Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 516 519. Education and Experience (3)

Seeing the members of the law enforcement team drinking ice water under the umbrella, Ao Muyang nodded: "Well, it feels so good to have power."

Li Ji came to see him and waved from a distance.

Ao Muyang hurried over and asked, "Teacher Li, has the application for the protected area been completed?"

Li Ji imitated Lu Zhizi and rolled his eyes: "How could it be so fast? But there is indeed news about this matter. I asked my friends at the State Oceanic Administration to report the matter here, and then we will find some media to create news. To build momentum, as long as the little turtles can hatch, this will most likely be possible.”

He added: "Believe me, the country now pays special attention to environmental protection and the protection of wild animals. As long as the turtles hatch, your village will definitely benefit a lot."

Now Longtou Village has benefited from the green turtle population. Many media in Hongyang have reported the news of the arrival of green turtles. There are especially many tourists every weekend, and many local office workers in Hongyang are famous for coming.

Ao Muyang used to go to the fishing boats on Biantou Island to put gold drops on the seaweed, but now he releases gold drops directly in the sea outside the village. It seems that these seaweeds have played a great role in developing the village's tourism industry.

This time, Li Ji went to Ao Muyang to talk about the problem of sea turtle eggs hatching.

"Now female sea turtles are starting to come ashore to hatch their eggs, so their hatching time is from mid-to-late September. I checked the temperature of the Red Ocean during this period. The average temperature is 24 degrees 6, and the maximum temperature is 30 degrees 2, with the highest limit The temperature is 35 degrees 5, the minimum temperature is 20 degrees 8, and the extreme minimum temperature is 18 degrees 5. "

Ao Muyang nodded: "It should be like this. The temperature was high last year, and it seems to be relatively high this year. What's wrong?"

Li Jigang was about to answer, but Zhu Zhu rushed to say: "Because the incubation of sea turtle eggs is very affected by the external environment. Green sea turtles hatch at 26 to 28 degrees, and all hatchlings are male. At 32 to 34 degrees, all hatchlings are male. The ones that come out are all females, and there will be some ratio of hatching sex.”

Ao Xiaoniu, who was following Ao Muyang, asked in surprise: "Are you talking nonsense, Xiaozhu, is there such a thing? What about lower than 26 degrees?"

Li Ji looked at Zhu Zhu in surprise, and Zhu Zhu curled his lips and said with a smile: "How stupid, it must be that the temperature is too low to hatch."

Ao Xiaoniu said unconvinced: "What if the temperature is higher than thirty-four degrees?"

Zhu Zhu said: "It's almost done."

Li Ji was very surprised. He said to Ao Muyang: "This kid knows so much. This is almost professional knowledge in herpetology. Even professional college students may not understand it."

Ao Muyang was also surprised: "Xiao Zhu, how do you know this?"

Zhu Zhu played with a bug nonchalantly and said, "I heard Grandpa Li call about this this morning, and I remembered it."

Seeing that everyone around her was looking at her, the little girl's vanity rose, so she threw away the bug and said: "This phenomenon is relatively common in the reptile world. For example, the gender of crocodiles and lizards is also related to the incubation temperature. , but they are just the opposite of sea turtles. When the temperature is high, there are more males, and when the temperature is low, there are more females..."

Li Jidao: "Grandpa never said this."

Zhu Zhu said: "It is available on the IPAD. I searched for it and found these natural knowledge materials. Also, this characteristic of reptiles is to ensure a general gender balance in the descendants of the population."

"Take sea turtles, for example. They need to go ashore to lay eggs, and their egg-laying seasons are sometimes early and sometimes late. The temperature is different, and the location selection is also random. Some are sunny, some are shady, and the degree of sunlight exposure is different. The eggs are laid in pits. , some are at the bottom of the pit, some are in the upper part, and the buried sand is either deep or shallow, so that each egg is affected by temperature differently, so that the male and female ratio of the hatched turtles can be kept normal and they will not be of the same color. The country of girls or the country of boys.”

Ao Muyang touched her head speechlessly. The little girl was smarter than he imagined and had a strong learning ability, but this was normal.

Before she came to Longtou Village, Yan Qingcheng had kept her locked in a boudoir. She studied in addition to studying every day, and her learning relied on electronic tools, so she is now very good at using electronic tools.

However, this has led to her deficiencies in human relations and social life. In terms of knowledge reserve, Zhu Zhu can reach the level of a teenager three or four years older than herself. In terms of life experience, Zhu Zhu is just like those seven or seven years old. Like an eight-year-old child.

This was because she had gained experience by playing with children of the same age after coming to Longtou Village. When Ao Muyang first met her, she looked like a five or six-year-old child.

Yan Qingcheng also discovered this problem and allowed his daughter to grow up in Longtou Village.

What Zhu Zhu wants to do now is not to learn cultural knowledge, but to learn more about society and experience life.

Old teachers like Li Ji like gifted children the most. He looked at Zhu Zhu kindly and said, "Little girl, would you like to apply for your grandfather's university in the future? When you start studying for your master's degree, your grandfather will be your tutor."

Zhu Zhu shook his head: "No, I don't want to go to college."

Li Ji was stunned: "Ah? Then what do you want to do in the future?"

Zhu Zhu looked at the ocean with high spirits and waved, saying: "I want to conquer this ocean, I want to be the queen of the ocean, and I want to sail around the world on a sailboat!"

Li Ji laughed loudly and said, "The wandering life is very hard."

Zhu Zhu wondered: "Why? I want to go wherever I want, see so many scenery, and meet so many friends. How can this be hard?"

Li Jidao: "But you are going far away and you need money to support you."

Zhu Zhu frowned: "Do you want money? Oh, yes, it usually costs money, but it doesn't matter, I just ask my mother for money."

Li Ji's smile became even brighter, and his addiction to preaching was back again. He was ready to teach the little girl a good lesson and establish a correct outlook on life and values ​​for the little girl.

With a slight cough, he said: "Living against the wall, relying on the mother-in-law. In life, you still have to rely on yourself. Especially when it comes to making money, you have to rely on yourself even more. Your mother's money must be used to support yourself in your old age..."

"Her mother is Yan Qingcheng, the president of Blue Boat Works." Ao Xiaoniu said.

Compared with Zhu Zhu, he has much richer life experience and is much more sensible. He knows very well what Zhu Zhu's family background represents.

Li Ji's smile froze!

Zhu Zhu didn't notice anything wrong with this conversation. She nodded naturally and said, "Yes, my mother is Yan Qingcheng. My ideal is to travel around the world. Brother Xiaoniu, what is your ideal?"

Ao Xiaoniu said: "Make a lot of money, cure my mother's illness, buy her a big villa in Hongyang, hire servants to take care of her and make her happy."

Zhu Zhu immediately shook her head: "No, no, it's not fun at all to live in a villa and have a nanny to take care of you. What makes people happy is to do the things they like with the people they like!"

At this moment, Ao Muyang felt that the little girl was not as innocent and childish as he imagined.

The next moment, Zhu Zhu continued: "I have always lived in a big villa, but I just wasn't happy. My mother thought I didn't like the place where I lived, so she gave me a big villa to live in every year, but I was still unhappy. Instead, I stayed with you. It’s more fun to catch cicadas and fish together. Let’s go, it’s not good to live in a villa, let’s go have some fun.”

The little girl ran out like a storm. Ao Xiaoniu touched her nose and said, "I really want to live an unhappy life like you for a few days..."

Li Ji felt that his idea was wrong. He saw that Ao Xiaoniu was a child of a fisherman, so he wanted to educate him, but Ao Xiaoniu didn't give him a chance and ran away as soon as he opened his mouth.

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