Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 531 534. Snake King Working (3)

Money is no problem, Ao Muyang nodded with satisfaction.

Brother Shark and his party were ready to evacuate. Before leaving, he shook hands with Ao Muyang: "Boss, with this transaction, we can trust each other. Next time you have good goods to sell, you must find me. Next time, I can bring 40 or 50 million!"

Ao Muyang's muscles stiffened: "40 or 50 million?!"

Hearing the shock in his tone, Brother Shark laughed: "Boss, you may not understand the situation outside when you were in the army before. In fact, there are so many rich people now. 40 or 50 million is a small matter for our business. Sprinkle water!"

After saying this, he boarded the boat and left, standing at the stern and waving enthusiastically.

Watching the boat go away, Ao Muyang packed up and prepared to go into the water.

The snake king ambushed at his feet was not used. He originally thought that the other party might come to rob the thieves.

As a result, although Brother Shark and his party were very powerful and fierce at first, they became honest after he showed his gun, and the transaction process went smoothly.

It was smoother than Ao Muyang expected!

But think about it, 18 million RMB is a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but for a slightly classy gangster, this money is just so-so.

In super first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, this money is enough to buy two houses, and in second-tier cities, this money is just the wealth of some small bosses.

These days, RMB is not so valuable. It takes 10 or 20 million to open a slightly upscale hotel club. For Brother Shark who is engaged in heavy metal black market transactions, this money is really nothing.

If there are real estate tycoons behind him, then this money is even less. Now it takes tens of millions to develop a building at random.

The suitcase Brother Shark uses to carry money is a polycarbonate cash box, which is much higher in quality than the Xmer box used by the popular Internet celebrity singer to defraud his girlfriend.

This box is light and strong, and has a waterproof gel zipper. It is very airtight. There is a desiccant in the interlayer. Even if the closed box is thrown into the water for a month, the coins inside will not get damp.

Ao Muyang tied the boxes to the saddle one by one and then returned.

Tiger frowned, why did he still carry so many things on the way back?

Although the polycarbonate box has a certain waterproof ability, it is not resistant to water pressure, so it cannot be thrown into the deep sea blue hole, otherwise the box will collapse in one or two days.

So how to store these boxes has become a difficult problem. Ao Muyang can only hide them on Brick Island temporarily. After all, there are few people on the island. Jin Huizi and his wife, Zhong Cang and his wife, and Ao Zhibing are not people who like to touch his things casually.

After returning to the fishing ground, he still has to solve the problem of parasitic lampreys.

This matter is not very urgent. Although lampreys parasitize large fish and eat their flesh and blood, the population will not multiply and expand, because they are born in rivers and grow in the sea. Like salmon, they have to go to freshwater basins to lay eggs and hatch small fish.

Ao Muyang has no good ideas, he can only try.

This time he set his sights on the snake king. After eating the golden drops, the snake king became much more sensible and almost became his pet. Of course, strictly speaking, it is now the pet of the head of state. When the head of state is bored, he will tease it.

Because of the violent education of the head of state, the snake king is now so honest. He stays in the pool all day and does not come out. At most, he will surface to breathe, and then he has to quickly shrink back.

Ao Muyang is interested in the snake king's ability to wrap around. He plans to let the snake king wrap around the bluefin tuna and then swallow the lamprey.

He took the snake king into the water and taught the snake king to recognize this fish.

There are quite a few lampreys coming to the fishing ground, hundreds of them, some parasitizing on the yellow croaker, and some parasitizing on the bluefin tuna.

It is easy to deal with the lampreys parasitizing on the yellow croaker. The yellow croaker has eaten too many golden drops and is not very afraid of Ao Muyang, allowing him to approach.

Especially when Ao Muyang releases the golden drops, they will take the initiative to approach.

It was with this opportunity that Ao Muyang caught a lamprey with yellow croaker parasitizing it, and then fed it to the snake king.

Like land snakes, sea snakes also swallow food directly.

Ao Muyang was afraid that the lamprey would parasitize inside its body after being swallowed whole, which would be troublesome. He could only say three things like Bian Que: There is no cure, wait for death, see you in the next life.

So, he taught the snake king to bite the lamprey first.

The snake king's poison was too strong. Its teeth gently scratched a wound on the lamprey, and at most one minute, the lamprey immediately became stiff.

When the snake king identified the lamprey, Ao Muyang trained it to wrap around the yellow croaker to eat this fish.

After several trainings, the snake king understood what he meant.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang took the snake king to the vicinity of an oxygen generator again.

After a while, the tuna swam together.

Ao Muyang pointed his finger over, and the snake king looked at him in confusion: Damn, this fish is so big, it's an atomic bomb, we can't touch it!

Watching the tuna absorb oxygen and drift away freely, Ao Muyang was furious: he knew that sea snakes were timid, but he didn't expect that sea snakes were so timid!

He clenched his fist at the snake king, and the snake king immediately lay horizontally in the water, motionless, drifting with the current...

"Fuck, playing dead?!" Old Ao was shocked.

The snake king floated in the water like a stick with his eyes open, and died with his eyes open.

After a few minutes, it couldn't hold it anymore, and it was still like a stick, except for the tail that swayed like a paddle, and then the stick floated to the surface of the water.

Seeing this scene, Lao Ao was shocked again. Sea snakes have this ability? It is impossible. Snakes need the joint action of all muscles to move.

To be the king of snakes, this sea snake is indeed capable, but it is a little timid.

Fortunately, Lao Ao is educated and knows how to solve such problems: two peaches kill three warriors!

When the tuna approached again, he flicked a little gold drop into the water.

The snake king did not pretend to be dead, and quickly shook his head and swam over.

As a result, the tuna pounced with the momentum of a dragon and a tiger, opened its big mouth like a bulldozer, the water flow was turbulent, and the gold drop disappeared...

This time the snake king was not afraid of them, and he coiled up after approaching.

The tuna swam in the water in panic, and the lamprey parasitic on its back was immediately thrown into the water. Seeing this, the snake king subconsciously bit it, and soon the lamprey was hit and stiffened into a stick.

Ao Muyang collected these fish sticks, lamprey is a delicacy.

Even if they have venom in their bodies, it does not affect their consumption. The venom of the snake king is a blood toxin that needs blood to work. It is easily destroyed under high temperatures. The toxins in the lamprey will decompose after it is cooked, and it is not dangerous to be eaten by people.

After dealing with the lampreys in the fishery, Ao Muyang is now completely safe and waiting to follow the study group organized by the Fisheries Bureau to the Xisha Sea.

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