Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 70 70. Dark Wood

Everyone had a great time eating dinner, especially the rockfish. Although each person didn’t have many chopsticks, it was indeed a super delicacy, and the neighbors praised it.

At the same time, they were also puzzled and asked Ao Muyang why he always gained so much when he went to sea and went to the lake. They worked under the stars and moon every day, but they always came back empty-handed.

Ao Muyang smiled and didn't say much. He became wary. It seemed that the villagers had discovered his abnormal fishing ability and began to doubt his even more abnormal luck.

He had to find a way to solve this problem.

But this problem could not be solved for a while, so Ao Muyang was not in a hurry to get into the water. In the next week, he mainly served giant lobsters, nautiluses, golden eels, and rock crawlers. From time to time, he went to the sea to see the large yellow croakers.

At the end of June, a phone call came in. The other party asked him directly if he had an antique desk and if he was interested in selling it.

Ao Muyang was confused. How could he have any antique desk? And where did the other party get such news?

At first he thought the other party had called the wrong number. The antique dealer described the appearance of the antique desk and told him that a female secretary named Lu had given him the information about the desk.

In this way, Ao Muyang understood that this person made the right call and was really looking for him. His target was the ironwood desk he brought back from Lao Suntou's Kitchen!

The antique dealer added his Penguin account and asked him to take a few photos and a video to send. After a while, the other party replied to him: "Yes, just follow the agreed price, one million is fine!"

Ao Muyang's eyes straightened, one million? ! How was this price determined? He didn't say anything, but the other party just threw out one million. Isn't this another scam?

The antique dealer asked directly: "Sir, your female secretary has already negotiated everything with me. You won't regret it, right?"

A table bought for two thousand yuan was resold for one million yuan. If Ao Muyang regretted it, he would be really crazy!

He agreed wholeheartedly and directly asked the other party how to trade.

The antique dealer groaned and said: "I'm in Hongyang, which is quite far away from where you are. Why don't you bring your desk to Hongyang Pier and I'll find someone to take you to my shop."

Ao Muyang rejected the proposal. He had to guard against it. This table was worth millions. The safest outcome was for the antique dealer to bring the money to Longtou Village.

After some haggling, the two parties finally decided to choose Hongyang Wharf as the trading location. Ao Muyang still had to bring the desk there, but there was no need to send the desk to the antique store.

One million was too much, and Ao Muyang was willing to take the risk.

He brought Ao Fugui, Ao Mufeng and Ao Mupeng with him. If there was any trouble, at least his side would not be at a disadvantage in terms of force.

Lifting the table onto the speedboat, Ao Muyang had already installed the plug-in machine. Now the speedboat has more horsepower and runs much faster than the tin boat.

Ao Fugui stroked the old speedboat with longing on his face: "When can I have a boat like this? Then I will add a few more seats to this boat, and I will definitely make money by running the boat to solicit passengers!"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Brothers, do your best. From now on, if you buy a luxury yacht and park it at the dock, when someone asks you about the fare, just say, I'm sorry, this is a private yacht."

Several people laughed and then unanimously commented: "This is a good dream."

The speed of the speedboat shortened the time to Hongyang. After running on the sea for fifty minutes, we saw the majestic Hongyang Port.

The antique dealer's name is Cheng Deming. He is an old man in his fifties. His silver hair is meticulously combed. He wears a neat Mao Zhongshan suit and old cloth shoes on his feet. He has the air of an old intellectual.

Ao Muyang led someone to lift the desk up, and Cheng Deming and a middle-aged man he brought with him took a closer look. They first looked at it with a magnifying glass, then took pictures and made phone calls, and finally took out a small machine to test it on it.

The identification process lasted for an hour. Cheng Deming whispered a few words to the middle-aged man and then came to find Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang asked: "Mr. Cheng, is there anything wrong with my antique ironwood table?"

Cheng Deming was stunned and said: "Antique iron and wood table? No, this is not an iron and wood table. You don't know its true identity?"

Ao Muyang was also stunned. What is this if it's not an iron-wood table? Lao Suntou introduced the material of the table to them at that time, saying it was an ironwood table. He always thought this thing was an ironwood table.

Cheng Deming continued: "Your secretary knows the material of this table, how can you not know it?"

Ao Muyang regretted it. He had known that he should have brought Lu Zhizi with him. At least he should have talked to Lu Zhizi first to find out what was going on with the desk.

But you can't blame him. He was excited when he learned that the table was worth one million, and he rushed over in a hurry to trade.

Seeing that Cheng Deming doubted himself, Ao Muyang immediately came up with an idea and said with a wry smile: "To be honest, Boss Cheng, the person who called you was not my secretary, but my wife. But the relationship between the two of us is not very good. , these are all things passed down from my ancestors, I really don’t understand much..."

Cheng Deming sighed: "Then you have a good partner, little brother, but I can't blame you for your poor taste. Most people can't recognize the texture of this table because it is so rare. It is made of ebony, and of course it is not mahogany. That kind of ebony, but dark wood!”

Sunken wood is caused by earthquakes, floods, mudslides and other activities that buried all ground plants and organisms in low-lying places such as ancient river beds. Under conditions of anoxia, high pressure, and under the action of bacteria and other microorganisms, it has been carbonized for tens of millions of years. Something formed by a process.

This kind of wood is also called "carbonized wood", which combines the elegance of wood and the charm of stone. It is also known as "Oriental sacred wood" and "plant mummy".

No wonder this desk is worth one million yuan. Ao Muyang still couldn't figure it out at the time, because iron wood was not very valuable.

Previously, he thought the table's value lay in its history and that it was an antique. But the table is ordinary in style, with no patterns or carvings, and it doesn't look like an antique.

Now everything is clear. The value of this desk lies in its material. Chinese people have regarded dark wood as a treasure throughout the ages. There is even a saying that "half a square of ebony at home is worth a box of treasure".

After checking the authenticity of the desk, Cheng Deming happily transferred one million yuan to his account. In this way, Ao Muyang's account suddenly reached seven figures!

Before leaving, Cheng Deming gave him a business card and said, "Mr. Ao, if you have any ancestral items at home that you would like to sell in the future, please remember to contact me. Also, cherish your girlfriend, she is really a great girl!"

Ao Muyang also wants to cherish Lu Zhizi, but others may not be willing to let him cherish it.

There is no doubt that this matter was led by Lu Zhizi. She asked herself last time if she wanted to sell the table, and she replied that she would sell it if the price was right. Then Lu Zhizi found him a big customer!

Looking further back, when Chef Lao Suntou saw the desk for the first time, Lu Zhizi probably recognized its identity, but because she was also interested in the desk, she misunderstood that she also saw it. The identity of the desk helped him buy the desk.

Lu Zhizi showed many things in this matter, including vision, reactions, skills, information channels, etc., all of which were top-notch.

The best thing is her mind. One million is a huge sum of money in Ao Muyang's eyes, but Lu Zhizi obviously doesn't take it seriously. Think about it, the watch she wears is more than 600,000!

Thinking of this, Ao Muyang was no longer happy. He found that the gap between himself and Lu Zhizi became even wider after this incident. He didn't even know Lu Zhizi's identity and background.

Perhaps like what he persuaded Ao Fugui, the two sides are standing on the same land, but they are not from the same world...

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