Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 523 526. So that's it (5)

The people in Longtou Village all hated the Tutu Dragon. The name was clearly directed at their village, and it had a very sinister nature. For the superstitious fishermen, the existence of this ship was a thorn in their hearts and a knot in their throats.

Ao Muyang knew that Wangjiacun was involved in maritime smuggling, so he launched several maritime patrols as the first deputy captain of the law enforcement team some time ago.

Among them, the key water area to be scanned in Anzhou County is the area around Wangjia Village, where the Tutu Dragon has been held back on the village pier, unable to move.

Sure enough, Wang Youwei couldn't handle it anymore recently. He was also the deputy captain, so he teamed up with the other two deputy captains to report to the police, saying that the law enforcement team had made no gains recently, but they were still dispatched frequently, which was a waste of people and money.

In this way, under Dai Zongxi's order, the law enforcement team temporarily entered a rest period.

But Ao Muyang did not let Wangjiacun go. He sent his own people to monitor the Wangjiacun Pier and report any developments to him.

At night, the weather was gloomy, and the white hull of the Tutu Dragon disappeared into the vast ocean.

No one noticed that such a fishing boat entered the ocean, and no one noticed that a killer whale cut through the waves and caught up with the boat.

The tiger hated the fishing boat in front of it. It was a pity that it had just run an ultra-long marathon. It was as tired as the Red Army soldiers during the Long March. It had just rested for half a day, and then it had to hit the road again.

However, it sometimes thanks the fishing boat, because it has more gold drops to eat when traveling long distances, and it can eat a drop every once in a while, which is much more frequent than usual.

There is a sea snake coiled on the saddle. This is the snake king, who was brought to the sea by Ao Muyang today.

The sea snake also hates the fishing boat in front of it. It actually doesn't like the feeling of being submerged in the water.

You must know that sea snakes are reptiles. Like land reptiles, they also rely on lungs to breathe and cannot stay underwater for a long time.

This is why the Queen was able to successfully catch escaped sea snakes a few days ago, which have to surface from time to time or even hang around for long periods of time.

The King Snake has an upward-facing nostril with a valve, which can be opened and closed at will. Each time it inhales air, it closes the valve and can lurk in the water for twenty minutes.

But it’s not a good feeling to be unable to breathe freely like this, but it can’t get angry if it’s unhappy. Now when it turns its head, it can see that it’s coiled on something. This thing is so big that it can’t even fit between its teeth. .

The Tutu Dragon doesn't drive very fast, but at least the Orca can easily keep up.

They traveled at least 150 kilometers. After midnight, the fishing boat entered the vast ocean and merged with a large cargo ship.

The cargo ship transported some things onto the Tu Tu Long - during the process, Ao Muyang saw several other fishing boats, all of them waiting to receive the boxes unloaded from the cargo ship.

Ao Muyang took pictures with an underwater camera while watching, and took very clear pictures of the Tutu Dragon. Sometimes Wang Dongliang appeared on the bow of the ship, and he would take a few pictures carefully.

After loading the boxes, the Tutu Dragon began its return journey. Instead of returning the same way it came, it made a circle. At about three or four o'clock in the morning, huge pieces of ice dragged the foam boxes and sank to the bottom of the sea.

In this way, the ice cubes melt slowly and the foam box rises slowly.

Ao Muyang waited patiently here. He knew that it would not be long before a speedboat came to salvage these boxes.

After a night of observation, he already understood the details of this smuggling method.

The international transport ship first takes the goods to the ocean waters beyond the control of the coast guard detachment. At this time, fishing boats come to pick up the goods, and then the fishing boats throw the goods offshore. Finally, the smuggling gangs send ships to pick up the goods and bring them ashore.

In this process, because the first step with the transport ship is a fishing boat that the coast guard rarely inquires about, it is very safe. The reason why the fishing boat does not take the cargo ashore after receiving it is to minimize the exposure rate and reduce the risk of being caught by the coast guard. Doubt the possibility.

After dawn, fishing boats or small yachts go out to sea. These boats have limited range and cannot go to the distant sea to meet smuggling ships, so the coast guard will not suspect them and they are equally safe.

Thus, two safe voyages were combined to complete an illegal maritime transport activity.

It is impossible to guard against it. This is why the Coast Guard detachment is so dedicated to its duties, but there is still a steady stream of smuggled goods flowing into Hongyang Market.

The Coast Guard mainly blocks land checkpoints, such as every dock and every port. They arrange soldiers to patrol, but this is useless, because the smuggling operation is carried out in stages, and the focus is not on the land at all...

Ao Muyang stayed in the sea until about nine o'clock in the morning, when a fishing boat galloped up.

By this time, the ice had almost melted, and the inflatable foam box had great buoyancy and was close to the sea surface.

A few men on the boat got busy. Wang Dongliang wiped his eyes, yawned and walked out and said, "Well, Brother Hu, this is the place."

Brother Hu nodded and said: "I know, Daliang, you can go on to sleep. As long as the coordinates are set well, I will ask the brothers to go down and pick up the things. Tell your dad that the sea ban is almost over, and we have to work harder in the remaining time." Good job."

After the maritime ban was lifted, fishing boats roamed the sea, and smuggling ships followed suit. At that time, there would be more smuggling business and the pressure of competition would be greater.

Wang Dongliang spat and said: "Made, it's not all that bad village chief Ao Muyang from Longtou Village. He is the first deputy captain of the Maritime Law Enforcement Team. This bastard uses chicken feathers as arrows and always asks law enforcement The team went out on patrol, so we didn’t dare to go to sea.”

Brother Hu said with a gloomy face: "The guy we met last time?"

Seeing that he was going to deal with Ao Muyang, Wang Dongliang exaggerated and said: "Yes, it's him, from Magobi, Brother Hu, we must get him, get him..."

"A young boy, let your father deal with him." Brother Hu said disdainfully, "Don't tell me that your father can't even deal with a twenty-year-old kid."

Wang Dongliang said: "How is that possible, you see, the good days of that grandson are coming to an end, my father got the inside information, the law enforcement team will change the captain in early August, my father has already arranged all the relationships, he must be the new captain. Hehe, let's see how we deal with this grandson then..."

"Brother Hu, there is a box over there." A big man pointed to the front and said.

Brother Hu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, get to work."

He took off his shirt himself and swam towards the box that floated to the surface with a chic swimming style

Wang Dongliang clapped and shouted from behind: "Brother Hu's freestyle posture is beautiful, wow, breaststroke, wow, butterfly stroke! Brother Hu is awesome, Brother Hu is a swimming athlete!"

After changing several postures in a row, Brother Hu swam to the side of the box and reached out to grab the rope on the box.

When he got the rope, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Was the rope a little too thick today? And why was it so cold? And so slippery?

He looked at it in astonishment and screamed: "Wow!!!"

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