Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 524 527. Go, retrieve the body (1/5)

Chapter 524 527. Go and get the corpse (15)

Brother Tiger's scream was like Moses roaring on the shore of the Red Sea, but the Prophet roared open the water of the Red Sea and built an undersea tunnel, and Brother Tiger's scream shocked his men. trembling.

Everyone looked in shock and saw that the usually calm and domineering Brother Tiger had now turned into a good girl who encountered the Japanese soldiers. She screamed and fluttered, and struggled in the water so hard.

"What's wrong?" someone asked subconsciously.

Standing high and looking far away, Wang Dongliang on the bow shouted: "Brother Tiger must have cramps! Go and pull him!"

A gangster swam nearby immediately. At this time, Brother Tiger's scream sounded: "Magobi, sea python!"

"What the hell?" the gangster swimming quickly towards him asked loudly.

No need to ask, they knew what was going on when they got closer: they saw a colorful sea snake that was probably three meters long and as wide as the mouth of a bowl coiled around Brother Tiger. Brother Tiger pinched the sea snake's head with both hands, and the sea snake was He contracted his body vigorously, twisting him like dumpling stuffing.

Someone was immediately shocked: "Dig dig grass! What about the disaster of the wild python?"

After taking the golden drops, the Snake King grew a little bigger than before, already three meters long.

The length of three meters is considered a python for snakes, which is quite a terrifying size.

The gangsters who were scrambling to express themselves immediately swam back when they saw the sea snake. They wished they had two more arms and three legs. They used all their energy to suck the milk and were so scared that they peed their pants.

"What should I do, Brother Tiger?" someone asked.

"Brother Tiger is cold!"

Brother Tiger's voice suddenly sounded: "Are you drafting it? I'm fighting it! Come and save me! Come on! Dig a trench to help!"

The Snake King's head was tightly pressed by Brother Tiger's hands, and it was unable to break free for a moment.

This is a weakness of snakes. They are not very strong at certain points in their bodies. If you look at the news from Cambodia, India and other countries, you will know that local children can hold down the head of a python.

But the strangulation power of snakes is extremely strong, which is related to their muscle structure. Once they are coiled up, even an adult will be strangled to death!

The snake king is too big, and his colorful body is too ferocious. The gangsters are not iron-blooded warriors, how can they dare to intervene?

Saving Brother Tiger is a great achievement, and the rewards are many, but what's the use of more? There is no life to enjoy at all, and in the eyes of the gangsters, Brother Hu is dead.

The great thing about sea snakes is not their strength, but their venom. Such a big sea snake can bite even a rhinoceros and make it look like the King of Hell!

Because they did not expect to encounter a sea snake in the sea, they did not prepare snake venom serum, and this place is still two hours away from the Red Ocean. If they are bitten, they will wait for burial at sea.

Wang Dongliang on the boat was very anxious: "What's going on? Who is busy?"

"You bastard, sea python, it's a python! Are you fooling him? It's a python in the sea!" shouted the fastest swimmer.

Wang Dongliang was confused: "What is a sea python? Where can there be pythons in the sea?"

The bastard climbed onto the boat and stretched out his arm, pointing at his wrist and saying: "It's as thick as a horse, and it looks like a **** when it's wrapped around Brother Tiger. If it's not a python, what is this?"

Wang Dongliang was stunned for a moment: "How is it possible? How can there be such a big sea snake in the sea? There are no sea snakes here in Hongyang!"

"Are you drafting it? What kind of barren place did you choose? How did you choose a place with sea snakes?" The gangsters quickly put the shit basin on his head.

"Ma Gebi, you killed Brother Tiger, it was you who killed Brother Tiger!" Others followed up and pushed up the urinal.

They were roaring, but suddenly there was no sound from Brother Hu.

Everyone's hearts trembled when they saw this, and someone said sadly: "It's over, Brother Tiger is dead!"

As he said, Brother Hu's body lay motionless on the box. The waves hit the box and floated slowly, making his body sway.

"What's going on, take Brother Tiger's body back, ugh."

"But is the python here? It's a bit risky. It was trampled and it got on the boat."

"Yes, we can't let it get on the ship, otherwise we will all die! That thing is scarier than an alien!"

"You said our good crime movie was made into a horror movie? Brother Tiger is already dead, but Brother Tiger is actually dead! It's over, it's over!"

"Let this boy from the village go retrieve Brother Tiger's body. Stop talking nonsense first and let's retrieve Brother Tiger's body."

After hearing what the gangsters said, Wang Dongliang was so frightened that he farted on the spot: "What the hell, what do you mean? Brothers, there is a sea python underwater."

"Didn't you say it's impossible?" A fat-bellied bastard said in a sinister voice, "Don't be afraid, there are no sea pythons underwater, nothing."

Wang Dongliang shook his head vigorously: "Brother, don't be like this, this..."

"Get out of here." A bastard kicked him down angrily.

Wang Dongliang was almost scared to death in the water. He stepped on the water and shouted: "Don't be like this, don't be like this, let me get up, you are murdering! You are killing people!"

Someone found a crossbow and pointed it at him, and said viciously: "Are you going to retrieve the corpse? Are you drafting it? If you don't go, I will kill you now. When the time comes, I will stuff you into a box with the rocks and throw you into the sea. How long do you think it will take for someone to come?" Found your body?"

Listening to this, Wang Dongliang suddenly felt that the sun was not strong today. Not only was the sun not hot, it was also a bit cold.

He didn't know if these people would really do this, but after all, the other party was not a good person. He didn't dare to gamble, so he could only swim in the direction of Brother Hu in despair.

After approaching with fear, he found that the so-called sea snake was nowhere to be seen.

He dived into the water and looked around. There was no sign of the sea snake in the water. Although he couldn't see far or clearly, since it was a sea snake, its head should be very big, so he could always find traces.

Feeling relieved, Wang Dongliang slowly approached Brother Hu. Everything was normal.

He looked at Brother Hu carefully, and then shouted in surprise: "Brother Hu is still alive, Brother Hu is not dead!"

The bastards on the boat looked at each other. It was hard to say whether Brother Hu was dead or not, but the boy was definitely fine. The sea snake was gone.

So they bravely drove the boat over, and you pulled me and I pulled Brother Hu onto the boat.

During the dragging process, Brother Tiger's head was inevitably bumped. After two bumps, Brother Tiger opened his eyes: "Fuck, what hit my head?"

Hearing his full-blooded words, everyone was overjoyed: "Brother Tiger, are you not dead?"

Brother Tiger stood up and kicked the man in front of him and said: "You are the one who died - damn, that's right, I'm not dead, I'm fine?"

"Brother Tiger, look quickly, is there any place bitten by a poisonous snake?"

Brother Tiger waved his hand and said: "It definitely didn't bite me, but this place is not normal, I was knocked unconscious just now, I was pulled by a water ghost and knocked unconscious by him!"

"Ah?" A group of people were stunned, how could this be connected to the water ghost?

Brother Tiger didn't say much extra words, perhaps because he felt embarrassed to be unconscious in front of his men. He looked around the sea with a gloomy face, and finally said: "Give up this coordinate, and don't come here again in the future."

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