Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 697 700. Test (4)

It is not easy to find grouper roe from a pile of fish roe, but it is not impossible. The roe of different fishes is different. For example, the roe of mackerel sticks together and turns white, while the roe of herring condenses into Blocks have the most texture.

The grouper roe is relatively large and has the most beautiful red color.

Ao Muyang found a magnifying glass and carefully fiddled with the fish roe in the box, and then discovered the traces of grouper roe. He picked it out and showed it to Ao Zhisheng, Ao Qiandang and others. After seeing it, everyone nodded: "That's right. Grouper roe!”

The culprit was found and the situation was brought under control.

A tourist breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they had confirmed the result and said: "Oh my mother, coming here for a vacation is like a case. You can have a meal and help solve the case."

"It's a pity that no one died, or it would have been Conan."

"What a pity?! Damn you!"

The atmosphere at the scene was chaotic and almost uncontrollable.

Just in time, Ao Muyang took advantage of the chaos to release a few gold drops into a bottle, diluted it with the water used to soak kelp in the kitchen, and then distributed it to people at several tables, saying: "Everyone has a sip. This is a special treat for our fisherman's family." This secret medicine for food poisoning works wonders.”

He went to the fishing ground yesterday and released almost all the gold drops. He had condensed more than ten drops last night and this year. Now he has used them all, which has made him weak again.

Someone asked anxiously: "No need to go to the hospital?"

Ao Muyang said: "Go, to be on the safe side, you still have to go to the hospital to hang up the water and check. But before we go, let our Chinese medicine teacher handle it for everyone. He will detoxify everyone from traditional Chinese medicine."

The old man carried a medicine box with him. After opening it, he took out a bottle of atropine and distributed it to everyone: "Come on, come on, three pills for adults, one pill for children, and two pills for the elderly."

"What is this? Damn it, atropine? My dog ​​ate a dead mouse and the vet fed it this. Now you let us eat this stuff?" Some people were unhappy.

The old man smiled and said: "Atropine induces vomiting and helps everyone vomit toxins in advance."

Ao Muyang said helpfully: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Ciguatera toxin is life-threatening. It may exist in the body of any deep-sea fish, because it is accumulated by seaweed in the body of carnivorous fish."

Tourists responded with skepticism, but most of them had the ability to learn independently. They took out their mobile phones and searched for the toxin online.

After the search results, someone soon said: "Well, ciguatera toxin is not uncommon. It has been found in coral fish, green spots, squids, red turtles and dolphins."

Ao Muyang nodded and explained further: "Grouper, it itself is not toxic, but ciguatera toxin comes from marine microorganisms..."

"Dinoflagellate." Mr. Ao Zhisheng is obviously more professional. The fisherman always encounters several cases of ciguatera toxin poisoning throughout the year, which is not uncommon for him, an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Ao Muyang said: "Yes, this is the dinoflagellates. They are seaweeds and contain ciguatera toxin. When small fish eat the dinoflagellates, the toxin enters their bodies, but it has no effect on them."

"Further, big fish eat small fish, right? Through the food chain, this toxin will gradually accumulate in the body of fish. As we all know, grouper is a large carnivorous fish, and the toxins accumulated in their bodies And more.”

"Then you all know this, why don't you take precautions in advance? Why don't you deal with it and sell it later?" A young woman supporting the old man still looked angry.

Although I knew that the food poisoning would not be fatal, I still suffered a lot and the matter could not end like this.

Ao Muyang said with a helpless smile: "Ciguatera toxin is not harmful to the fish itself. The fish is just the carrier. So we can't judge whether the fish is poisonous just based on the appearance, smell and meat quality of the fish. ”

After a pause, he continued: "And the most helpless thing is that ciguatera toxin is very heat-resistant and highly stable. It cannot be removed regardless of high-temperature cooking, low-temperature freezing, drying, or acid-base treatment. toxin."

"Then how to deal with this matter?" the young woman asked.

Ao Muyang patted Ao Mufeng on the shoulder and said, "Brother Feng, please send us to the hospital for a checkup first. Then we can discuss the compensation issue together, okay?"

The reason why he went to the hospital was to reassure the patient with food poisoning. In fact, he felt relieved after it was confirmed that ciguatera toxin was the cause.

The harm caused by ciguatera toxin to the human body is very limited, because through the enrichment effect, the toxin content in fish is very low. When fishermen find themselves poisoned, they just lie down in bed and sleep, and get over it.

However, there are also serious cases where the symptoms will last for two or three weeks. In such cases, it is more reassuring to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Furthermore, he has given everyone gold drops, which have the effect of strengthening the body, which can help everyone to a certain extent.

After some explanation and negotiation, the matter was temporarily resolved.

When the diners left, Ao Muyang's face darkened, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "This matter must be investigated, someone is causing trouble!"

Groupers are most likely to accumulate ciguatera toxins, and fish eggs have the highest toxin content in fish. Therefore, grouper eggs will not enter the market at all. Fishermen with a little experience know how to use groupers when eating groupers. Pick out the fish roe and throw it away.

There are people in the town who specialize in the fish roe business. It is absolutely impossible for these people not to know that grouper roe is poisonous, but they still sell the fish roe to Ao Mufeng, which is somewhat intriguing.

The diners were examined at the town hospital and found no health problems, whether they were children or the elderly, everything was normal.

However, during this period, some people showed symptoms of food poisoning and began to vomit and have diarrhea in the hospital. The nurse quickly took them to hang saline to prevent dehydration.

Ao Mufeng brought fish roe, and the doctor also identified grouper roe in it after examining it. Combined with the patient's symptoms, he gave a diagnosis of ciguatera toxin food poisoning.

More than 20 tourists were hung with saline at the same time in the town hospital, and then rumors appeared among several villages: Longtou Village seafood was fake, and the quality of seafood was problematic, causing tourists to get food poisoning.

Ao Muyang had been waiting for these rumors, and he specifically asked someone to ask relatives in neighboring villages to pay attention to where similar rumors came from.

It's very interesting that these rumors finally spread to Longtou Village. At first, they spread in several nearby villages, among which Wangjia Village was particularly crazy. The story was very detailed and seemed to be true.

For fishing villages and tourist attractions, food poisoning is a scandal, which has greatly damaged the image of the village and caused losses to the fishing village economy:

Ao Muyang ordered all fishing villages to remove fish roe-related dishes as soon as possible, and thoroughly check seafood, vegetables and meat, and check food hygiene to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

He asked for a thorough investigation internally and externally.

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