Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 713 716. Ocean Stone (5)

After dinner and sleep, they got up when the sun rose in the morning.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Ao Muyang looked towards the east.

The sea fog came to the mountain with the night wind and became morning mist. The mountain wind blew, and the mist was like the silk of a fairy, flying up and down, dancing gracefully, and extremely elegant.

The morning sun rose, and the orange-red sunlight sprinkled into the mist, showing the mist's slowly dancing posture more clearly, like dew and lightning, like a dream and fantasy!

A group of wild birds flew out in a straight line against the morning glow, their figures shuttled in the mountain mist, looming, and they were close to each other.

Seeing this, he sighed: "The early bird catches the worm, and the early worm is eaten by the bird, so should we get up early?"

Ao Jinfu scratched his head, obviously not understanding what he meant.

Ao Zhiman said leisurely: "Get up early? This time is considered early? Rest at sunset and work at sunrise, this is the normal work and rest pattern passed down by our ancestors!"

Ao Muyang shook his head: "No, it's still too early. Sleeping late ruins the morning, and getting up early ruins the whole day."

Fatigued yesterday afternoon, the old man was really exhausted today. When he climbed up the tree, he was in a trance for a while and almost fell from the middle of the tree.

This scared Lao Ao, and he quickly called him down: "Forget it, Master Man, take a rest first, take a rest first."

The old man was stubborn and said stubbornly: "No, I'm fine."

Ao Muyang said: "You have to think it over, Master Man, if something happens to you, who will Fuwa rely on in this life? He hasn't learned your craft yet."

Hearing what he said, the old man gave in.

He slowly climbed down, looking depressed, and murmured: "Ah, ah, ah, I can't refuse to accept my old age, I can't refuse to accept my old age, I am really old, alas, really old..."

The old man stared blankly towards the east, under the bright morning sun, there was a lonely back.

In a moment, the hero was old.

Ao Muyang comforted him: "Man Ye, you think too much, it's not because you are old, we were too tired yesterday. You see me as a young man, right, the age of fire and strength, right, but my legs are weak now, and I can't climb the tree."

The old man said mercilessly: "Then you are a weak shrimp, when I was your age, I climbed trees and cut pine oil for seven or eight days in a row, and there was no problem at all!"

"Brother Village Chief, do you have kidney deficiency?" The young man asked at the right time.

Ao Muyang said unhappily: "Go away, who has kidney deficiency?"

The boy sniffed and said: "It's okay, village chief brother, there's nothing wrong with admitting it. Now that you two can't climb, I'll go climb the tree."

Ao Muyang said: "No need, anyway, just go up and check it out, let the head of state go."

"How can the head of state go to check it out? It doesn't understand." Ao Jinfu said curiously.

Ao Muyang used the video recording function of his mobile phone, tied the mobile phone to the head of state's head, and taught it to go up and shoot the bag with its head. This is very simple, and the head of state easily understood what he meant.

So, the head of state climbed up the tree and climbed down again. Ao Muyang played back the video recording on his mobile phone and saw that some sticky pine oil had accumulated in the bag inside.

There is no doubt that there is no problem with this tree.

In this way, the situation of all the remaining plastic bags was filmed. The head of state climbed the tree quickly enough. It would take at least ten minutes for a person to check the situation on a tree, but it would take less than a minute for it!

They were lucky, or the old man was really good at cutting pine oil. All the trees they chose had pine oil flowing out, and some trees had more pine oil reserves. The amount of pine oil collected in the plastic bag was already quite considerable.

After packing up, they went down the mountain.

It is said that it is easier to go up the mountain than down the mountain. In fact, for the old mountain people, it is easier to go down the mountain, at least it saves energy and walks faster.

When they entered the village from the mountain, they had not yet separated, but they ran into Ao Mupeng and his friends who were in a hurry.

Ao Muyang saw them rushing to the front of the village in a hurry, and his heart suddenly lifted up: "What's the matter? What happened that makes you so anxious?"

Ao Mupeng turned around and said, "Ah, Longtou, nothing happened, just someone fished out a precious stone, everyone went to see it, I heard that the stone is valuable."

"Is it sea amber?" Old man Ao Zhiman quickly interrupted and asked.

Ao Mupeng shook his head: "No, it's a strange ocean stone, said to be worth millions."

"What strange ocean stone?" Ao Muyang wondered, "Undersea chalcedony? Deep sea red coral?"

Ao Mupeng continued to shake his head and said, "I haven't seen it yet, I just heard about it..."

"It's that kind of strange stone, a stone with a special pattern. This time the pattern is said to be a Maitreya Buddha." The young man Ao Xiaolin next to him added.

Ao Muyang understood that it turned out to be a natural stone with strange patterns. There are countless reefs on the seabed. Nature is strange and amazing. Some patterns on stones are naturally like certain patterns, so they have great value.

However, this thing is priceless. There are many people who collect this, but not many are willing to pay a high price to collect it.

Ao Jinfu curled his lips and said: "Hype, pure hype, the gallstones pulled out by the Jade Emperor are not worth so much money."

"Hey, don't worry about it, Fuwa, this stone is valuable. A collector has given an estimate. It is said that the tourist who picked up the stone is considering whether to sell it." Ao Mupeng said.

Ao Muyang thought it was all hype, or a scam. Someone picked up a so-called rare stone and happened to meet a collector? This was a scam!

It is absolutely not okay to play this trick on his territory. In many scenic spots, locals set traps to trick tourists. Ao Muyang does not allow such things to happen in Longtou Village.

He followed Ao Mupeng and his party to the beach with a gloomy face, and then saw many tourists and villagers gathered together. Everyone was envious and discussed:

"Oh, their family is really lucky. They came out to spend money on vacation and made a lot of money!"

"That's one million, real money, they said they would transfer the money immediately."

"I saw it, it's a good stone, just like the Buddha, it's definitely a treasure!"

There are many envious voices, but there are also many questioning voices. Many people hold the same attitude as Ao Muyang that this is a scam. They are just watching the fun and are not very interested.

After all, people have been deceived too many times these days, and there are not enough fools.

"Haha, one million for a stone, is this a diamond?"

"Even if there is a picture of Jesus on the stone, it is not worth one million!"

"How dare you insult my Lord with such outrageous words, wait for hell!"

Ao Muyang walked into the crowd amidst the chaotic voices. He decided to intervene in this matter, and asked in a deep voice: "A million-dollar stone is here? Can I open my eyes?"

"Brother Xiaoyang is here, it's just right, come and have a look, your Longtou Village is full of treasures." A voice sounded, and the person who spoke surprised Ao Muyang.

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