Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 709 712. A Different Kind of Fishing (1/5)

Chapter 709 712. Fishing in a Different Kind (15)

In the development of fishing villages, economy is the most important thing, and the village cadres in each village understand this truth.

Long Deshui can be the village party secretary and has a flexible mind. Their village has planted many cash crops, and early spring watermelon has been their identified project early on. However, Wangjia Village is also growing this kind of watermelon. In order to seize the market, they put Longwang The village's shed was destroyed.

No wonder Long Deshui rushed over as soon as Ao Muyang said he wanted to consult on this aspect of knowledge. He wanted to join forces with Longtou Village to build a small shed.

Ao Muyang is willing to join forces with them. Other villages are afraid of Wangjiacun, but he is not afraid.

And according to his estimation, the two villages will soon be at war with each other. It will be difficult for Wang Dongliang to be released. This time he will take on a criminal case and wait to go to jail.

This is the fate he deserves. Ao Muyang has no sympathy for him at all. This guy is really seeking death. In order to ruin the tourism business of Longtou Village, he even poisoned the food.

Maybe he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious. He knew that grouper fish roe contained ciguatera toxin and that the toxicity of ciguatera toxin was not strong. He also knew that he might be exposed, but he thought it would be okay if he was exposed. It wouldn't happen anyway. Losing lives.

However, the result is so serious. It can only be said that people who do not understand the law are very sad.

Wang Dongliang is responsible for everything, but Wang Youwei will not think so. He will definitely blame Ao Muyang, and he will definitely take revenge on Longtou Village.

Ao Muyang put fish fry, shrimp fry, and crab fry into the lake. Wang Youwei should be able to take action on these things.

But with his son's lesson in mind, he probably won't poison the lake, because it is also illegal, and Ambergris Lake is the village's drinking water source, and many villages draw their tap water from the lake. If he The consequences of attacking Huli will be serious.

In this way, if Ao Muyang planted a watermelon shed by the lake, he would probably send someone to destroy the shed.

Ao Muyang had some expectations, but he still chose to develop the watermelon field in the name of Longtou Village. After all, the land in the fishing village was precious, and it would be a waste not to use the lake and tidal flats.

This matter did not require him to worry too much. Longde Mariner had resources. He helped contact the melon seedling breeding base to purchase watermelon seedlings. He planted the seedlings first and then used a machine to build a small shed. Within a few days, watermelon plants appeared by the lake. A large plastic shed.

Small sheds were also built on some land in Longwangzhuang. Ao Muyang promised Long Deshui that if the people in Wangjia Village dared to cause trouble, he would take action.

But there are transaction conditions. Long Deshui signed the contract agreement for Longxi Lake.

He had signed for Wang Youwei before, but Wangjiacun still did not contract the contract for Ambergris Lake. Because Longtou Village refused to sign at that time, Wang Youwei could not contract for Ambergris Lake.

He didn't know that Wang Youwei had signed it, and felt that it was useless for Ao Muyang to get his signature. Wang Youwei would definitely not give in on this matter like him.

Watermelons were planted on the tidal flats by the lake, and Ao Muyang hired a few old people in the village to guard the melon fields.

The old people were worried and said to Ao Muyang: "Village Chief, you are literate and you have access to the Internet. Can you go online and ask the National Meteorological Bureau whether our place is still so dry this year?"

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "The national meteorological bureau can only predict Hongyang City level at most, but it cannot predict the weather conditions in our village for a year."

"It's useless to predict at the city level." An old man shook his head, "We are still thousands of miles away from the city. If it rains in the city, it may not rain here. If it rains here, it may not rain in the city. ”

"If there is another drought this year, what will happen to Ambergris Lake?" The old people were worried.

Ambergris Lake is the mother lake of several surrounding villages. If the lake continues to dry up, the fishing villages will be destroyed.

Ao Muyang comforted them: "Actually, it's okay, Grandpa Song. At worst, the village will pay to dig a large well, and we will pump water from the well. Hongyang's groundwater is rich, so drinking water in the village is not a problem."

The old man sighed and said: "It's not a problem of drinking water. In fact, I think the fact that Ambergris Lake is so dry now has nothing to do with the lack of rain. You can read our county records. There have been several major droughts here in history. But Ambergris Lake has never been dry. Why? Because there is a spring under Ambergris Lake. Is this spring blocked? "

Ao Muyang smiled politely but thought this statement was ridiculous. The formation of a lake must have a lot to do with underground water seepage, but this underground water seepage does not come from springs, and there is no such thing as springs blocking it.

But other old people believed this statement very much and started talking about it:

"You remember the severe drought of 1968, right? It was a thousand miles of bare land, and even the sea water receded, but the water level of Ambergris Lake has never been a problem. At that time, the whole county came to fetch water!"

"Yes, there was a drought in 1982. All the wells in the village were dry, and Ambergris Lake was fine."

"That's right. In fact, it's not a drought in the past two years. Why is there no water in the lake? The spring must be blocked."

The more the old people discussed, the more worried they became, but the furry children around Ao Muyang were carefree. The water level of the lake dropped, and there were soft mud and mud nests on the exposed tidal flats. They were happy to roll around in them.

The golden short-haired dogs are all mud dogs, and the general is having a great time drilling in the mud pits. From time to time, he will pick out a loach in his mouth, which tells Ao Muyang that he is not just playing around, but is working.

Seeing the loaches, the head of state became interested. He licked his paws and pulled the loaches away. After thinking about it for a while, he probably wanted to eat them, but the loaches kept rolling on the ground, and the mucus on their bodies quickly covered the soil, making it unable to eat. .

After Youfu found out that the leader was interested in fish, he had an idea.

There were some stones by the lake, where the villagers sat to wash clothes. He jumped on the stone and looked around, then hung his tail in the water and shook it gently.

There were small fish in the cracks of the stones. Several grass carps mistook the shaking tail for a bug and rushed out to bite the tip of the little fox's tail.

In this way, Youfu's little hips swung, and his tail emerged from the water with a fish.

The leader next to him was stunned when he saw it. What the hell, there is such a coquettish operation?

He pressed the small grass carp with one claw and ate it in two or three bites.

But this was not for him to eat. The wolf brothers fluttered and ran over in the water. They also wanted to eat fish.

When Youfu caught another fish, he threw it in front of the wolf brothers. The two brothers didn't care whether the fish was delicious or not. Anyway, they were fighting for it. It was a delicacy, and all the fish caught went into their mouths.

The leader was disdainful, shook his tail, and decided to go fishing by himself.

But Garfield's tail is round and the same thickness from top to bottom, unlike the fennec fox's tail which has a tip, so small fish can bite the tip and be caught.

Garfield's tail is too thick, so only a big fish weighing several kilograms can bite the tip of its tail...

It doesn't matter if the tail turns around in the water for a few times, the leader simply pulls back the tail and gets close to the two brothers to grab it. How can the two brothers be as fast as him? Once the leader grabs it, they can only stare blankly.

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