Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 548 551. Sacrifice to the Dragon King (5)

September 1st, Dragon King Festival.

The Dragon King Festival is also called the Sea God Festival. This is a traditional cultural project of many fishermen along the coast since ancient times. Respecting gods and dragons is an indispensable part of the fishermen's life and work.

"Hongyang was a small fishing village in history. It developed from a small fishing village to a large fishing village, a small city, and a big city. Before the reform and opening up, the people in the Hongyang area still relied on the ocean for their lives and relied on fishing for their livelihoods. This is the so-called living by the sea..."

"In order to overcome the fear of the sea and to gain a sense of spiritual peace, fishermen worship the sea and worship gods in various ways. Even before liberation, each fishing village built its own temple..."

"Fishermen believe that the local water and soil support the local people, and the local gods also protect the local peace, so they use various methods to pray for the safety of the sea voyage, and our ancestors developed the Dragon King Festival, which was once the most important folk activity in our local area..."

A high platform was erected on the newly decorated pier, and Lu Zhizi's sweet voice sounded through the speakers and spread to the beaches in all directions.

At this time, the beach was bustling with people. All the villagers came to the pier to watch the Dragon King Festival, and tourists from all over the area also came to watch the excitement.

On the rocky beach in the distance, a few turtles poked their heads out. Occasionally, a few firecrackers sounded here, and they were frightened and quickly dived into the sea.

A group of dogs in the village ran happily in the crowd. They raised their heads and twisted their hips, and their four claws flew, looking so cool.

The leader was the general. The general's eyes were bright and he was looking for the beautiful little bitches brought by the tourists - he was ready to eat foreign meat. Many dogs brought by tourists were foreign breeds.

On the sea behind the pier, a column of water rose to the sky. After the water column fell, another thicker water column sprayed out of the sea obliquely. The former was caused by the tiger, and the latter was caused by the sperm whale.

After the water column was sprayed, two whales emerged from the water. The tiger showed half of its head, and its two big black eyes looked at everything curiously, while the sperm whale was calm and motionless.

Groups of porpoises and finless porpoises also emerged. They skimmed the sea surface, occasionally jumping out of the sea to show their bodies in the sun, full of vitality.

The cameras and mobile phones in the hands of tourists were snapping, and when the cordon in front of the pier was released, they rushed over.

Ao Muyang returned to the pier in a small boat. There was a bright golden light behind him. It was the golden drops he scattered, otherwise the dolphins and finless porpoises would not all emerge from the water.

Seeing him on the pier, Ao Mudong shouted: "Dragon Head, the ceremony begins?"

Ao Muyang nodded and said: "Begin, I put all the things I brought back into the water? Are you ready?"

Ao Wenchang took the time to look back and said: "Ready, but Dragon Head, do you really want to do this? Can you do it? I don't doubt you, I just think it's a bit difficult!"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Today I will show you the real means of Dragon Head!"

The Dragon King Festival has not been held for many years. This year, this activity has finally been launched again. It is a bit unprepared.

In fact, the Dragon King Festival in the village is not very interesting. It is just a blessing ceremony to pray for safe navigation and a good harvest for fishermen who set out to work at sea. Most of the activities are dragon and lion dances, offering three animals and five birds to the gods, etc.

Since Ao Muyang wanted to turn it into a tourism project, it naturally couldn't be so simple. He asked the elderly in the village to restore some projects, and then held a meeting with the village cadres, and finally came up with this sacrificial ceremony.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a series of firecrackers rang out, and smoke rose on the dock.

This is very simple. Ao Muyang spent 500 yuan to rent a dry ice machine, and the stage made of the dock as the main body can become fairy mist at any time.

As the host, Lu Zhizi finally put on makeup and went on stage.

Today she wore a white gauze skirt embroidered with gold edges, with slender white gauze passing through her arms and back. The sea breeze blew, and the skirt, gauze sleeves, and white gauze tassels fluttered.

Her black hair was carefully combed with gold threads in it, and two tufts of short hair were braided in front of her ears, and the other hair fluttered in the wind, so that the black hair and the white gauze dress were shining, with golden folds!

Because it was the Dragon King Festival, she wore two small dragon horns on her smooth forehead as ornaments, which added two points of cuteness and quirky temperament to her.

Lu Zhizi has delicate facial features, is well-read, and has the classical beauty of traditional Chinese culture. When she came on stage in a white gauze, the mist fluttered with the sea breeze, and the surrounding tourists were stunned.

"There really is a dragon girl in this world." Some tourists exclaimed immediately.

Lu Zhizi came on stage and waved her arms, the bells and drums played together, and the salutes rang together, and the ceremony scene suddenly became lively.

"Please ask the chief priest and the accompanying priest to come on stage, and ask the orchestra, the guard of honor, and the suona team to take their positions and prepare to welcome the gods!" The crisp voice sounded again.

The ceremony designed by Ao Muyang first welcomed the gods, then burned incense, then raised the sacrificial flag, and finally offered sacrifices. Traditional dance and music performances were interspersed between the rituals.

He was the village chief and the leader of the village fleet, so he was naturally the chief priest. The accompanying priest was Dai Zongxi, the director of the Ocean and Fisheries Bureau.

Ao Muyang used the development of Hongyang's tourism industry and Hongyang's local fishery culture as an excuse to trick Dai Zongxi into coming. Originally, he wanted Dai Zongxi to be the chief priest, but Dai Zongxi refused. He said that party members should not take the lead in feudal superstition...

The person in charge of welcoming the gods was the Taoist Fu Jizi in the town. The master wore Tianxiandongyi today. This is a Taoist robe with a wide front, calf-length, and long sleeves.

The main color of the robe is purple, with various Taoist auspicious patterns embroidered with gold and silver threads, such as Yu Luo Xiaotai, the sun, the moon, the stars, the eight trigrams, the pagoda, the dragon and the phoenix, the crane, the unicorn, etc. It looks simple and has a sense of solemnity.

When Fu Jizi came on stage, Ao Daguo exclaimed: "Fuck, Fu Jizi, I didn't know you had this equipment before. This Taoist robe is really awesome."

Reaching out and gently licking his white beard, the immortal master smiled slightly: "There are plenty of Taobao. If you want, I can buy a set for you. Don't pay 998 or 668, just 188..."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Hurry up and get on stage, hurry up and get on stage, otherwise it won't have the flavor of immortality."

He didn't need to worry about this. He saw the old Taoist priest walked up to the altar with a calm face. He first supported the moon-breaking star scarf, and the colorful sleeves moved with the wind. Later, he raised the Ten Absolute Spirit Banner, and the demeanor of the Taoist master came immediately.

Applause broke out.

"The dragon's sons and grandsons perform the three-kneeling and nine-kowtow ceremony to welcome the petition..."

"The Dragon King protects the sea, and the disciple of Sanqing Fu Jizi respectfully invites you to listen and pray for the South China Sea to be clear, the country to be peaceful, and the people to be happy and prosperous... The boundless merits of the sanctification of the South China Sea to help the people in distress..."

The ceremonies were carried out one by one, and the accompanying officials came to the stage to speak. Dai Zongxi coughed and said: "For the Dragon King Festival in Longtou Village, the Hongyang Municipal Government and the Municipal Party Committee have paid close attention... The development of this activity reflects the party's high attention to folk culture. Folk culture is an active factor in national culture and the basis for promoting the development and transformation of national culture. Deepening folklore research is a major event in promoting national spirit..."

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