Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 515 518. Re-using power (2)

After the big turtle climbed out of the water, it first raised its head and looked around. This scene was very interesting. The turtle's body was pressed against the beach and its neck was stretched out, as if a head had grown out of the beach.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang couldn't help but laugh: "Hey, this ghost..."

Lu Zhizi kicked him hard in the calf: "Why are you like this now? Will you choke to death if you don't say gangster words?"

Ao Muyang said angrily: "No, what I want to say is this sneaky look, how come he looks like the snake king at home?"

Li Ji was puzzled: "Yes, what kind of hooligan talk is this?"

Lu Zhizi stopped talking. It was strange that she believed Ao Muyang.

After lying on the shore and watching for more than ten minutes, the sea turtle finally started to move again and slowly climbed onto the beach.

Seeing this, Li Ji's face straightened and he said: "This is a female turtle, she is about to lay eggs!"

Climbing onto the shore, the turtle's movements became more and more clumsy.

It has no claws, only flipper-like limbs. It is not easy for this thing to pull at the sand and crawl. It is very heavy. After passing by, it leaves two wide turtle paths on the beach, just like a crawler vehicle running over it.

The three of them watched this scene in silence.

The turtle climbed a total distance of about forty to fifty meters, during which it rested three times. Ao Muyang was so anxious that he wanted to drag it to the beach.

Finally, the female turtle stopped on a high beach that was not flooded by the sea.

At this moment, a dog barking sounded from the village in the distance.

Li Ji exclaimed in shock: "I'm going to suffer!"

Because of the distance, the barking sound was already very low. Ao Muyang whispered: "Will this also scare the female sea turtle?"

Pre-reproductive female sea turtles are extremely cautious and will immediately return to the sea at the slightest disturbance or light or shadow.

Many hunters and some wild animals often wait to capture female turtles that land to lay eggs during this period. Once they are turned upside down on land, the turtles can only wait to die, so the turtles are particularly vigilant at this time.

Fortunately, the turtle just shrank its head and did not return.

Li Ji breathed a sigh of relief and said: "We encountered a brave sea turtle. I did a report on sea turtle laying eggs a few years ago. I have investigated 251 female turtles that landed on land. For various reasons, some of them returned to the sea immediately after landing. There are 102 of them. Of course, they will land again sooner or later. The shortest interval is more than half an hour, and the longest interval is five or six days!"

Although it did not escape back to the sea, the sea turtle did not lay eggs immediately. It just stayed there and watched.

Ao Muyang waited for another half hour, but it still didn't lay eggs. Instead, another turtle climbed up, and it seemed that it was also preparing to lay eggs. This was the only fun in the boring waiting process.

Li Ji comforted him and said, "Be patient. Turtles are very careful in choosing a place to lay their eggs. It must be conducive to the hatching of eggs and difficult to be discovered and destroyed by enemies. Therefore, it takes a long time. On average, it takes 95 minutes. But it should be faster. The time it takes for them to choose a place to lay eggs is usually half an hour.”

This time they encountered a Moji sea turtle. It stayed on the shore for an hour and changed locations many times, but it would not lay eggs.

Of course, the place where it moved was also very close. It climbed out two or three meters at most, and in short, it started to circle around the place it had chosen at the beginning.

On the other hand, the female turtle that climbed ashore behind was more open and happy. She found a place and started working hard.

The big turtle first dug a hole in the sand bit by bit with its forelimbs. After digging for a while, it lay down for a while. Finally, it stopped when the depth of the hole was equal to its own height.

After resting for a while, it lay down in the pit, and then its two hind legs alternately dug a vertical pit under its butt.

Li Ji whispered: "This is the egg pit. Turtles treat this with the most caution when dealing with everything in their lives."

Ao Muyang could see this. Although the turtle looked old and clumsy when it came ashore, its hind limbs were very dexterous when digging holes. Its forelimbs were used to dig out the sand when digging large holes. The back paws turned into spoons, scooping out the sand bit by bit, carefully lifting it up and throwing it out of the pit, even far away.

The turtle from before finally started to dig a hole. Both turtles were digging in the sand. Suddenly, the only sound on the entire beach was the sound of digging sand.

What's left is to lay eggs. Because their bodies are hidden in the pit, Ao Muyang and the others cannot see the eggs they lay.

But the two sea turtles did choose to lay their eggs on the beach. This process is relatively short, and the egg laying is completed in ten minutes at most. The sea turtles raised their heads and looked around again. While looking around, they used their hind legs to push the sand and bury the egg pits.

Finally, they climbed out of the bunker pit, and then used their forelimbs to push the sand to fill the pit. Until the beach became flat, the turtles slowly returned to the sea...

At this time Ao Muyang looked at his phone, it was already half past one in the morning!

After staying up all night, the old man was not sleepy at all.

He opened his eyes in excitement and said, "Hey, hey, sea turtles really lay their eggs here. The green sea turtles chose the beach outside your village as a place to lay their eggs. This is really a big discovery!"

Then he asked Lu Zhizi: "Teacher Xiaolu, how was your video?"

Lu Zhizi checked the video and said: "There is no problem at all. I used the night scene shooting mode and it is quite clear."

Ao Muyang said: "Let's go back to sleep first. I'll find someone to protect this place tomorrow."

If Li Ji can help Longtou Village apply for the next turtle nature reserve, it will be of great help to the village's tourism development.

When he was bored before, he checked online. At present, there is only one national nature reserve for sea turtles in China, which is Luofucheng Nature Reserve located at the junction of Daya Bay and Red Sea Bay. It is a member of the International Biosphere Reserve Network and is listed in the Ramsar Convention International Important Wetland List. Every year, the state allocates tens of millions of dollars for the reserve!

The benefits of being the first deputy captain are reflected again. Ao Muyang contacted the other three deputy captains and formulated a law enforcement team patrol table, arranging team members to protect the reef beach every day.

In addition, he must be busy with sea turtles these days and has no time to keep an eye on Wangjia Village.

So he strengthened the law enforcement of the law enforcement team at sea, especially arranging a ship to patrol the outer sea around Longtou Village-Wangjia Village.

His external explanation was that this move was to prevent people from poaching sea turtles from the sea. In fact, he wanted to make Wangjia Village afraid and not dare to send ships out to sea to do illegal work.

Wang Youwei naturally disagreed. He was also a deputy captain, but it was useless. Ao Muyang directly moved out the two big Buddhas of Dai Zongxi and Su Jinnan.

Dai Zongxi approved the law enforcement team's protection of the sea turtle habitat. After all, this was a big deal for the entire Hongyang. Su Jinnan arranged for the coast guard to come to the waters outside the village to cooperate with law enforcement, because Ao Muyang told him that Wangjia Village might be involved in smuggling activities.

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