Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 522 525. Devil Eel (4)

Ao Muyang treated all the boxes, whether they were boxes of gold and jewelry or boxes of silver, with eye-catching colors and chains to facilitate fixing them on the tiger saddle.

It is not easy to come to Beibu Gulf, and it is even more difficult to transport gold, silver and jewelry from Beibu Gulf, so Ao Muyang strives to search thoroughly. He is very careful and searches all the places where gold and silver may be hidden.

Some water caves contain copper coins of the time, which are genuine antiques and cultural relics. Many of them are more valuable than gold, but they have been completely destroyed by being soaked in sea water until today.

There are also some precious official kiln porcelains of the time. Similarly, they have been destroyed by seawater corrosion and plankton parasitism.

In fact, in addition to gold and silver, most of the other items such as porcelain, copper coins, jade, pearls, etc. have been destroyed and are no longer valuable.

After searching the water caves, Ao Muyang conservatively estimated that he brought back 200 kilograms of gold!

The specific gravity and density of gold are too high. As long as a palm-sized piece weighs one kilogram!

On the contrary, silver is not as much as expected. Its volume is roughly seven or eight times that of gold, but considering that the density of silver is only about half of that of gold, it is calculated that these silver weigh less than one ton.

Fully loaded with gold and silver, Ao Muyang took the tiger on his way home at night.

From the Beibu Gulf to Zhuantou Island, even if it is driven continuously at the highest speed, it takes more than a day and a night.

Among them, the sea fishing boat can drive continuously, but the tiger cannot. It must rest. It is already August when it returns to Zhuantou Island.

Fortunately, the journey was calm and smooth. Ao Muyang encountered two waves of coast guards, but they all belonged to the Hongyang Coast Guard Detachment. Both sides knew each other and did not suspect him.

These gold and silver boxes were hidden by him in the seaweed jungle of Zhuantou Island. Hiding here is even safer than hiding under the ancient temple. No one can find the boxes hidden in the clumps of seaweed on the seabed.

Seeing Ao Muyang coming, old man Ao Zhibing hurriedly said: "Boss, I was just about to tell you that our fishery has encountered some problems."

"What's wrong?"

The old man said helplessly: "It's like this. A big tuna in the fishery spawned a while ago..."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang was very surprised: "Tuna spawned? That's great!"

As far as he knows, humans know very little about the spawning of bluefin tuna because it has not been scientifically observed. Although Japan has completed the artificial breeding of tuna, it has not yet achieved artificial control of bluefin tuna reproduction.

Now people know that wild bluefin tuna spawn at different times in different seas, such as spawning in the Gulf of Mexico from April to June, and spawning in the Mediterranean from June to August.

According to the speculation of fishery science, the difference in spawning time of bluefin tuna in the wild is caused by many factors, such as different environmental factors and genetic variation.

Bluefin tuna lay eggs in the fishing grounds. Ao Muyang does not expect his own fishing grounds to complete their artificial breeding. He only hopes that the big fish will lay small fish, thus forming an important link in the food chain.

A female bluefin tuna can produce up to 10 million eggs per year on average. Their eggs have buoyancy and are distributed over a considerable distance through surface currents, and then hatch into small fish, which can be almost scattered throughout the fishing grounds.

These 10 million eggs may not all hatch, but even if one-fifth of them hatch, there will be 2 million small fish. The small fish prey on plankton in the water and can become food for large fish, shrimps and crabs.

Seeing his face full of joy, the old man smiled bitterly: "What's good about it? These fish attract devil eels!"

Upon hearing this, Ao Muyang frowned.

Devil eels are the name given to lampreys by the red foreigners. Ao Muyang had come into contact with lampreys some time ago. At that time, this fish parasitized on porpoises and asked him to pick them off one by one.

Old man Ao Zhiman said: "About three days ago, a bluefin tuna kept flapping on the sea surface. I thought it had some problem, but later I found that it had two devil eels parasitizing on its back."

"Did you get it off?"

The old man shook his head helplessly: "How can I do this? The tuna kept running away, and I couldn't get close at all. Only Jin Huizi had good eyesight and saw that there were devil eels on its back. Later, I caught a large yellow croaker and took a look, and found devil eels again. Tell me, why did so many of these things suddenly appear?"

The sudden appearance of lampreys is indeed very rare. They are parasitic fish. Although they have the ability to move, they rarely take the initiative to travel long distances to change their habitats.

So for lampreys, how far is a long distance? Ten kilometers is considered a long distance!

Ao Muyang dares to guarantee that when he opened the fishery, there were definitely no lampreys within a ten-kilometer radius, because there were no big fish here at that time, and lampreys must parasitize big fish to survive.

Grandpa Ao Zhibing meant that the fry of the tuna attracted the lampreys. Indeed, in addition to parasitizing large fish, lampreys may also catch very small fish fry as food.

Lampreys have good eyesight, well-developed eyes, and a big mouth. When there are no large fish to parasitize, they will also chase the fry of fish.

Ao Muyang thought that this was not the case. He thought of the huge sperm whale. Perhaps the sperm whale brought these lampreys.

He had never found any traces of lampreys on sperm whales, which was normal. Compared with the huge size of sperm whales, lampreys were too small, and sperm whales had many scars on their bodies, so lampreys could hide in the folds of their skin to survive.

This was not a top priority. The top priority was to help the bluefin tuna deal with these parasites.

He learned about the situation and then dived into the water.

The bluefin tuna's swimming route was traceable. He waited near an oxygen generator and soon saw the big tuna that came to live together.

He released a little gold droplets and scattered them in the water, and the two tunas were immediately attracted.

At this time, Ao Muyang approached them, wanting to grab the gills and help them deal with the lampreys parasitic on their backs.

As a result, the bluefin tuna were very afraid of people. I don't know if it was because they ate too few gold drops or it was their nature. They were not as close to Ao Muyang as the tigers and dolphins. When he approached, the two fish quickly ran away.

After several attempts, Ao Muyang failed. He could only float to the surface temporarily. Obviously, he could not remove the lamprey from the tuna by his own strength.

He was thinking hard about how to deal with the lampreys at the fishery. In the evening, a phone call came from the village: Ao Mupeng, who he sent to monitor the Wangjia Village Wharf, contacted him.

When the call was connected, Ao Mupeng said: "Dragon Head, the Tutulong next door to Mala has sailed out. What should we do?"

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