order to become the talent needed for national construction, I never slept at three or four in the morning."

Ao Muyang was stunned: "Then what time did you tell me you would get up?"

Long-term high-load study and work prevent the body from getting enough rest time, which is very harmful to the human body.

The old professor had a nostalgic look on his face: "When do you get up? Sometimes it's noon, sometimes it's the afternoon..."

"..." Ao Muyang didn't know what to say, old man, are you teasing me in the middle of the night?

Seeing his confused face, the old professor laughed and waved his hand: "It's just a joke. In fact, we only sleep four or five hours a day, and we basically have to get up at seven or eight o'clock."

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "This is really tiring, Teacher Li. Your efforts at that time are really admirable, but I can't bear it. I don't get enough sleep..."

"Why do you sleep so much? It's a waste of time!" The old professor continued to teach, "Why sleep for a long time during your lifetime? You will sleep forever after you die!"

Ao Muyang ran away directly!

The old professor is not just interested in studying. His main purpose of staying in the village is to observe the recovery of green sea turtles, and also to take a rest and vacation.

During dinner in the morning, he asked Ao Muyang: "What recreational and relaxing activities do you have in your village?"

Ao Muyang asked back: "Don't you have to seize the time to study?"

The old professor laughed and said: "Studying is for you young people. It's time for us old people to relax."

Ao Muyang thought for a while and said: "There are no specific projects in the village, but the atmosphere is relaxed and the environment is good. It is suitable for finding a place to be bored."

"Nothing to do?" The old professor was quite disappointed.

Ao Muyang said: "That's right. There are a lot of things going on in our farmland."

After contacting him, he found that Li Ji had a lively personality and was good at joking, unlike other old men of his age who were as stiff-minded and lifeless.

After hearing what he said, the old professor smiled and said: "I would like to help you with your work, just as a physical exercise. But I'm afraid that my bones will suffer some work-related injuries, and your village may not be able to bear the consequences."

Ao Muyang said: "Then it will be the middle of the month soon, and there will be a relatively large low tide. You can go to the sea. Our seaside products are still quite abundant."

The old professor nodded: "Well, this is good."

He was not the only one who had this idea. In mid-July, Lu Zhizi also organized students to hold a sea-going activity.

It has already entered the summer vacation, but the children in the village don't have much time to play. During the holidays, Lu Zhizi will work with teachers to provide extra lessons for the children in the village, allowing them to get in touch with things other than textbooks, learn about the world outside the village, and help them develop their interests.

Every now and then, Lu Zhizi will organize some group activities, such as mountain climbing and fitness, spring outings and autumn outings, etc. Sometimes when it is a suitable time to catch the sea, she will also organize students to go to the beach together.

These days, there are only so many resources in the sea. There is not much harvest from catching the sea, at least not a lot of money. Therefore, in recent years, the villagers no longer go to the sea every month when the tide is low. They only go to work twice a year when the tide is low. .

The sea water fell, and a large area of ​​​​the seabed emerged from the water.

Ao Muyang accompanied the old professor to the beach, where a dozen turtles were crawling on the beach.

Nowadays, tourists are not so keen on sea turtles. The novelty of their arrival is much less. In addition, there are killer whales, sperm whales and dolphins in the sea to play, which distracts their attention.

Ao Muyang has removed the isolation zone, so tourists will not easily approach the turtles.

This is because everyone knows that turtles have fibroids. Some tourists don’t know the specific identity of the fibroids and think they are herpes. They are afraid of contracting the disease, so they only take pictures and watch them, but don’t touch them. .

Although sea turtles move slowly on land, they are actually the kings of endurance and can swim around the world's oceans.

Ao Muyang was puzzled: "Teacher Li, why do these turtles stay in our village for so long?"

This is unusual.

Li Ji has been studying sea turtles these two days. He pondered for a moment and said, "I also think this is a bit strange. According to my speculation, I think they may regard the beach outside your village as a new breeding ground. Maybe they will lay eggs here. Of course, this needs to be verified in a few days."

The weather is very good today. There was a strong wind in the past two days. The clouds in the sky were blown to other places. The sky is blue and clear, spotless!

The crystal waves retreated, and a large area of ​​the seabed was exposed. Some small shrimps and crabs did not have time to follow the retreat of the sea water, so they were left on the beach.

The sea water is clear and there are groups of seaweed, which attracts some fish, shrimps and crabs to survive in the sea outside the village. There are more shrimps and crabs at low tide this time than before.

However, it is not easy to catch them. The small crabs are rampant at a very fast speed. They dig holes one after another on the beach and get in as soon as there is a slight disturbance.

Now the average quality of tourists has greatly improved. Most tourists do not kill the small shrimps and crabs. They enjoy the process of interaction more. If the small crabs run away, they will not care.

The newly built low tide dike attracted many tourists. The well-arranged small dikes intercepted some seawater and seaweed. Some tourists uncovered the seaweed and found surprises.

Palm-sized crabs, finger-length shrimps, small fish such as sea crucian carp, they were intercepted by the low tide dike and became gifts that made tourists happy for a while.

Ao Muyang took the old professor to the beach to pick up mud snails, which is a good harvest at low tide.

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