Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 549 552. Three dives (1/5)

Chapter 549 552. Three Divings (15)

"One, Li Ge, stand up, Li Ge..."

"Brother, listen to me..."


"The fishing nets fly into the sea, the fishing nets are collected into the warehouse..."


"One net is gold, two nets are silver, three nets can catch a treasure pot, every net is full of big fish..."

Led by Ao Fugui, the loud fishing songs resounded throughout the dock.

After the fishing songs, the loud fishermen's chants began again, which meant that the Dragon King Festival had come to an end. In the past, at this time, the fishermen would shout chants and go out to sea.

But the purpose of this Dragon King Festival is to spread the culture of the fishing family and create a tourism gimmick, so it naturally cannot be carried out in this way. Ao Muyang prepared a finale: taking treasures from the Dragon Palace.

Accompanied by the fisherman's call, Lu Zhizi, the host, invited a tourist to the stage and asked, "Hello, sir, what's your surname?"

"My surname is Liu, Wen Dao Liu." The middle-aged man was a little absent-minded, and his eyes kept looking at Lu Zhizi's towering chest.

Unfortunately, the white gauze dress has two layers, the outer layer is hollow white gauze, and the inner layer is indeed airtight white satin. The man's eyes were almost bleeding, but he didn't see anything.

Lu Zhizi picked up a plate with a large seashell on it. She said, "Sir, please mark this seashell. You will randomly bounce it into the sea through a spring machine later. Our chief priest will jump into the water to pick it up. If it can be picked up, it means that the Dragon King recognizes this ceremony..."

The crowd immediately rushed to the seaside and watched curiously together.

The tourist used waterproof glue to stick a piece of red cloth on the seashell, and he wrote on the cloth with a marker pen, so that the red cloth would not fall off in a short time, and the words left by the marker pen would not be soaked away by the sea water.

Everything was ready, the tourist put the seashell on the tray, the elastic machine started, and the seashell was thrown more than ten meters into the sea.

Ao Muyang took off his shirt to reveal his dark and well-proportioned muscles. He jumped into the sea from the pier with a run-up. Suddenly, a group of female tourists shouted:

"This skin color is so sexy." "Wow, the little brother has a great figure!" "Tiger back and bee waist!" "Dog waist and mermaid line, love him so much!"

After hearing the first sentence, Ao Fugui was also ready to take off his clothes, but when he heard the latter, he looked down at his belly and quickly fastened the buttons.

The sea water was clear, and Ao Muyang's vision was normal. He glanced down from the sea surface, and then saw the seashells that fell to the bottom of the sea with red cloth floating on them.

When the tiger found him entering the water, it swam over. He helped the tiger clean its teeth underwater. When he felt that the time was almost up, he picked up the seashell and climbed onto the saddle on the tiger's back.

The tiger surfaced, and Ao Muyang, standing on the back of the killer whale, was like a sea god emerging from the water. The sea was surging, and he stood up straight, holding the seashell and emerging from the sea.

It must be said that such a scene is still very shocking. Tourists gasped at this scene, and the sound was louder than the sea breeze.

The tourist checked the seashell and nodded to indicate that the mark was indeed made by him.

Warm applause rang out.

Lu Zhizi gave him the seashell and pointed to the village and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Liu. At noon, you can go to any fishing house and they can make a dish for you with this seashell."

"Next, we need the cooperation of a tourist. This time we have to mark a big lobster!"

The tray was delivered, and a 20-centimeter-long lobster was dancing on the plate.

Seeing this, the tourists were excited. According to the routine just now, the lobster will be given to the tourists who come on stage. Looking at the species and size of this lobster, the minimum price is 5,000 yuan!

Suddenly, the tourists rushed to the dock: "Me, me, me!"

Lu Zhizi quickly selected people: "It was a gentleman before, this time we will select a lady, please come on stage..."

The young woman twisted her enchanting waist and went up to the altar, and said: "I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to the black guy who is diving."

Black guy? Ao Muyang, who was exercising and preparing to dive again, almost had a cramp when he heard this. I am a little black, but you said I am black, then you are really blacking me!

Lu Zhizi pointed to the audience and said: "Madam, look, your husband is looking at you."

The marking of lobsters is simpler, just tie a plastic float with the young woman's name on it.

Then, the lobster was put on the tray, and the elastic machine asked it to take the plane again.

This time the difficulty increased. The lobster was alive and in a state of panic. After falling into the water, it would definitely swim in the water. It could not be caught at a fixed point like seashells.

Ao Muyang didn't care. His vision in the water was too good. The float could flash in the water, so it was easy to find this beautiful lobster.

As usual, he caught the lobster again. This time he floated to the surface sitting on the head of the sperm whale.

The lobster was given to the young woman. The young woman reluctantly stepped down. Ao Muyang didn't dare to look at her. The young women nowadays are too open.

The tray was sent up again. This time there was a crystal transparent small basin on the tray, and inside it was a big golden fish.

Yellow croaker!

"This is a wild yellow croaker that was just sent back from the sea this morning!" With just this one sentence, Lu Zhizi ignited the tourists.

"Me, me, me! Beautiful girl, choose me!"

"Choose me, I can donate 1,000 yuan to the fishing village, choose me!"

"I'll give 10,000!"

"Are you stupid? 10,000 yuan can buy a basket of yellow croaker!"

"You are stupid. Didn't you hear that this is a wild yellow croaker? You can't get a wild yellow croaker of this size without 30,000 yuan?"

The wild yellow croaker is so valuable that tourists are going crazy. People are crowding and pushing each other. If it weren't for the fishermen in the village holding hands to form a cordon, someone would definitely be pushed into the sea.

Lu Zhizi said quickly: "Don't fight for it. Everyone will get a share of the reward this time. As long as the chief priest can catch this fish, every family can get a family stewed fish pot at the fishing house in the village at noon..."

"Where is this yellow croaker?" someone asked eagerly.

"This yellow croaker will be released by the sacrificial officer. If it can be caught, it will be given to the sacrificial officer as a gift to express his gratitude for taking time out of his busy schedule to attend this Dragon King Festival."

The tourists stopped fighting over it, and some grumbled, "Fuck, bribes." "How boring, it's given to officials." "Hey, hey, hey, can anyone really catch a fish from the water? I don't believe it!"

Dai Zong went up with a smile and put a float on the tail of the fish. He also wrote his name on the float as a mark, and then he released the yellow croaker from the dock.

The swimming speed of the yellow croaker is completely different from that of seashells and lobsters. It disappears without a trace as soon as it enters the water, so there is no need to use a spring machine to bounce it into the distant ocean.

As the yellow croaker entered the water, with a splash, Ao Muyang also jumped into the sea with a fishing net!

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