Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 578 581. Pipi is a male dog (5)

Transport ships are very common in Hongyang. After all, this is a famous port in the country.

Seriously speaking, transport ships are a big category. Passenger ships and cargo ships are all transport ships, but in Hongyang, transport ships are a special name, referring to cargo ships.

Ao Muyang wants to buy a boat to transport garbage to the village. In this way, the boat does not need to be big, and a carrying capacity of 100 tons is enough.

He calculated that the garbage in the village mainly comes from fishermen. Several tons of miscellaneous items can be produced in a day, and a 100-ton transport ship can handle the workload for a week.

A week is a good time for garbage to sit. If it is left for too long, it will rot and ferment. This will not only produce a bad smell, but also breed a lot of bacteria.

Garbage can be stored longer in winter, but there are fewer tourists in the village and less garbage in winter, so after his calculations, he decided to buy a 100-ton transport ship.

For cargo ships that can easily weigh 10,000 tons or even 100,000 tons, a 100-ton transport vessel is a small thing that blue shippers can produce.

It happened that the autumn weather was crisp and clear in late September, and Yan Qingcheng came to Longtou Village to accompany his daughter, so Ao Muyang went to find her directly.

When Zhong Cang and his wife lived in the village, they would live in the old house of Ao Muyang's family. This was good. There were people and family atmosphere, and the old house aged slower.

Without anyone to live in or take care of it, old houses in mountain villages will soon fall into disrepair.

Ao Muyang left home for five years. When he came back, the old house almost collapsed. The roof was leaking and the walls were drafty. As a result, he stayed there for half a year, and Zhong Cang and his wife came to live for more than half a year. The old house became full of life again, and now it looks like Already decent.

Walking on the road, he looked at the old house.

He walked over from the back of the house. There were some pieces of wood placed behind the old house, which were brought back when the school was being built. There were hyphae of the gallinopsis fungus on them.

There had been autumn rain some time ago, and the humidity and temperature were suitable. Chicken fir trees grew on the wood again, but there were not many of them, so Wang Xia did not pick them.

The courtyard wall was very short. When Ao Muyang passed by, he looked over and sprinkled a little gold on the wood to supplement the nutrition of the chicken fir.

He walked around the wall to the door. At this time, there was a sound of rapid footsteps, and something jumped out from the yard, and then plunged its head into his crotch.

Ao Muyang was startled, now he was embarrassed!

As a result, when he lowered his head, he found that the person he bumped into was not Zhu Zhu or Liu Mei, but a puppy.

The puppy has yellow and white hair, pointed ears standing straight up, a plump two-flap butt and four short legs - a corgi.

The general following him reacted quickly, went up and flipped the puppy to the ground, lying on it.

Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei followed behind and ran out. Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhu screamed anxiously: "No, no, no, no, general, don't bite the butt, you scared it!"

Ao Muyang patted his pants and said, "Don't be afraid. The general can't scare this puppy, but you scared it. Why are you chasing it?"

Zhu Zhu said: "We didn't chase it. It was my mother. My mother is so annoying. She wants to take me back to Hongyang. So I ran away with Sixth Sister, and my butt followed us. General, let go of your fart." Shit, don’t bully it!”

Ao Muyang chuckled and said: "Don't be afraid, the general is not bullying it, they are making out..."

"Butt is a male dog." Liu Mei said coldly.

Zhu Zhu didn't understand what was going on. She didn't know much about the world, and Sixth Sister didn't understand cultural knowledge, but she knew this kind of nonsense all too well.

Ao Muyang quickly dragged the general away. It was probably the first time the general had seen a dog with such a round butt. He was clawing at the ground and refused to leave. His eyes were full of reluctance.

Butt got up and got behind Zhu Zhu's legs with its tail between its legs. It was so frightened that its whole body trembled, especially the pair of twerking ones that were even more powerful.

The general almost burst into tears!

Sixth sister picked up Butt and said angrily: "How come you, a male dog, are turning blue everywhere? I'm really convinced."

Ao Muyang said with a dark face: "Don't talk nonsense. Dogs are like this. They turn blue in spring and autumn. Now all the dogs in the village are turning blue."

Zhu Zhu frowned and asked, "What is turning blue?"

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "It's nothing. You will know when you grow up."

After hearing this, the little girl became angry: "You will know everything when you grow up. It's not my fault that I was young. Can't I learn knowledge? You and my mother are like this. You don't let me come into contact with the world. Makes me look like an idiot."

This seemed to make sense, so Lao Ao had to explain: "Being blue means two animals of the same species give birth to babies together."

Zhu Zhu said: "Well, then let the general and the butt turn blue and let them have a baby together."

"Two of them can't have children. They are both males. One male and one female are needed." Liu Mei curled her lips and said, "Chief Xiao Ao, please don't talk nonsense, and don't mislead Zhu Zhu."

Ao Muyang glared at her: "Call me Uncle Xiaoyang. Also, who misled Zhu Zhu? You know so much, you drama queen."

Sixth Sister raised her head and snorted, saying disdainfully: "What is this? I also know how to break shoes and remove dust..."

"Okay, okay, okay, you know a lot, I'm convinced." Ao Muyang quickly interrupted her. How come this girl doesn't care about anything, she dares to say anything.

Yan Qingcheng came out later, so that Ao Muyang could stop talking nonsense, he waved to her: "Sister Yan, long time no see."

The beauty's style is still the same, her skin is round and shiny, her hair is as black as ink but also shiny, her eyes are black and white but still shiny, Ao Muyang feels like she is looking at a light bulb.

Seeing her mother appear, Zhu Zhu swung her legs and ran away. The sixth sister followed with her puppy in her arms. Naturally, the general also followed happily...

Yan Qingcheng smiled helplessly and said, "This girl."

Ao Muyang said, "Zhu Zhu said you want to take her to Hongyang? What does that mean?"

Yan Qingcheng said, "I want to send her to school. She should go to middle school..."

"If you don't want to go, then don't go. Going to school is not fun. Going to school will turn people into flowers in a greenhouse. I want to be a wolf in the wilderness here! I want to be a tiger in the mountains! I want to be a lion king who roams the grasslands!" Zhu Zhu turned around and shouted after hearing this.

Ao Muyang was speechless.

Yan Qingcheng covered her chest and almost choked with anger. She couldn't imagine that the delicate girl had become like this.

After taking two deep breaths, she asked, "Xiao Ao, what are you doing here?"

Ao Muyang said with a shameless face, "I heard that you were here, Sister Yan, so I came to see you. Here, I brought you some crabs."

"I've had enough. I gave the crabs you sent me as gifts, but I had to eat them every time I sent them to a family." Yan Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, and it seemed that she was still frightened.

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "This time it's not freshwater crabs, but red crabs produced by my fishery. There is less crab meat, but the taste is different and it is very nourishing. I asked my sister-in-law to steam them for you to try."

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