Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 696 699. Fish roe is not that delicious (3)

Ao Muyang knew that Ao Mufeng was not reckless. If anyone in the village was the most dedicated to running a fishing home, it must be Ao Mufeng's family.

He groaned and said, "Food poisoning may not be because the ingredients you use are not fresh. It may also be that some ingredients themselves have toxins, but you just don't know it."

At this point, a light bulb flashed in his mind: "Quick, first compare the dishes of these people who have food poisoning to see if there are any dishes that are the same."

He believed that Ao Mufeng did not use rotten things to fool tourists, so the cause of food poisoning was the ingredients of the ingredients themselves.

There are not many fishermen's dishes in Longtou Village, and the main feature is freshness. Whatever fish is brought back that day, each fisherman's home will use it as the raw material to make what dish.

Therefore, the dishes on these tables are relatively similar, and it is difficult to find the problematic dishes.

But the main line of thought has come out, that is, to find food that may be poisonous.

There are two sources of fishermen's dishes, one is wild vegetables, and the other is seafood.

It is rare to find poisonous wild vegetables, mainly mushrooms, and dried mushrooms are common food on the table in winter and spring. Ao Mufeng's family has a signature dish, which is stewed mushrooms with young lady.

What young lady is is self-evident.

The name of this dish is a bit funny, but now is not the time to discuss the name of the dish. Ao Muyang has to check the mushrooms first.

Ao Zhisheng also guessed whether poisonous mushrooms were used. Ao Jinfu was poisoned by eating wild mushrooms last year, and the villagers still remember it.

Ao Mufeng said beside him: "This can't be done. I know that wild mushrooms are prone to problems, so each one is checked before being put into the pot. My mother checked it herself. She has been picking mushrooms in the mountains for half her life. It is impossible for her to make a mistake."

Ao Zhisheng went to salvage the mushrooms from the leftovers, and Ao Muyang shook his head: "No need. Four tables ordered this dish. Two tables had no problem eating it. There were five tables with problems, but three of them did not have this dish."

If it is not a problem with wild vegetables, then it is a problem with seafood.

There is no doubt that seafood may be poisonous. The most common parts of fish that are poisonous are ovaries, fish roe or fish skin.

When Ao Muyang thought of this, Ao Zhisheng also thought of it. The two of them swept the table together. Ao Zhisheng subconsciously said: "Fish roe!"

Fish roe is a good thing. It is very nutritious and delicious. The herrings produced in Ambergris Lake are rich in fish roe. Sardines, sea bass, mackerel and other fish produced in the sea are also rich in fish roe, so every fishing family has no shortage of fish roe.

Ao Zhisheng took a quick look and shook his head: "No, there is spicy fish roe on one table, but not on the other four tables."

Spicy cooking is the best and simplest dish about fish roe. Fishermen also like to eat this thing. If it is used to roll up a pancake, a man can eat one and a half pounds with the pancake!

Ao Muyang said: "No, teacher, not only spicy fish roe, you see these two tables have fish roe tofu pot, this table has fish roe scrambled eggs, and there is another table..."

"There is a big oil fish roe sauce on their table." Ao Mufeng added hurriedly.

Fish roe sauce is also a common dish for fishermen, but it is more complicated to make. Fish roe must be refined with lard and a variety of ingredients must be added to it.

The finished fish roe sauce is a bit like shrimp paste. The fish roe used in this fish roe sauce is not made of high-end goods such as sturgeon roe and salmon roe, but of freshwater fish roe such as grass carp, black carp, and carp. The fish roe is small in size and it is difficult to judge the appearance after it is made into sauce, especially when there is a layer of oil floating on it, so Ao Muyang did not recognize it at first glance.

The problem was probably found, and Ao Muyang immediately asked: "What fish roe did you use?"

Ao Mufeng licked his lips and said: "What other fish roe can it be? It's just ordinary fish roe, mixed fish roe, grass carp, black carp, and mackerel. There shouldn't be any problem."

"Did you take them out yourself?" Ao Muyang asked.

Ao Mufeng smiled bitterly and said, "How is that possible? I bought it in town."

Ao Muyang said, "Let's go to the kitchen and take out the useless fish roe for me to see."

"The kitchen is so narrow, why not just take out the fish roe?" Someone said.

Ao Muyang said, "Go to the kitchen."

One of the tourists who knew about the business and was very experienced asked, "Could it be puffer fish roe?"

Ao Muyang shook his head, "Don't worry, no, puffer fish is very rare here, and the chance of catching it is not high. And the appearance of puffer fish is very unique. Everyone knows that the roe of this thing is extremely poisonous. Who dares to mix it with the real fish roe?"

"Who knows if someone is greedy for money and wants to sell it as fake?" Another tourist shouted.

Ao Muyang shook his head even more: "If that's the case, it doesn't make sense. Pufferfish roe is rich in pufferfish toxin, which can be extracted. It is much more valuable than ordinary fish roe."

After a pause, he said: "I guess it's grouper roe."

Grouper is delicious and expensive, but this fish may actually contain poison, a neurotoxin called ciguatera toxin.

Boxes of fish eggs were taken out of the refrigerator's fresh-keeping layer. The kitchen of the fisherman's taste is very clean, and the refrigerator is also clean. This has saved the reputation of the fisherman's house to a certain extent. Tourists who come to the back kitchen see that the cooking environment is so well maintained, and they feel comfortable subconsciously.

This is also the reason why Ao Muyang insisted on coming to the back kitchen to check the fish roe. He was thinking about it.

A child was helped out of the toilet, his steps were weak, his legs were weak, and his lips were even shaking from vomiting.

Ao Muyang asked: "Little friend, do you feel anything other than nausea and diarrhea?"

The child choked and said: "Uncle, I feel uncomfortable."

Ao Muyang comforted him, "I know, don't worry, it's okay, you have food poisoning, uncle has an antidote. Tell uncle first, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

The child sobbed a few more times and said, "I, I, I feel numb in my mouth, and I feel a little itchy."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang and Ao Zhisheng were probably sure. The two looked at each other, and the old man said with certainty: "It's probably the problem with the grouper roe. This is the effect of ciguatera toxin!"

Ciguatera toxin is very toxic. It targets nerves, has a fast onset, and has a very small effective dose. Eating 0.1 micrograms will cause poisoning.

After being poisoned by ciguatera toxin, the nerves and muscles are mainly affected. Generally speaking, it will show the initial symptoms within 30 minutes, that is, discomfort in the gastrointestinal and nervous systems, first vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain, and gradually there will be nerve problems such as lip and limb paralysis, itchy skin, reversed hot and cold sensations, and pain in the flesh and joints.

The later it is, the stronger its effect will be. After one day, the poisoned person may experience low blood pressure, bradycardia, breathing difficulties and paralysis.

Fortunately, as long as the poisoning is caused by eating fish eggs or fish skin, fish meat and fish viscera instead of eating ciguatera directly, there will be no death and no life-threatening situation.

This is a blessing in disguise!

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