Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 576 579. Magnificent Crab Catching (3)

Even so, some people's feet still bleed, after all, the big claws of freshwater crabs are not vegetarian.

Ao Muyang prepared hemostatic drugs and waterproof patches. After applying the drugs and waterproof patches, the fishermen still had to go into the water.

He explained to the tourists: "This is the traditional fishing work. When catching crabs in Jiaotang before, you don't have to care about bleeding feet. There is no way. The conditions at that time were that you had to sweat and bleed to eat."

Traditional fishing methods are often accompanied by blood and tears. The life of the working people in the feudal era was not easy, which is also part of the tradition.

After hearing this, the general jumped into the lake, and then it quickly came out with a fat crab in its mouth...

This scene made many tourists drool: "God, if I had such a dog, I would eat crabs all my life."

There is a timeline for serious Jiaotang fishing, which takes at least three days. This kind of thing requires the accumulation of time. Maybe there are fish in Jiaotang that day, but to ensure the harvest, it still takes at least three days.

There is definitely not so much time to waste when catching crabs in Jiaotang now, because Ao Muyang's purpose is publicity. Tourists and media people don't have time to wait for three days, and they have to see the harvest on the same day.

He did the same thing. It only took half an hour to step on the Jiaotang. Everyone went ashore to rest for an hour or two, and then went back into the water to start looking for crabs in Jiaotang.

More than 200 men went into the water, plus the noisy children and tourists, there must be a total of thousands of legs in the lake. With so many people stirring, the mud and sand on the lakeside were quickly stirred up.

The fish in the lake were frightened and rushed to the center of the lake. Crabs run slowly, and they don't swim around like fish. They have a sense of territory and will not easily leave the territory of the tribe.

So, with the nature of crabs liking to dig holes, crabs did appear in Jiaotang.

The villagers went into the lake with wooden basins. This basin is used to catch water chestnuts and can float on the lake.

The big guy held a basin in one hand and a short-pole net bag in the other. This short-pole net bag is a bamboo pole more than one meter long with a steel bar twisted into a circle and a net wrapped on the outside.

Ao Muyang led the team into the water. He stepped into the foot pond. His feet were slippery. A crab was hiding in it and was stepped into the mud by him.

At this time, he raised his foot and stretched the short-pole net bag in his hand into the foot pond. Because the steel bar ring can bear force, he inserted it into the mud at the bottom of the lake and lifted it up. A crab fell steadily into the net bag.

Of course, the lake mud was also picked up with the crab, but as the net bag emerged from the water, the lake mud would be washed away by the lake water, and only the crab would be left.

Ao Muyang flicked his wrist, and the crab in the net bag fell into the wooden basin. At this point, the harvest was completed.

This is easier than fishing in a pond with feet. First of all, it is safe. Fishing in a pond with feet relies on iron hooks to catch swimming fish. Fishermen have to press the fish with their feet and then hook them up with iron hooks.

Moreover, fishing in a pond with feet must be done when the water temperature is very low. If the water temperature is high, the fish are very active and will run away after being frightened.

Only in winter when the water temperature is low and the vitality of the fish is reduced, it is easy to step on them.

The big guys began to have harvests one after another, and pots of crabs were sent to the shore.

This fishing process is limited to the shallow water area near the lake. In deeper places, people paddled small boats to put crab cages. Crab cages from each household were scattered down. I am afraid there are tens of thousands of them. The entire bottom of Longxian Lake is now full of crab cages.

The activity in Longtou Village was lively, and many people from other villages came to watch the fun, including people from Wangjia Village.

Wang Dongliang was among them, and then he saw Ao Muyang fish out several crab cages with broken lines from the water, which made him very angry. These were crab cages from their Wangjia Village. A few days ago, the lines were cut and they could not be found...

Looking at the crowded Longtou Village, his eyes were red with jealousy: "Magobi, Erjun, Dalong, call Sitong and the others, let's dive and break the crab cage ropes for them."

Dalong whispered: "Brother Daliang, calm down, there are so many people in Longtou Village, and Ao Muyang is a good fighter. If they find out about this, we will be beaten to death."

The sissy Erjun raised his orchid finger and tapped him on the face: "I hate iron for not being able to make steel. , how can there be a coward like you in our Wangjia Village? Humph, sissy! "

Wang Dalong was so angry that he wanted to urinate on him. He pushed Wang Erjun away and said, "You Eryizi, I am a sissy, so what are you? A sissy? Yes, you are a sissy."

The name Eryizi was a bit hurtful. Wang Erjun was so angry that he twisted his waist and stamped his feet. He pulled Wang Dongliang's sleeve and said aggrievedly, "Look, look, brother Daliang, he bullied me."

"What are you looking at? Look at the face of the moon?" Wang Dongliang was upset and pushed him away, "Let's go home and have a drink, and then we will discuss how to deal with Longtou Village!"

The crabs were sent to the lakeshore, and then the women began to get busy.

The women sat together, each with a plastic basket or a bamboo basket, and then sorted the crabs first.

The dead crabs were picked out first, followed by the second crabs with broken legs, and some small and thin crabs, all of which had to be sorted and processed.

Dead crabs cannot be eaten because they are rich in protein and cholesterol, and once dead, they will easily breed bacteria.

But it doesn't matter if they have just died, the bacteria will not breed that fast.

Ao Muyang arranged people to deal with dead crabs. After finding dead crabs, they were immediately washed with salt water, then chopped and sent to the village stone mill to grind them. This can be used to make crab sauce, a very pure fisherman's crab sauce.

Thin crabs and inferior crabs are processed cheaply. He also asked someone to process inferior crabs. He washed them and put them in the pot directly. They were steamed crabs, grilled crabs, spicy crabs and eaten like normal crabs.

After removing the residual crabs, inferior crabs and thin crabs, the remaining ones are high-quality crabs. The next step is to pierce the crabs.

The tourists watched curiously. The women in the village were very enthusiastic and said to them: "Pick it yourself. Take the crabs you like and take them to the fishing house for a simple steaming at noon. They will definitely be very fresh."

"You can take it home. Ask the fishing house for a foam box, smash ice cubes in it and dig a few holes for ventilation. These crabs can live for two or three days!"

The tourists were surprised: "How can they live like this?"

A villager directly picked up a crab and smashed it hard on the ground: "Look, how tenacious is this vitality? It's a real wild crab, very active."

The crabs just out of the water are graded according to size and weight, from level three to level one. Level three crabs are 30 yuan per catty, level two are 50 yuan, and level one crabs are hundreds of yuan.

After learning the price, many people thought it was expensive. The villagers explained: "This price is indeed similar to the market price, but you can see that these crabs have just been caught, fresh and live. Who knows where the crabs in the market come from? Who knows if those crabs are so active because they have taken medicine?"

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