Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 574 577. Foot Pond (1/5)

Chapter 574 577. Foot Pond (15)

Returning from Ao Da Country, Ao Muyang walked along the foot of the mountain.

After an autumn rain, the weather became clear. In autumn, the sky is high and the air is fresh, the grass and trees are solemn, and there are almost no clouds blocking the night sky. The clear moonlight falls on the ground, and it actually illuminates the fishing village very brightly.

Ao Muyang walked slowly, the general swayed his tail in front to explore the way, the head of state followed behind him, and Youfu hid in his pocket, with only his small head and big ears exposed.

It was late at night and the fishing village became lively with more tourists. At this time, many fishing houses were still brightly lit.

Someone came out to dump garbage and casually threw a plastic bag full of garbage at the door.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang frowned: "Third Aunt, don't throw it like that. The village must be kept clean at all times. We make a living from tourism."

He has prestige in the village, and his words are effective.

After hearing his voice, the woman quickly picked up the plastic bag: "Okay, okay, but how do you deal with so much garbage every day?"

This is a laborious task. Ao Muyang thought about it and said: "I will distribute trash cans to every household. I will arrange people to collect the garbage every day and then send it to the Hongyang garbage disposal station."

"That's great. We don't want to see piles of garbage at the door. Who doesn't want to live in a clean place?" The woman laughed.

The dogs who were looking around at the entrance of the alley were very disappointed. The garbage bags were taken back and they had no chance to look for food.

Not only did they miss such a good opportunity, they were also discovered by the general, who chased them and scared the dogs away.

Walking along the village, he finally took a detour to the foot of the mountain and returned to the small building.

Walking at the foot of the mountain, he saw some wild vegetables. This kind of wild vegetable looks like green onions, as thick as chopsticks, and grows in clusters together.

Ao Muyang went up and pinched a piece and smelled it, then smiled. Well, I have something to do tomorrow morning.

When he got up early in the morning, he took the general out. After opening the door, he saw the sixth sister boxing in the yard.

She was in a serious boxing posture, tapping the ground with light steps, combining the virtual and real fists, wearing only a small vest, and sweating profusely.

Ao Muyang greeted her after seeing her: "Why did you get up so early?"

"Lazy Peppa." The sixth sister gave him a disdainful look.

Ao Muyang smiled: "Oh, you even know Peppa now?"

The sixth sister sighed. Zhu Zhu advised her in various ways, saying that pigs should not be mentioned, but Peppa, and cats should not call, but meow, which made her depressed.

Seeing her depressed face, Ao Muyang waved and said, "Let's go, uncle will take you to find something delicious, do you want to come with me?"

After hearing this, the sixth sister cast a disdainful look again: "No, you will get fat sooner or later if you sleep so much and eat so much."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Okay, a pair of A, do you want it?"

"What?" The sixth sister was confused.

Ao Muyang ran away. If this girl understood what he meant, he would probably not be able to sleep or eat peacefully. This girl is very vindictive.

He went to the foot of the mountain and found the wild vegetables he saw last night.

There are many wild vegetables on Dalong Mountain, but he was very curious when he saw this one. This is urine onion. He didn't know what the specific scientific name was. It was an ingredient he had seen in Kyoto. It was common in southern Fujian, but he didn't expect it to be in Hongyang.

Urine onion is similar to wild onion, but there is a difference between the two. Ao Muyang didn't know why this wild vegetable got such a name. It might be because of the southern Fujian dialect, and the Mandarin translation was wrong.

Yes, when he listened to the speech of his colleagues in southern Fujian, he had to have an interpreter, because it was not in the same system as Mandarin.

Digging urine onion was simple. He brought a shovel and dug a small piece.

As the colleagues in southern Fujian said, this thing grows in large pieces. There are traces of urine onion in many places at the foot of the mountain. They grow sporadically, and no one knows where the seeds come from.

After taking the urine onion home, he washed a handful, cut it into pieces, and mixed it with eggs to make an omelet.

He made the omelet in a non-stick pan without oil. Such omelets are not as fragrant as fried omelets, but it is not good to eat greasy omelets in the morning.

Moreover, without oil, the taste of urine onion will not be covered up. The light spicy taste is matched with the fragrance of wild vegetables. The omelet made in this way has the taste of his childhood.

After breakfast, he made a few phone calls.

These phone calls were left by him from tourists. The tourists who came to Longtou Village were varied, many of whom were reporters or media people, and many of them were self-media masters.

Ao Muyang didn't know much about self-media. It seemed that this kind of media was popular in society now, while traditional media such as newspapers were declining.

He called to tell them that Longtou Village would demonstrate a traditional way of catching crabs in the near future. This method is now very rare in China, and many people would be interested.

Longtou Village provided these people with food and accommodation. They only needed to pay for the travel expenses and then they could come to play for a few days.

In this way, many media people came here after receiving the call.

Most of these media people were from self-media and were ordinary people. They were not as reserved and arrogant as employees of big newspapers and were very easy to entertain.

After receiving these people, Ao Muyang gathered some old fishermen in the village and said, "We are about to catch crabs in Ambergris Lake. How do we catch them?"

The group was puzzled: "It's such a simple thing, use a crab cage to catch them."

Ao Muyang waved his hand: "No, that's meaningless, let's catch crabs in Jiaotang."

This is the traditional way of catching crabs that he told the media, but it is not traditional at all.

The word "dang" looks like "han", which is easy to mistake, but the two have very different meanings. "dang" means pond, pond, and puddle, and this name is often used in Sichuan and Chongqing.

It is rare to catch crabs in "jiaotang", but it is common to catch fish in "jiaotang", and it is a traditional way of fishing, which is specially used to catch freshwater fish in autumn and winter.

In the past, there were many lakes, rivers and water in Hongyang area, so there were naturally many freshwater products.

Every late autumn, early spring and winter, the bitter north wind swept in, and huge waves would be blown up in the rivers and lakes. These waves would stir up the rivers and lakes, making the sky and the earth dark, resulting in poor vision for people on the ground, making it difficult to fish.

The waves rolled, and the silt and sand at the bottom of the river and lake could not be quiet. They were pushed around by the river and lake water, making the terrain at the bottom of the river and lake very chaotic.

Fish are unhappy in this situation. In winter, fish will choose holes to hide. Old fishermen know this, so they will dig holes in lakes and rivers in summer and fish or net fish in the holes in winter. These holes are called old holes.

However, due to wind and waves, old holes are often abandoned in a short time, so the way of fishing with feet appeared.

In the windy and cold season, fishermen will go to the river or lake, then find a leeward position and reference, roll up their trousers and go barefoot into the river and lake, and step hard to make holes at the bottom of the river and lake.

Then after a short interval, the fishermen will go this way again, and there are often fish in the holes they stepped on.

Because these holes are made by feet, they are called foot holes.

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