Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 573 576. Baby Turtle (5)

Newly hatched turtles are called hatchlings, which are very immature little turtles.

However, compared to terrestrial freshwater turtles, green sea turtles are quite large when they are born. The straight length of their carapace is between four and five centimeters. When the turtle head is extended, it is almost the size of a child's palm.

Newly born green sea turtles are very dangerous. They are very timid at this time and do not have the calm temperament of their parents. If there is any trouble at this time, they can be scared to death...

In this way of observation, teachers and students Ao Muyang, Li Ji stood on the high ground on the shore, and used binoculars to observe the hatchlings of baby turtles.

The little turtles crawled out one by one, and then waddled towards the seaside, which looked quite spectacular.

Their carapace is mainly black, and the edges of the carapace and fin edges of their abdomen are white, alternating between black and white.

Seeing them moving forward firmly towards the sea, Ao Muyang exclaimed: "Wow, this little turtle is so amazing. It can crawl so far right after it is born."

"Who told you they were just born?" Li Ji smiled.

Ao Muyang pointed to the nest on the beach and said, "Didn't they just crawl out?"

Li Ji smiled and shook his head: "They just crawled out, but they have been hatched for several days, at least three or four days. During those three or four days, they stayed around the egg shells, and they did not leave their nest until today."

"This is called obscene development." A doctoral student said with a smile.

Li Ji said: "Alas, the temperature here is indeed not perfectly suitable for the living environment of green sea turtles."

"Why do you say that?" Ao Muyang asked.

Li Ji pointed to another baby turtle that was about to crawl out of the nest and said: "In order to avoid natural enemies, hatchlings usually crawl out of their nests and crawl toward the sea at summer nights when the sand temperature is low."

"They hide in the sand and don't know what the light is like outside. They determine whether it's day or night by the temperature of the sand layer."

Ao Muyang understood that the red ocean in early autumn was a little cold during the day, and the temperature was similar to that of a tropical night. The little turtles thought it was night, so they crawled out.

There is a constant-temperature glass house on the beach. The little turtles were confused when they realized that it was not night. They followed the sound of waves and crawled to the beach, and finally climbed into the glass house one after another.

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Did they feel the warmth of the glass delivery room?"

Li Jidao: "No, I put inducer in it. The hatchlings have keen senses. They were attracted by the inducer."

Normally, when a baby sea turtle reaches the beach, it will use its wave direction to rush into the waves along with the sound of the waves, and then swim out to the open sea.

The baby turtles at this time are very hard-working. In order to reduce the chance of being encountered by natural enemies, they have to swim continuously as soon as they are born. The first swim may last for a day and a night!

All in all, their desire to survive is quite strong!

There are clumps of seaweed in the glass room, which are sargassum clumps brought by Li Ji.

According to the theory of nature, the little turtles should keep swimming away after entering the glass room, but it turned out not to be the case. They got into the sargassum and then stayed quietly without moving.

Seeing this scene through the telescope, Li Ji couldn't help but slap his thigh: "The hatchlings swim continuously not only to stay away from the coast, but also to find a refuge. There is no doubt that the Sargassum group is the refuge they have been looking for! "

One student also clapped his thigh excitedly: "Teacher, you may be able to solve the puzzle of the lost years of the turtle."

"Why are you slapping my thigh?" A female doctor rolled her eyes.

Ao Muyang asked: "What is the lost time problem of the young turtle?"

"The lost years are when the hatchlings return to the ocean and grow into hatchlings of 20 to 30 centimeters. No one has ever seen them offshore or on the beach. With the current development of science and technology, they still have not been found. There are regular living places, so in herpetology, we all use the term 'lost years' to describe the juvenile life history of green sea turtles that is invisible to humans. "

Li Ji seemed to be in a very high mood, and Ao Muyang had no choice but to follow suit.

He felt that the guess may not be true, because he sprinkled water mixed with gold drops into the Sargasso weed, and maybe the little turtles were attracted by this stuff.

Because the temperature is low at night, the hatchlings must stay in the glass room for a while until they are a little stronger before they are allowed to enter the ocean.

Li Ji went to the nest left by the hatchlings to check the situation. After he dug out the sand, there were pieces of turtle shells underneath. Some turtle shells were shattered and the hatchlings crawled out; some turtle shells were only broken a little, and there were pieces of turtle shells inside. Dead hatchlings; some had only cracks in their shells. Apparently the hatchlings inside were too weak to break open the shells and climb out.

Faced with this result, Li Ji showed a happy expression on his face.

"Using a constant temperature rod to help turtle eggs hatch is indeed effective." When he said this, he was in a very optimistic mood.

"Didn't some of them die?" Ao Muyang asked.

Li Jidao: "If you know that the probability of turtle eggs hatching is only 60%, then you will know why I am so happy."

After hearing this, Ao Muyang understood that indeed, the hatching rate of this nest of turtle eggs was 80%.

In the next three or four days, the turtle eggs hatched one after another, and the hatchlings crawled out of the nest and entered the glass house, hiding almost invisible among the sargassum.

This is their refuge and their food.

Li Ji and his students have been following up on this project, and Ao Muyang continues to lead the team out to sea, and a steady stream of seafood is delivered to the fishing village.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is not far away, and seafood sales have entered a climax period. The Yexian crabs and Nanhu crabs in Longxiang Lake are about to be produced.

Compared with the hairy crabs in Chengyang Lake, these crabs are naturally less famous.

But now most of the hairy crabs are bathing crabs. Almost all of the hairy crabs that enter the market are not authentic Chengyang Lake hairy crabs, but those that are raised by foreign merchants and sent to Chengyang Lake for soaking in water.

In this case, the freshwater crabs raised in Longxiang Lake naturally taste better. After all, they are wild crabs, and it takes a year to grow them, including seedlings.

At the beginning, 200,000 crab seedlings were poured into Longxiang Lake in the first phase, and Land Rover made many additional deliveries later. This year, there are many crabs in Longxiang Lake.

Longtou Village must deal with the large army of crabs around the Mid-Autumn Festival. Too many crabs cannot be left in the lake for winter, otherwise they will lack food in winter and will eat up all the water grass roots and vegetation seeds in the lake.

In this way, how to sell crabs has become a problem again, which is a happy trouble for Longtou Village.

Ao Daguo invited people to dinner, and someone asked Ao Muyang: "Boss Lu doesn't want many of these crabs, Longtou, how can we sell them all?"

"Can we sell them at a discount?" Ao Mudong said while drinking.

This made everyone unhappy: "We had a falling out with Wangjia Village over this batch of crabs, and now you tell me to sell them at a discount? Why?"

Ao Muyang patted the table and said: "I know, leave it to me."

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