Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 561 564. Three Hundred Meters of Ocean (3)

Professor Cao is not exaggerating. The high-pressure gas column originating from the crust is the number one killer of the seabed.

The geography book for junior high school says that the temperature and density inside the earth are uneven, and mantle convection or mantle plumes are formed inside the mantle. When high-temperature materials rise to the shallow part of the earth, they partially melt due to the reduced pressure. Under the action of external forces, these molten materials gather together and form magma sacs in the shallow part of the earth. When the pressure of the magma sac is greater than the pressure of the formation, the magma will break through the crust along the fault or weak place, causing a volcanic eruption.

But before this process, or if the magma sac is filled with gas, it will not directly spray magma out, but first spray high-temperature and high-pressure gas.

There are also volcanic eruptions on the seabed, and the power and unit frequency are lower than those on land, because the sea water has pressure, which will suppress the magma that is about to erupt. The deeper the sea, the less likely it is to erupt.

In addition, because the pressure in the deep sea is high, the force and speed of the magma eruption are small and slow. Because the temperature of deep sea water is low, once the magma erupts, it will be cooled quickly, so it is not that dangerous.

If there is a magma eruption in the deep sea, as long as the scale is not large, the divers will have time to escape.

The fear is that what is erupted is not magma, but high-pressure gas. Magma is colored, and the deep sea is dark, so even a little bit of magma will be very conspicuous.

High-pressure gas is colorless, and the gas spreads faster in seawater, so once it erupts, it is difficult for divers to guard against it.

Fortunately, there is not so much air in the crust, and there have not been many tragedies of professional divers being injured by high-pressure gas worldwide.

But there have been many such incidents in the folk, such as Australia has a profession called abalone collectors, where black gold abalone is expensive, and the government stipulates that machines are not allowed to be used, and they must be collected manually.

There is a sea area where black gold abalone is produced. The crust is unstable, there are multiple crustal cracks, and hot air will be ejected from time to time, which has hurt many abalone collectors.

All in all, this situation is still relatively rare, and Ao Muyang is not too worried.

When he went into the water, he brought the electric eel Thor with him.

Thor has now adapted to the seawater environment. Ao Muyang fed it a lot of gold drops, which almost transformed it.

However, Thor is not a killer whale or sperm whale. It does not have a strong diving ability and cannot adapt to the high-pressure environment of the deep sea. It can only play on the water surface.

Tiger also came with him this time.

After Ao Muyang put on his deep diving equipment and went into the water, the tiger approached.

Seeing this, Thor thought he was in danger and immediately rushed over to attack the tiger. The first move was a killer move: the ultimate move - underwater taser!

The tiger shivered, and then stared at Thor with his big eyes.

The ultimate move failed, and Thor was a little confused: Damn, this thing is so big, what is it? It's a bit too fierce, master, you can do it yourself, I have to run away!

How could it run away? The tiger swooped down and chased it, pressing up with its huge body, bang, black clouds pressed down on the city, and Mount Tai pressed down on the top!

But it didn't want to kill Thor, but to torment him.

Because the electric shock that Thor just gave it was really refreshing.

The tiger is not a masochist. The reason why it enjoys electric shock is that the numb feeling on its body is a bit refreshing, and secondly, it finds that after being electrocuted, the parasites and small parasitic fish on its body leave its body and are electrocuted to death...

As the pet that eats the most gold drops underwater, the tiger's brain has also been improved the most, and the killer whale is naturally smart. Its IQ in some aspects can now catch up with a seven or eight-year-old child.

The tiger knows that the parasites on its body are not friendly to it, but it has no hands and can't clean them.

So, when Thor used electric shock to deal with the parasites, it got excited and shot again!

Ao Muyang is not worried that the tiger will eat Thor, he is worried that Thor will die of exhaustion - the essence here is the essence of energy, and the electric eel needs to rely on the stored energy to discharge electricity.

He patted the tiger's head to signal it to calm down, and then put Thor on its head, so that the tiger could not see Thor and could not torment him.

After feeding the two guys a few drops of gold, Ao Muyang dived underwater. Now there was a deep trench below him. The ship's ocean radar showed that the underwater depth was 288 meters.

At first, the light was very good, the deep sea was unpolluted, the blue sea surface was like glass, and the sunlight could penetrate several meters unscrupulously.

At this time, the eyes can deceive people, and the depth you see is not real. Fortunately, at 20 meters underwater, the light began to deteriorate and the ocean became deeper.

This is a reminder that ordinary diving enthusiasts must remember this color. They cannot exceed this depth, otherwise they will be in danger.

Continuing down, the sunlight is absorbed by the sea water. At a depth of 40 meters, the sunlight here is still good, but for humans, this is another benchmark. At this point, professional divers have to stop, and the water pressure here is already terrible.

The water pressure forty meters underwater is nearly 4 atmospheres, equivalent to more than 400 adult men pressing on the body. Even a tough guy like Ma Biao can't bear it.

Through the diving helmet, he saw that the light was getting worse and worse.

A strange feeling appeared again. Because the light was getting worse, his vision was gradually getting worse. This was his normal vision, which needed to use light.

Then, his eyes seemed to switch to another signal mode, and he could see things on the seabed without light. In this way, his vision gradually improved, and the scene he saw became clearer and clearer.

He saw a group of hairtails. The school of hairtails did not move, floating straight up and down in the water, like sticks. They were cold, they were lonely, they stood out from the world, and then they would be caught by fishing nets...

Yes, this is how many hairtails are caught in the net...

This is almost 100 meters deep, a forbidden area for humans. The human unaided diving record is at this distance. The 116-meter diving depth created by explorer Gion Neri in 2006.

Continuing to dive, below the depth of 200 meters, the sea water is already pitch black. Although theoretically there are still light particles that can come here, but too few come, and the light created can no longer be captured by the human eye.

Once here, the salt, temperature, and density of the seawater changed. The tiger was not interested in this depth. When it saw Ao Muyang wanted to continue diving, it wagged its tail and stopped.

Continuing down to about 280 meters, this is close to the limit of human diving. The world record for diving with equipment is 332 meters.

Once here, this sea area has also reached the bottom of the sea.

Ao Muyang stayed briefly on the bottom of the sea and then resurfaced.

Everything was normal on the seabed in this area. He looked down at the surrounding area. The water temperature was normal and the seabed topography was normal.

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