Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 572 575.666 (4)

The tiger and the porpoise team suffered a Waterloo. The tiger was stunned when he saw the porpoises' figures change from brave and courageous to vague and finally disappeared!

It looked at Ao Muyang with a tentative look: Those bastards, are they gone? Dead? All eaten?

Ao Muyang could only give an unclear answer. He felt that the porpoises would not die, but if the mackerel school was determined to attack them, they would be in danger, at least seriously injured.

Because mackerels are carnivorous fish, they have sharp teeth!

Under the control of nature, they will not attack porpoises. In fact, they will not attack fish larger than themselves, and will not attack animals outside the diet.

But as the saying goes, "if", if they go crazy and bite the porpoises, the porpoises will still suffer heavy losses.

Faced with the endless school of mackerels, the tiger became an honest fish. It did not dare to rush in to hunt until the sperm whale arrived.

The huge sperm whale didn't care how big the school of fish was. Its IQ was lower than that of the tiger and the porpoise. Sometimes low IQ also has advantages, but too high IQ will limit the courage of the owner.

The tiger was very smart, so it stopped attacking after it found that the school of swordfish was very large.

The porpoises were also very smart. They also wanted to stop attacking, but now they had no choice but to be dragged into the quagmire of war.

The sperm whale didn't care. After seeing the swordfish, it had only one thought: this is food!

Brilliant as Yi shooting down the nine suns, and agile as the emperors riding dragons!

Coming like thunder and retracting anger, and ending like the clear light of the river and the sea!

The sperm whale plunged into the school of fish. It was like Pangu's axe of creation swinging towards the vast world. After the collision, it directly opened up a new space.

One swordfish after another entered its mouth, and more swordfish were pushed away by the water flow rolled up by its body, and a hole appeared in the dense fish formation.

As the saying goes, a heavy sword has no edge, and great skill is not good at making things. At this time, the sperm whale is such a heavy weapon!

Seeing this, the tiger followed with a sly look...

Ao Muyang behind him looked at this scene from afar and felt desperate for the killer whale: Tiger is really a scum of the killer whale family! It really brings shame to the killer whale family!

There are even more shameful things than it. The tiger at least followed into the school of fish and started to hunt. The porpoises found the passage and ran out after the sperm whale's impact on the school of fish. They ran away one by one, and fled behind Ao Muyang, and did not dare to go wild in the school of swordfish again.

The school of Spanish mackerel is a dish for the sperm whale, no, it is several dishes. It cooks these dishes in different ways, and it has a hunting trip that is full of tricks:

It will chase the prey, dive from above to prey, attack from below to prey, jump out of the water and then fall down to stun the fish school to prey. Not only that, it sometimes dives into the fish school and sprays water from its forehead, spraying the fish dizzy before preying...

The tiger only has one trick, which is to follow behind to prey.

Ao Muyang thinks it just can't speak. If it can speak, the tiger will probably keep shouting 666 behind it. Its performance at this time is almost the same as a salted fish.

The Big Dragon Head caught up, and Ao Muyang waved on the water, signaling them to put down the fishing net.

The wide trawl net was lowered, and the fishermen on the boat shouted excitedly:

"Use the No. 18 net, No. 18 net, this net must be tens of thousands of pounds?"

"Too many, my goodness, where did this school of mackerel come from? It's overwhelming!"

"Fishing ban is really a good policy, we have to close the sea to let the things in the sea reproduce more..."

The school of mackerel is too large. They like to live in the middle and upper waters. The top fish are already close to the sea surface. In addition, they are disturbed by killer whales and sperm whales. A large number of mackerel directly come to the surface of the water.

So, from the boat, you can overlook the traces of the school of fish.

Ao Qianwen exclaimed: "I have been eating on the water for more than 30 years. I went to sea with my father and grandfather when I was ten years old. I could see such a scene at that time, but I never saw it again."

Relying on this school of fish, the Big Dragon Head returned with a full load.

Such a rare school of large fish is rarely seen in ten years. The fishermen talked excitedly on the boat and wanted to cast more nets, at least to overload the fishing boat before going back.

Ao Muyang didn't want to do this. His reason was simple: "Leave some seeds for the fish school."

Ao Mudong argued: "This school of fish is so big, how much can we catch?"

Ao Daguo slapped him on the shoulder and said: "Whatever the dragon head says is what it is. You have to listen to the dragon head at sea and don't be overwhelmed by the catch."

Ao Mudong touched the back of his head and said helplessly: "Okay, then listen to the dragon head."

Because they only caught this batch of mackerel, it was still early for them to return.

The big dragon head went to the dock first and unloaded hundreds of big fish. Ao Muyang's order to the stall was simple: sell mackerel with all your strength in the next few days!

He took the rest back to the fishing village. At 80% off the market price, the mackerel was sold to tourists, and at 50% off the market price, the mackerel entered all the fishing houses in the village.

This is a good fish, with lots of meat and many ways to eat it. It can still keep its delicious taste even after being refrigerated, and can be smoked, which can keep it for a longer time.

He directed the collection of the catch, and Li Ji waved to him.

Seeing the old professor, Ao Muyang jumped off the boat and asked happily: "Teacher Li, when did you come back?"

After the sea was opened, Li Ji returned to school because the university was about to start.

Li Ji said: "I just arrived at noon today."

Ao Muyang counted the days and said, "Teacher Li, you have only been back to school for a few days. Why don't you stay a little longer? The freshmen will start school these days, right? As the leader of the school, why don't you show up?"

Li Ji laughed, "I only take graduate students and doctoral students. I don't care about the recruit camp. If I have the time and energy, I might as well come back to see my turtles."

The reason why he was in a hurry to come back was because according to his estimation, the turtle eggs would hatch in the near future.

The environment in Hongyang is not very suitable for green turtles. The weather in mid-September is a bit cold, and the temperature at night is below 20 degrees, which is a bit low for the newly hatched turtles.

After understanding this, Ao Muyang took the ground wire to connect the circuit, and then quickly built several glass houses here. The houses were equipped with air conditioners, and the temperature was adjusted in sections 24 hours a year to create the most suitable environment for the turtles.

As soon as the glass house was built, the upper layer of sand in the sunken turtle nest on the beach began to surge, and then a round green-brown little head emerged from the sand after a while.

Li Ji, who had been keeping an eye on the hatching of the turtles, called Ao Muyang, who rushed over. When he arrived, several little turtles had already crawled out.

Li Ji explained: "The hatching time of a nest of turtle eggs is synchronized. The interval between their hatching may be only tens of seconds or even a few seconds. The process of hatching is also the same. It is very magical!"

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