Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 577 580. Collective Participation (4)

After hearing what the villagers said, the tourists immediately changed their attitude.

Indeed, the best crabs here are not wild or plump and delicious, but that they just came out of the water, right under everyone's eyes, very clean, absolutely no problem.

The tourists originally planned to buy crabs, but the crabs were not discounted like sea fish, and they were not satisfied with the price, so they waited and watched.

Freshwater crabs are different from sea fish. These crabs are produced in batches a year, and there is no such store after this village, but sea fish can be caught at sea every day, and you can go to the next village after this village.

Therefore, Ao Muyang can discount sea fish, but he will not do so for freshwater crabs.

If he had already made a plan for discounts, why did he have to show it to the outside world through self-media and traditional media?

Yes, what Jiaotang crab fishing and thousands of people activities, all for the purpose of promoting these freshwater crabs produced in Longxiang Lake.

Of course, practitioners of self-media and traditional media focused on filming the process of fishing in Jiaotang, but the big crabs are indispensable in this process.

Tourists started to select crabs one after another, and the villagers kindly taught them how to tie the crabs, and let everyone tie the selected crabs by themselves.

There are four steps to tying crabs. The first step is called "沲 crab", which means pinching the crab. This requires starting from the back of the crab's buttocks and pinching it with two fingers to prevent it from being bitten by the big claws .

The second step is to hold the claws. First, you have to use your right hand to hold the crab's right claw and press it down, so that the right claw sticks to the crab's belly, then use the first section of the left thumb to press the crab's right claw, and then use the same method to press the left claw.

After pressing the two claws firmly, the freshwater crab can only be captured. This step is the basis of tying crabs. If you can't catch or press them firmly, the crab will struggle and hurt people.

Some children followed suit and tried to catch the crab. Villagers would stop them when they saw the fun: "Watch the kids, don't let them get caught, or else cat urine will drip down!"

"After grabbing the claw, it's time to tie it up. Be careful. Look, put a rubber band on the middle finger and little finger of your left hand, then use the thumb and index finger of your right hand to quickly pull it apart and tie it to the big claw of the crab. As long as it's tied, it's fine." Ao Muyang asked Ao Fugui, who has a loud voice, to explain.

A crab-selling event turned into a lecture, but Ao Muyang knew what tourists really needed. They needed participation and a sense of accomplishment.

Who hasn't eaten crabs? How rare are delicious crabs? What really makes tourists willing to pay is to choose crabs and tie them up by themselves.

Of course, it would be even better if they could catch them by themselves.

Ao Muyang allows tourists to fish out crab cages, which is not dangerous. The crab cages can be fished out in batches after being placed underwater for four or five hours. The crabs fished out of the water by yourself are the most reassuring and the most fulfilling.

After tying the crab claws, the fourth step is to deliver the crabs.

Foam boxes with ice cubes are delivered one by one. After the crabs are put in, the activity of the crabs will decrease sharply due to the low temperature. When the ice cubes are taken away after being sent to the market, their activity will recover and they will continue to be lively.

The crabs in the lake will last for many days, and can be fished for at least half a month.

News information is spread through official accounts, various live broadcast rooms, and morning and evening newspapers. The crabs of Longtou Village have become famous at least in the Hongyang area.

There are also villagers from surrounding villages who come to buy, and the price is the same, even if the villagers are mostly relatives, the price remains unchanged.

Ao Muyang knew very well that tourists were the lifeblood of the village's development, and he must not let them feel dissatisfied. Relatives' dissatisfaction was just a few complaints, but tourists' dissatisfaction would ruin his reputation.

However, he was not only concerned with money. When the villagers around came to buy, the villagers would often give two thin crabs or inferior crabs after weighing them. This was considered an event, which lowered the price.

The construction team building the road outside the village also had crabs. Ao Muyang prepared a box for each person. Locals could take them home on the same day, and it didn't matter if they were from other places. He found a courier company for cold and fresh express delivery, so that his family could also eat fresh wild crabs.

The engineering team, from top to bottom, gave Ao Muyang a thumbs up when they mentioned him. Liu Sanyang would emphasize before starting work every day that others had done their best for him, and we must not let them down, and we must build the best road within our capabilities.

The road outside Longtou Village was built quickly and well. The roads in other villages are still being built, but the foundation is already being laid here...

In this way, the freshwater crabs of Longxian Lake became famous. Even Yan Qingcheng called him and said, "Xiao Ao, prepare some crab gift boxes for me. I want to give them as gifts."

Ao Muyang said, "I have prepared them for you a long time ago. They will be delivered at any time."

Song Gongming came to buy crabs with a group of colleagues after work. Ao Muyang collected money as usual, but he put big and vigorous crabs in the gift boxes.

This is the rule of survival in the countryside. Even though Ao Muyang has a wide network of contacts and a strong hand, he still tries to make friends with grassroots civil servants who hold power.

Not to mention the coast guard. The coast guards don't have to spend money directly. Ao Muyang sent a boat of crabs to the coast guard detachment under the banner of "military and civilians are one family" and "people reward guards".

Seeing the number of crabs in the lake decreasing, Ao Fugui said to Ao Muyang while eating: "Yangzi, you don't need to look for any self-media, newspapers or TV stations. We don't have enough crabs to sell in the market!"

Ao Muyang said: "You are short-sighted. You only see this year. What about the future? What if the aquaculture scale of Longxiang Lake is increased starting from next year? Where will the excess crabs be sold?"

"Speaking of next year," Ao Wenchang interrupted, "Longtou, other villages will definitely release crabs into Longxiang Lake next year. What should we do then? I guess something will go wrong."

Ao Muyang smiled slightly: "Let them release crab seedlings. Nothing will go wrong."

He had already made this preparation!

This time, the promotion is about crab fishing in Jiaotang and freshwater crabs in Longxiang Lake. In fact, the biggest beneficiary is the entire Longtou Village. Longtou Village is the background and has carried out a wave of free publicity.

After starting to promote from various channels, the number of tourists in Longtou Village has increased again, and many people even brought their families to Longtou Village to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It's a pity that the mountain road has not been repaired, otherwise there will be more tourists coming to the village to celebrate the festival.

But Ao Muyang is not in a hurry. There is a long time. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival next year, the mountain road will definitely be repaired. At that time, the development of Longtou Village will be different from now, and it will be able to accommodate more tourists.

After finishing the crab promotion, he was busy cleaning up the garbage in the village.

With more tourists, more business, and more garbage, the village garbage dump was already full of things.

Ao Muyang would not allow the garbage dump to continue to exist, so he had to transport all the garbage away. The place was easy to choose, just transport it to the Hongyang garbage disposal station, but where was the means of transportation?

Transport ship!

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