Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 63 63. Inspecting the Trench

A dish of fish scale jelly, smooth and cool like jelly, Lu Hu scooped a spoonful and dipped it in some garlic paste and enjoyed it.

Asparagus with pickled peppers and peanuts is the best among vegetables. Asparagus is fresh and crispy, and crushed cooked peanuts are sprinkled on it, which makes it more fragrant. The pickled pepper has a delicious spicy taste, and the more you eat, the more appetite you have.

There was beer beside the two of them, chatting and eating. After a glass of iced beer, the summer heat disappeared immediately, and a refreshing feeling was revealed from inside to outside.

There is no drunk driving check on the sea. Ao Muyang is familiar with the sea route from the village to Hongyang Wharf, and he is confident, so he accompanies Lu Hu to drink very happily.

They drank until the moon was halfway up in the sky. After drinking and eating, the two took a rest and then set off on the sea road.

The speedboat rolled over the waves and galloped. When the boat arrived at Hongyang Wharf, the two woke up completely.

A Mercedes-Benz S parked at the dock, Lu Hu jumped on it, pointed at Ao Muyang and said with a smile: "Next time you have something good, let me know as soon as possible, I will go to you to drink to my heart's content!"

Ao Muyang made an OK gesture: "Definitely."

Sheng Ruijin came to pick up Lu Hu, he opened the trunk and took out two large bottles from it, and moved out two boxes to send him to the boat.

Ao Muyang was surprised and said: "What is this for?"

Sheng Ruijin smiled and said: "Boss Lu asked me to prepare some small gifts. This is the wine brewed by an old friend of ours. You can take it back and try it. There are also some seasonings. Boss Lu said you are good at cooking, I guess you can use it."

The seasonings were given to the right person, Ao Muyang really couldn't bear to refuse, as for the two large bottles of wine, he was polite.

Sheng Ruijin was very good at talking, and said: "You must take the wine back. Boss Lu likes this wine very much. Next time he comes to play with you, you can drink this wine."

In this case, Ao Muyang stopped being polite and took the wine and seasonings to sail back.

Today was a rare north wind in summer. After he entered the ocean, he turned off the motor directly, tied a lifebuoy behind the boat and threw it into the sea. After getting in, he soaked in the water and strolled with the boat.

As long as he didn't sink, he could still sleep in the water, and he could also absorb the water vapor in the ocean to condense the golden elixir.

A trace of water vapor poured into his skin all over his body, and he moaned comfortably, thinking whether he should prepare a new seawater pool at home in the future, and it would be nice to sleep in it.

As the waves drifted, he slept until dawn, and he slept better than in bed.

After waking up, the sun had just appeared, it jumped out of the sea, thousands of red clouds scattered into the sea, and the crystal waves were dyed orange, which brought the warmth of summer to this sea early.

The sun shone on everything, and Ao Muyang looked at the seashore far away with all his eyes. From the sea to the ground, a layer of water mist continued to advance, and the continuous mountains and ridges could be vaguely seen.

Ao Muyang pondered for a while and found that this place was not far from where he caught the yellow croaker. If he continued to advance southeastward in the sea, he would reach the trench where he found refuge for the yellow croaker school.

He jumped on the speedboat, started it and ran to the deep sea. He roughly estimated the location and occasionally looked into the sea to look down and search. After running for another half an hour, he found the trench.

Entering the water again, he dived all the way and saw the yellow croaker school all the way.

Fortunately, they did not devour each other like lobsters, and they lived quite well in the trench.

Occasionally, sharks would be attracted. At this time, the yellow croakers immediately drilled into the gaps in the trench. The sharks had no harvest and could only leave helplessly.

Seeing Ao Muyang appear, the yellow croakers immediately drilled into the gaps in the trench again.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang was happy. With their cleverness, I am afraid that no one or big fish can prey on them except himself.

This trench is a natural refuge. As soon as any disturbance occurs, they hide in the gaps, so that no matter whether it is a big fish or a fishing net, they can't catch them.

Ao Muyang found that the seaweed in the trench has changed a lot. He remembered that the last time he saw it was a large group of low and small water plants. Now it has grown a lot and is much more lush.

He reversed the golden elixir to release water vapor, and the yellow croaker school gradually relaxed its vigilance and swam out, slowly approaching him and swimming around him.

Seeing that the yellow croaker school was fine and had the intention of setting up camp here, Ao Muyang was relieved.

This is a treasure of his. As long as the yellow croaker lives in groups here, he can have a continuous income.

He generously released a large amount of water vapor to the fish school, then surfaced and drove the fishing boat to the town.

The police station had not checked the speedboat, so he simply treated it as his own boat, and went to add diesel and bought some vegetables, grains and meat before returning home.

It was already mid-morning when he returned to Longtou Village. The general stuck out his tongue under the shade of the tree at the door, which proved that Lu Zhizi and Ao Xiaoniu had been there, and probably left again when they saw that he was not at home.

He had other things to do today, so he did not go to find Lu Zhizi. Besides, the two of them had no special relationship, and it was not good for him to always go and show his courtesy.

A week later, in late June, the weather became even hotter, and the work in the farmland was simply impossible to do.

In the morning, taking advantage of the cool weather, Ao Muyang took the general to the farmland at the foot of the mountain.

Ao Qianxin and Ao Zhiyi had not come to see him again in the past few days, which meant that the matter of reclaiming the land was a foregone conclusion, and he did not have to wait any longer.

A piece of farmland was distributed from east to west along the foot of the mountain, like a piece of silk surrounding the forest. This was the field of Longtou Village, and it was also the most fertile land in the surrounding towns.

When he was in school, he rarely worked in the fields. He hadn't been back for five years, so he had forgotten the location of his farmland. Fortunately, there were villagers working in the fields. He asked and found the location of the farmland, and also knew who had contracted the land for use.

His two and a half acres of land were divided into two pieces and contracted out. One acre was used to plant peanuts, which had just been planted for more than a month, and the other one and a half acres was used to plant fruit trees and open an orchard.

The villager who planted peanuts was Ao Qianying, who was of the same generation as his father. The orchard owner was Ao Muyi, who was much older than him, but of a lower generation, and of the same generation as him.

Ao Muyi happened to be spraying pesticides in the orchard. His orchard was more than four acres, and because the land was connected to Ao Muyang's land, he simply contracted it and planted fruit trees together.

Ao Muyang greeted him after seeing him. Ao Muyi immediately knew what he was here for, so he took off the sprayer and said, "Yangzi, come and collect your land?"

The incident yesterday was quite a big deal, and it had already spread to hundreds of households in Longtou Village.

Ao Muyang asked, "How many years have you been under contract with Ao Qianxin?"

Ao Muyi lit a cigarette and said, "How can you not know what's going on with your uncle? He's as cunning as a monkey. The land is contracted for one year, and the rent increases every year."

Ao Muyang laughed and said, "How dare you plant fruit trees like this? If he takes it back halfway, won't you lose a lot?"

Ao Muyi said, "It's okay. When I opened the orchard, the government had a policy that these fruit tree seedlings were given for free, so I couldn't afford to lose money. What do you plan to do? Continue to rent out the land, or do you want to go back?"

Ao Muyang looked at the farmland and said, "I want to plant it myself. How long will your contract with him expire?"

Ao Muyi waved his hand and said, "It's only a few days. Just take it back. The fruit trees are also given to you."

Most of these fruit trees are apples and pears. Melon and watermelon seedlings are planted under the trees. Fruit trees need four or five years to enter the prosperous fruit-bearing period. They can live for at least 20 to 30 years. If they are well cared for, they can live for 100 to 80 years.

In other words, Ao Muyi's fruit trees were just about to be harvested, and he was actually making wedding clothes for Ao Muyang.

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