Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 547 550. Summer is about to pass (4)

He began to deploy troops and generals, while Li Ji continued to give lectures.

Ao Muyang hung up the phone and said: "The reason for this response is that due to the specific gravity of water, storm water is generally distributed in the upper layer of the pond. Therefore, draining this part of the water as soon as possible can reduce changes in pond water quality..."

Seeing him in a lecturing posture, Ao Muyang's scalp went numb: "Teacher Li, you are right. I will definitely learn more from you later, but now I need to know how to deal with it."

Li Ji smiled wildly: "Well, I've committed the old habit of preaching again. I'm sorry, Village Chief Xiao Ao, come on, come on, I will continue to teach you how to deal with this matter."

Ao Muyang asked: "You also need to add quicklime to adjust the pH value, right?"

Li Jidao: "Yes, add an appropriate amount of quicklime. This is to prevent the pH value from dropping significantly. Generally, about five kilograms of quicklime water is poured per acre of area. Remember, it is quicklime water. Don't sprinkle five kilograms of quicklime water, otherwise we will directly Just eat boiled shrimp..."

"...Is there an aerator and an oxygen generator in the village? Start them all. This can increase the content of water-soluble oxygen in the breeding pond and reduce ammonia. On the other hand, it can speed up the mixing of the pond water quality and avoid the occurrence of seawater. stratification phenomenon.”

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "Okay, Teacher Li, we will do as you say."

He took Ao Qianwen to put on his raincoat and went out, and Liu Mei ran out after him.

"What are you going for?" Zhong Cang asked.

Liu Mei said: "Go and help with the work, I can do the work."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "No, be careful of catching a cold."

Sixth sister raised her neck stubbornly and said: "I'm fine, I can't catch a cold, let's go."

Ao Muyang laughed and said: "I really don't need you, a girl..."

"What's wrong with the girls?" Sixth Sister was a little unhappy, "What you men can do, we women can do too. And I'm living and eating at your place for free. If this doesn't work, I'll go work!"

Ao Muyang wanted to persuade her, but the little girl stopped talking and just followed them stubbornly.

A big yellow duck waddled out and followed him out. Ao Muyang took a closer look and saw that Zhu Zhu was wearing a big yellow duck's raincoat.

She called out: "Sixth Sister, where is your raincoat?"

Sixth sister said: "I don't need a raincoat, I won't catch a cold."

Ao Muyang said sternly: "No, you must wear a raincoat if you want to follow us out."

For the first time, Liu Mei's face showed a shy look: "But, but you gave me a raincoat, that raincoat, Zhu Zhu gave me that raincoat, it's a pig."

Zhu Zhu shouted: "You actually dislike me. That is Peppa Pig's raincoat. I like her the most. I gave it to you specially, but you still dislike it..."

She almost started crying as she spoke, her face full of grievances.

Liu Mei waved her hands nervously and said: "No, no, I don't dislike you. We are best friends, how can we dislike you? Me, I, I will go back and put it on right now."

Looking at her back, Zhu Zhu stuck out her tongue.

Ao Muyang found it interesting that the roles of Liu Mei and Zhu Zhu in their relationship seemed to have changed.

Outside the village, there are several breeding ponds on both sides of a narrow bay. Each one is about one hundred meters long and twenty meters wide. The mouth of the pond is directly connected to the ocean.

At this time, there was a heavy rain, and rainwater flowed down from three sides of the pond, filling the breeding pond to the brim.

Ao Muyang said seriously to Zhu and Zhu: "You must pay attention to safety and just help on land. If anyone dares to go into the water, I will hate her in the future."

Sixth sister sneered: "You still hate her, do you think we are ignorant Shabi?"

Zhu Zhu asked: "Why do you say that? If Uncle Xiaoyang hates us, that would be too bad. I don't want to be hated by Uncle Xiaoyang."

Sixth Sister was stunned for a moment, then said dejectedly: "Oh, let's stay on the shore and help."

The water pump was set up and then started at full power to pump the water above the breeding pond into the sea.

Ao Mudong hurried over with a bag of lime powder. As a result, the rainwater mixed with lime produced high fever. He threw away the lime powder with a cry and saw that the back of his hand was blistered!

"Ma De, you are so stupid. You just carry out the lime in this weather?" Ao Daguo scolded his mother angrily, "Dongzi, your mind is getting simpler and simpler."

Sixth sister opened her umbrella and went over to block the lime powder, and said to Zhu Zhu: "Don't come over, this is very dangerous."

Zhu Zhu grabbed her and said anxiously: "Don't go there either. Don't go. Look, it's bubbling. It's still steaming. Will it explode?"

Sixth Sister rolled her eyes crazily: "How could lime explode? Little pig, you really, alas, really don't understand anything."

Zhu Zhu felt that he was being slighted and argued hard: "Who said I don't understand anything? This is lime. Is lime quicklime powder?"

Sixth Sister blinked and said, "Probably so."

Zhu Zhu immediately said: "Then I understand. Quicklime powder is a powder obtained by grinding lumps of quicklime. Its component is calcium hydroxide. When it comes into contact with water, it can undergo a chemical reaction to form calcium hydroxide. During this process, it can release Lots of calories…”

Now it was Sixth Sister's turn to be confused: "What are you talking about?"

Zhu Zhu puffed up his chest and said: "The simplest knowledge in chemistry, in short, is that it will not explode, but it will release heat when it encounters water, so we have to be careful."

While the two were discussing here, Ao Muyang took the lime bag away, added water, diluted it in proportion according to Li Ji's instructions, and then poured it into the breeding pond.

The prawns in the breeding pond have grown to the length of a middle finger and are about to produce. If they are destroyed by the heavy rain at this time, they will be doomed.

Ao Muyang picked up a few prawns. Their bodies were a little white, which meant they were dead.

In addition to solving the problem according to Li Ji's instructions, he sprinkled some gold drops into the water. The gold drops were scattered and should be able to save the lives of the prawns.

The heavy rain lasted for a day and night and stopped at noon, but there was still a little raindrop falling.

The stone road in the fishing village was washed clean, the air was washed, and the grass and trees on the back mountain were as if they had been carefully cleaned, and they were green and dripping.

Tourists wandered around the small fishing village with umbrellas. From time to time, a few golden shorthairs appeared in the alleys. Some people kept chickens at the door of their homes, turning around. They had ropes tied to their feet, which had a very quaint rural flavor.

Being in a place with mountains behind and the sea in front, with the drizzle around, some people sighed: "It seems like I'm back to my childhood, my whole body is relaxed."

Ao Muyang walked back with his raincoat. When he reached the entrance of the village, he saw a poster swaying in the wind and rain. The first line of words on the poster was the most eye-catching: Thousand-year inheritance, fishing tradition, early September, Dragon King Festival!

This is another village tourism activity he planned. At the beginning of next month, when the sea opens, he will lead the whole village to hold a sea festival, which is the traditional Dragon King Festival.

Related publicity has reached every corner of the village. In addition, major online tourism forums and local forums in Hongyang are also overwhelmingly publicized. Longtou Village has once again entered the public eye.

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