Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 562 565. Crisis (4)

The diving speed can be very fast, but the ascent speed is very slow.

It only took the world record holder for equipped diving 12 minutes to dive more than 300 meters, but it took him a long time to return to the surface - 15 hours.

Returning too quickly from the deep sea risks many health risks, such as decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis caused by excess nitrogen in the brain, which can be fatal.

Fortunately, Ao Muyang doesn't care about this.

What he cared about was everyone's eyes. In order to prevent the people on the boat from being too frightened, he slowly floated underwater for four and a half hours and then boarded the boat.

Immediately, doctors from the scientific research team measured his blood pressure, blood nitrogen content, and blood oxygen content.

After getting the results, he was still horrified: "Young man, you are like a sea monster. Your blood oxygen level is so high, and your hemoglobin transport ability is super strong!"

Wen Yirui said with admiration: "My Brother Ao is awesome. When he was diving, he just dropped weights and bricks into the water - no one floated. We divers called him Adou as the emperor - we didn't help him. no."

Ao Muyang said helplessly: "You are so smooth-talking, do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Wen Yirui smiled and said, "Hey, Brother Ao, I actually have a doctorate in kinesiology."

Ao Muyang said in surprise: "I didn't realize it. Also, don't call me brother. It's more like me calling you brother."

Wen Yirui puffed up his chest and said, "Brother Ao, you're welcome. We rely on our craftsmanship to make a living. We don't rank based on age. We have to be ranked based on our ability."

Professor Cao asked Ao Muyang privately: "Did you do anything to Xiao Wen? His attitude towards you is not right."

Ao Muyang said: "Look at him, he is very gay among gay people. Who does he have the right attitude towards?"

He was just joking, and he couldn't explain the real reason.

When he first came into contact with Wen Yirui in the South China Sea, in order to protect the privacy of the electric eel, he was indifferent to Wen Yirui. As a result, Wen Yirui got used to his indifference, and now he is flattered when Wen Yirui treats him better.

Everything is normal in the trench, so the risk is much reduced.

The scientific research ship traveled a certain distance again, and they entered the target sea area. Then several young scientific research team members also put on deep-diving equipment and prepared to go into the water.

Deep diving is no joke. This work must be done carefully and carefully, otherwise a person will die if he fails.

The water is 100 meters deep. Once there is a problem with the equipment, ordinary people will die immediately, without even time for rescue.

This is Ao Muyang's role. He took Wen Yirui into the water first to check the conditions on the seabed and provide information for the scientific expedition team members to go into the water.

The underwater temperature gradually increases, and there is an ocean undercurrent here. It used to be an ordinary undercurrent, but in recent years it has become a warm current.

Feeling the direction of the warm current, Ao Muyang thought for a moment, isn't this the warm current on Brick Island? It seems so!

The warm currents support a large amount of plankton, which in turn attracts a large number of fish, shrimps, crabs and other marine life, making the underwater area of ​​this sea area lively.

The tiger took Thor and Huang Xiaodi to show off their power underwater. The electric eel's swimming ability was far inferior to that of the tiger and Huang Xiaodi. It pressed its belly against the killer whale's head. There were many scars on the killer whale's head and the friction was sufficient. Steady its body.

Ao Muyang went to drive away the tiger first. If the divers found a killer whale appearing in front of them at a depth of 100 meters, they would probably be so scared that they would pee and lose control on the spot.

Even if they didn't encounter this underwater overlord, something went wrong among the scientific research team members.

Less than half an hour after a diver entered the water, Ao Muyang saw the red light on his helmet turn on.

A red light flashed, which meant he was in trouble.

Immediately, Ao Muyang swam over quickly, then pulled the diver up and slowly rose to the surface.

He could play a role in stabilizing the morale of the soldiers in this process. After seeing him through the transparent mask, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes.

Ao Muyang noticed something was wrong. The young man's lips were purple and his facial skin was pale. His eyes were bloodshot when he opened them before. This may be due to overheating of the body.

What causes a diver's body to overheat? That is to say, if the diver is still in a high temperature environment after wearing the suit, then the heat dissipation intensity in the body is lower than the heat production intensity, which will cause a pathological phenomenon.

This situation is quite critical, because the sea water is very cold in deep diving locations, and diving suits have particularly good thermal insulation effects. If the diver's body overheats and cannot dissipate heat in time, extra heat will accumulate in the body, which can easily have adverse effects on the central nervous system and occur. Problems such as lack of oxygen and loss of body fluids.

When he floated to a depth of more than ten meters, he manually separated the diving helmet from the diving suit, then opened the back zipper of the diving suit, allowing warm but relatively cool seawater to enter the young man's diving suit.

Then he sent the young man on board. The ship had received the signal, and doctors and nurses rushed over immediately.

The nurse was busy doing the examination and quickly reported a series of professional terms: "The body temperature is 39.4 degrees Celsius, the muscles are relaxed and obviously weak, the grip strength is poor, the pulse is 128, and the skin is dry. Real-time muscle spasm..."

"The body is overheating, moderate." The doctor said quickly. "Prepare ice packs. Quickly, put them on his head and groin. Prepare 20% alcohol, moisten the sheets and wrap him around the body. In addition, stimulate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. What medicines have we prepared? What are the medicines for relieving mental stress?”

While the doctors and nurses were busy, Ao Muyang discussed with Professor Cao: "Professor, the temperature of the underwater warm current is quite high. It is obvious that this brother has this problem because he cannot dissipate heat. Let's withdraw the others first?"

"Withdraw." Professor Cao made a prompt decision.

Ao Muyang and Wen Yirui immediately went into the water to inform them. Fortunately, the others were in good condition. Only one person's facial skin was red. After getting on the boat, he said he was dizzy and nauseous.

This was a mild overheating of the body, which was easier to deal with. He was given a bottle of Jiaduobao herbal tea and rubbed his face and body with a wet towel. He soon returned to normal.

The ocean gave them a heavy punch. They originally thought that the underwater danger was the magma or high-pressure steam that could erupt at any time. As a result, these tough guys had not yet appeared, and the warm current alone knocked them over.

Ao Muyang said, "Let's do this. I'll go down and do another water temperature gradient measurement. We'll use the diving suit according to the water temperature. If it doesn't work, put ice packs inside."

"Why not just forget it," Professor Cao was a little worried. "A hundred meters deep is really dangerous."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "It's okay, professor. It's a piece of cake for me. Don't worry. Wait for my news."

Professor Cao persuaded him a few more times. Seeing that he insisted on his opinion, he could only agree.

He said with emotion, "Xiao Ao, really, I don't know what to say. Your sense of responsibility is really, oh, you are a good young man."

Ao Muyang smiled and jumped into the water. He had to go down quickly. He was embarrassed to accept the gratitude of the old professor because he had his own purpose in entering the water this time.

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