Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 532 535. A blessed land in the South China Sea (4)

Thousands of miles of Changsha, thousands of miles of stone ponds.

Breaking through the sea fog in the early morning, the Hongyang expedition fleet officially entered the beautiful and rich Xisha waters.

Four days ago, the inspection and study activities officially started. One captain and four deputy captains of the law enforcement team were all recruited by the Fisheries Bureau to join the fleet.

Before leaving, Dai Zongxi gave an affectionate message to the law enforcement team: "We are all comrades in the trenches, and there is no conflict that cannot be resolved. Captain Xiao Ao and Vice Captain Wang, I hope you can use this sea voyage to clear up the past and become partners at work." A good partner and a good comrade.”

He saw the incompatibility between Ao Muyang and Wang Youwei. Everyone in the law enforcement team knew about the conflict between them.

Faced with Dai Zongxi's expectations, the two of them were moved to tears and said that they were all good comrades. After leaving the dock and boarding the ship, they didn't say a word until now.

Ao Muyang had been to the South China Sea before, but had not reached the Xisha Sea. He still had a strong sense of novelty about the southeasternmost territory and territorial waters of the motherland.

Entering the Xisha waters, their primary destination is the pearl of the Xisha Islands, Yongxing Island.

The Xisha Islands are part of the South China Sea Islands. They are located in the central area of ​​the South China Sea. They are located in a bustling area. The entire archipelago is composed of reefs, beaches, reefs, sand islands and sandbars. It is small in area. The total area of ​​the archipelago is only about ten square kilometers.

However, the islands here are dotted in circles, with complex terrain, beautiful scenery, and rich aquatic resources. It is an important fishing ground in the southern waters of the country and is known for its beauty and richness.

During the annual sea ban period, guarding the fishery resources in the Xisha waters is the top priority of the local fishery bureau and coast guard detachment. Because the resources here are rich, no matter how strict the policies are, people will come to poach.

A fleet of three fishing boats, a scientific research ship, a passenger ship, and a fishing boat, traveled day and night, and finally entered the Xisha waters in early and late August.

Seagulls flew slowly, and the crisp cries of gulls sounded from time to time in the low sky.

The climate in the tropics is treacherous and changeable. The sky is still full of stars in the early morning, and then a heavy rain suddenly falls in the morning.

The person in charge of the scientific research ship is named Cao Chuanzong. He smiled and said: "The girl from Xisha must have Dai blood."

Su Jinnan, who was drinking ice water, asked curiously: "Professor Cao, why do you say that? There is a huge gap between here and southern Yunnan, where the Dai people belong. What is the relationship between the two?"

Ao Muyang thought for a moment. He didn't remember that there was any connection between the Xisha Islands and the Dai people.

Cao Chuanzong smiled and said: "If you go to the Dai people, the Dai girls will welcome us with the etiquette of the Water Splashing Festival. Now that we have arrived at the Xisha girl's house, she is also using the etiquette of the Water Splashing Festival to welcome us. Doesn't this illustrate the relationship between the two? ?”

The people on the boat laughed, and Su Jinnan felt baffled: "What the hell? Forget it, I am a rough guy who doesn't understand the jokes of you educated people."

"Yongxing Island is ahead." An accompanying officer and soldier from the South China Sea Coast Guard detachment said excitedly pointing forward.

Ao Muyang held up an umbrella and walked onto the deck. He looked forward and saw that in the mist and rain, the entire ocean became dim. It was no longer clear which was the sky and which was the sea. They seemed to be floating in the sky and seemed to be sinking. Entering the sea, a subtle feeling appeared.

Looking far into the distance, a blurry shadow appeared at the junction of the sky and the sea, which was Yongxing Island.

If the Paracel Islands are a laurel crown in the South China Sea, then Woody Island is the brightest pearl on the laurel crown.

The fleet is not too far across the island, and it won't take long to get there.

But Nanhai once again showed his unpredictable temper in front of them. It was still raining heavily before, but suddenly the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, and the sun enveloped the earth.

Just in time, when the fleet docked at the island pier, this beautiful island came into view.

Woody Island covers an area of ​​less than two square kilometers, but it is the largest island in the Paracel Islands. It has all the beautiful characteristics of a tropical island, with clear turquoise water and crystal white beaches.

What's valuable is that the entire island is surrounded by beaches. The delicate beaches wrap around the edge of the island like jade belts. The island is green all year round, with lush trees and flowers. The green and white form a sharp contrast. Ao Muyang feels touched at a glance. The impact.

Zhao Wenhui, an officer of the South China Sea Coast Guard Detachment, came over and saluted Su Jinnan and said: "Captain Su, you and your comrades from the expedition team are going to go to the island to rest. A law enforcement ship will go out to sea in the afternoon, and you can follow and visit."

Su Jinnan asked: "During the visit, is there anything you need our help with?"

Zhao Wenhui said confidently: "This is not necessary. You and your comrades can just sail with the ship. What we have to deal with this afternoon are a few small shrimps. It is very simple to deal with them."

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "Already have a target?"

Zhao Wenhui turned to look at him and said: "Yes, Captain Ao, our detachment has been eyeing a poaching fleet two days ago. It is expected that they will enter a sea area suitable for arrest this afternoon."

After hearing this, Ao Muyang became interested and said: "It is difficult to track poaching ships at sea. Do you have any tips?"

Zhao Wenhui smiled and said: "There is no secret, just rely on the help of the radar of the navy brothers on the island."

Su Jinnan shook his head and said: "Then I can't learn much from this. We don't have naval radar to help."

Zhao Wenhui said: "Hongyang has a powerful fleet stationed there. If we compare resources, we can't compare with your detachment."

Su Jinnan smiled bitterly and said, "Oh, I understand. It seems that the leader wants me to learn from you how to get along with the navy brothers this time."

The research ship docked at the dock. Professor Cao Chuanzong brought a group of doctors and graduate students to the island. They were going to do a comprehensive survey of the Nansha Islands. The initial research should focus on geological and geomorphological research.

Ao Muyang jumped onto the beach, and the general jumped down. The head of state and Youfu stayed on its back. Ao Muyang made a courier bag for the general, the kind used by the postman's motorcycle. Youfu stayed on the left and the head of state on the right.

The vegetation on Yongxing Island is very lush and green. Ao Muyang looked around and saw the sheep horn tree, the leprosy tree, the sea willow tree and a lot of other trees that he couldn't name.

Most people were excited to land on the island because the island is not officially open to travelers at present. It is not a place where the public can land. Ordinary travelers can only land here through legal and formal channels in the name of VIP inspections and investment projects.

Local officials received them at the dock. A lieutenant of the Coast Guard issued VIP badges to everyone and told them not to throw them away. If they were interested in the island, they could wear the badges and walk around.

Zhu Changrong, the first deputy captain of the law enforcement team, found Ao Muyang and asked in a friendly manner: "Captain Ao, let's walk around the island and take some photos together?"

In addition to Wang Youwei, the other two deputy captains came up to join in the fun. Ao Muyang nodded and agreed. The four of them left Wang Youwei and walked towards the beach, which made him very angry.

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