Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 571 574. Vast School of Fish (3)

This time when he went up the mountain, Ao Muyang found the grave and brought it back to Lu Zhizi to boil medicine to treat her period. The sixth sister also found some herbs.

She put it in a plastic bag and went to look for Ao Muyang's fishing rod. Ao Muyang found it and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Going fishing." The sixth sister said confidently.

Ao Muyang said, "You have to tell me if you use my fishing rod."

The sixth sister continued to be confident: "You were not at home just now. I left you a note, which Zhu Zhu left, and I will give you half of the fish if I catch it."

What you said makes sense, and Ao Muyang didn't know how to refute it.

Zhu Zhu nodded: "Yes, yes, Uncle Xiaoyang, go and have a look. I left a note on your desk. Don't stop us from wasting time. Sixth sister found a very powerful bait. She said we will catch a lot of fish today."

Ao Muyang wondered: "What bait?"

Sixth sister handed him the plastic bag and said: "Inside, okay, don't waste our time."

Ao Muyang said: "Let me see what's inside."

Sixth sister didn't show him, so he blocked the door. Sixth sister had no choice but to hand him the black plastic bag. As a result, Ao Muyang opened it and a foul smell hit his nose.

"What's inside? So smelly?" If the touch didn't indicate that this thing was not meat, he would have suspected that this was some kind of stinky rat meat.

Zhu Zhu laughed so hard that he fell backwards, and finally said: "You fooled me on the mountain and stinked me, now you are also stinky, haha, don't be afraid, this is asafoetida, which is also a traditional Chinese medicine."

Ao Muyang suddenly realized that it was asafoetida.

There are many plants represented by the name of Asafoetida. According to legend, it is a magical medicine that can bring people back to life. Some people died after smoking opium until they were as thin as a matchstick. After they were buried, it took root from the lungs of the dead and grew through their mouths.

In addition, there is such a herb on Dalong Mountain. It smells very bad and can treat spleen and stomach diseases, indigestion, and kill insects.

What is more magical is that this herb is really attractive to freshwater fish. It can be used to catch crucian carp, carp, grass carp and black carp.

Ao Muyang handed the plastic bag to the sixth sister and warned: "Don't hold this thing with your hands. It's very deadly if your hands are contaminated with the stench."

The sixth sister pouted and said: "Don't exaggerate. Do you think I know nothing like Zhu Zhu and am easy to fool?"

Zhu Zhu scratched his head and said: "Sixth sister, you are discriminating against me."

"No, I'm laughing at you." The sixth sister corrected.

At night, the two girls squatted by the spring in the backyard and tried to wash their hands with soap. After washing, they sniffed and changed to detergent...

Ao Muyang was very happy to see that the two girls did not listen to the advice and tore the asafoetida with their hands to make bait. As a result, their hands were stained with a lot of grass juice, making their hands smelly.

Before, the sixth sister touched it with her hands and felt that the smell was not strong. That was because her clothes were dirty and her body was dirty at that time. She had a smell, so the smell of asafoetida was not obvious.

Now she and Zhu Zhu take a bath twice a day, and her body is always fragrant. As long as there is a little smell, it will immediately show.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the market demand for seafood is increasing, and Ao Muyang leads the team to the sea again.

This time he put a saddle on Tiger and prepared to do a big job.

Tiger is getting more and more sensible, so it is easier for Ao Muyang to find fish.

The Big Dragon Head sailed out to the sea, and Ao Muyang followed Tiger in a small boat. When he was far away from the Big Dragon Head, he went into the water and sat on the saddle.

The tiger led the team, the dolphins followed, and the huge body of the sperm whale was looming. With such a team, Ao Muyang was confident that he could maneuver freely in the sea.

The porpoises did not follow. Although they had eaten golden drops, they may have eaten less and were not so close to Ao Muyang. They liked the sea outside Longtou Village and liked to stay in that sea.

This was also good. When the tigers were away, the porpoises supported the tourism facade of Longtou Village.

The tiger found four or five schools of fish in the sea in succession, but they were relatively small in scale and there were many young fish in them. Ao Muyang was not interested in them and did not cast the net.

They wandered in the sea for more than half an hour, and a huge shadow appeared in the sea below.

A school of mackerel!

This was the largest school of mackerel that Ao Muyang had ever encountered. It was huge and mighty. There were probably more than 100,000 mackerels swimming.

Countless mackerels swam in groups, following the ocean currents and swimming fast, moving east and west, in an orderly manner, like an army with good discipline.

The tigers and dolphins were startled when they suddenly saw this school of fish. They thought they had encountered a huge sea monster.

Autumn is a good time to eat mackerels. Mackerels are very fat in spring and autumn.

He gave a signal and gave instructions to the tigers, letting them hunt as much as they wanted.

The tigers and porpoises were not in a hurry to attack. They followed the school of fish and watched secretly from behind.

These guys have had too many good days recently. They don’t have to hunt at all. During the day, villagers and tourists feed them and make them very fat.

There are also people who come to feed them at night. Wangjia Village always wants to lure them to the sea outside their village.

But they paid in vain. Throwing away meat and fish, the tigers will eat and follow them to the sea outside Wangjia Village, but once there is nothing to eat, they will run back.

After following the school of swordfish for a while, the tiger was sure that they were just a group of food and not the giant sea monster it had imagined, so it launched an attack.

The tiger roared away, like an anti-ship missile entering a huge fleet. It could knock down its opponent with its hard shell without firepower.

The mackerels behind fell into a brief panic, but soon they stabilized. Large pieces of mackerels gathered together, pressed tightly against each other, and then almost connected head to tail, forming a giant ball that rotated in the water.

When the tiger approached, it was hit by a large number of mackerels. Most of these fish were big fish, weighing more than ten kilograms. They were densely packed together and hit the killer whale, causing it to hurt.

The tiger was frightened again and came out in a dusty state.

The porpoises were even worse. After they entered the school of fish, they were even surrounded by countless fish, just like being trapped in a ghost wall. They couldn't get out for a while.

Seeing this scene, Ao Muyang was shocked.

He had seen the yellow croakers in the fish farms form a fish formation to deal with sharks, and now he saw that mackerels also had this ability.

In fact, the two fish formations are not the same. The yellow croaker has this ability because their brains become much smarter after eating the golden drops.

The Spanish mackerel does not have a smart brain and developed nerves. This behavior does not have organizational consciousness, but is a defensive reaction that occasionally occurs when they face threats.

The secret of their team formation lies in a special color lateral line on both sides of the body. Each fish uses the lateral line of its companions as an observation mark, adjusts its swimming direction and speed, and then gathers together to make the opponent retreat in distress.

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