Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 714 717. Everyone goes to sea (1/5)

Chapter 714 717. Everyone goes to sea (15)

The person who spoke to Ao Muyang was old man Cheng Deming. He was holding a stone in his arms, and he looked very pleased with himself.

Seeing the old man, Ao Muyang was a little surprised: "Brother Cheng, why are you here?"

Cheng Deming waved to him and said: "I came here yesterday, and I went to look for you. Your subordinate Zhong Cang said that you went to the mountains, so I waited in the village for a while. As a result, I ran into someone who fished this thing up."

As he said that, he showed the stone in his arms to Ao Muyang.

This stone is a common feldspar on the seabed. Feldspar is not a long stone, but a general term for a family of minerals. It contains rich calcium, sodium, and potassium. Like other stones, it is a silicate mineral.

Most of the feldspar in the ocean has a glassy luster and a variety of colors, including colorless, white, yellow, pink, green, gray, black, etc.

In terms of transparency, some feldspars are transparent, and some are translucent. In itself, feldspar should be colorless and transparent. The reason why it is colored or not completely transparent is because it contains other impurities.

The feldspar in Cheng Deming's arms is translucent, with a bright luster, and the whole is grayish white. It is more than 40 centimeters long and weighs at least 30 kilograms. The old man holds it in his arms and it is so light. It can be seen that he really likes this stone.

He showed the stone to Ao Muyang as if showing off. The stone has rich lines. These natural lines intersect with each other and finally form a pattern of Maitreya Buddha with a protruding belly.

But, this thing is worth one million?

Ao Muyang touched the stone and asked: "Did you buy it for one million?"

He originally suspected that this was a scam. How could there be a collector in the village? But after the appearance of old man Cheng Deming, this matter became very reliable.

The old man nodded with a smile: "Yes, I just spent one million to buy it."

He winked at Ao Muyang as if he was naughty, and secretly winked at him.

Ao Muyang approached him and whispered, "This stone is valuable. I can easily sell it for two million if I find a suitable buyer."

"Is it true? There is such a fool?" He asked subconsciously.

Cheng Deming glared at him and said, "What fool? The collection of strange stones is very common in our industry, and most of the collectors believe in Buddhism. This stone is a treasure to them!"

He said this loudly, and everyone around him heard it.

Seeing Ao Muyang talking to him in a familiar way, some tourists asked: "Village head, this old man is not a liar? Do you know him?"

Ao Muyang did not answer, Cheng Deming was angry first: "Who is the liar? Who is the liar?"

"This gentleman is indeed not a liar, he is Cheng Deming, the most famous collector in Hongyang." Ao Muyang spoke for him, "To be honest, I also thought at first..."

Before he finished speaking, the tourists shouted: "Is this true? The stone fished out of the sea is worth millions?"

"That guy really received one million, I thought they were acting a double act!"

"Fuck, one million, I just saw this stone, it's true, look, look, I even stood on this stone and took a photo."

The tourists shouted one after another, and they were extremely excited.

Previously, most people were skeptical about this matter. There were still few people who really believed that Cheng Deming spent one million real money to buy this stone, and almost all of them were skeptical.

They didn't know Cheng Deming and didn't trust him, but they knew Ao Muyang and knew his prestige in the village, so they had full confidence in him.

Therefore, they were jealous when Ao Muyang confirmed this.

After a discussion, some people took off their clothes and jumped into the sea. When others saw this, they waded into the sea, shouting: "There are stones like this in the sea. I saw them before. Come on, go and find another one."

"Brother, let's go over there. There are many stones over there."

"If we find a garage, we'll have everything. Anyway, we're going to go swimming, and we'll find stones while swimming!"

The beach was bustling with people, and dozens of people rushed into the sea at the first time, including many villagers.

Ao Muyang was also tempted, but he knew how small the chance of finding such a stone in the sea was, which was much more difficult than finding a shipwreck treasure.

But his ability is very suitable for this kind of work, because his vision in the water is even better than on land. The sea water not only does not become an obstacle, but helps his vision become clearer.

So, after some thinking, he also went into the sea...

He said to himself in his heart: "I am not looking for this kind of stone. It's only one million. I don't need this money. I am here to participate in this activity. Besides, the golden elixir is not full yet. It's also good to take the opportunity to go into the sea to absorb water vapor. Kill two birds with one stone, perfect!"

As a result, he soaked in the water for a day, and the golden elixir was almost full, but he didn't find any valuable stones.

In the evening, the tide began to rise.

The villagers drove a boat around the beach, using a loudspeaker to shout tourists to go ashore. It is very dangerous to stay in the sea during high and low tides.

After most of the day, most people will calm down. They also know how unlikely it is to find another economically valuable stone in the sea, so when it gets dark, they all go to the beach.

It is still early spring now, and those who dare to go into the sea at this time are all warriors. At first, they jumped into the water because of the incentive of money, and they were all energized and not afraid of the cold.

After going out to sea, the spring sea breeze blew and everyone shivered with cold.

Ao Wenchang was careful. He had expected this and asked his parents to make brown sugar ginger juice. Everyone who climbed out of the sea drank a bowl of ginger juice to get rid of the cold.

Ao Muyang also mixed a bowl of ginger juice after coming up. He was about to praise Ao Wenchang for his carefulness when he heard someone shouting at the top of his voice: "Oh, there is a high tide coming, hurry up, hurry up! Hurry up and get ashore!"

Hearing the shouting, he subconsciously looked back and saw the sea water whistling gently on the beach as the tide rose.

There were still people strolling on the beach. It was said that after the tide rose, these people not only did not leave, but instead approached the beach to see if they could encounter seafood that was swept ashore by the tide.

There were still people staying in the sea, but there were very few. Only in the shouting of the villagers did Ao Muyang see one or two people floating in the sea.

Because it was just a normal high tide, the danger was not great. As long as the swimming skills were good, there would be no problem, and most people were not too worried.

However, some villagers who had been living on the water for years became anxious after seeing the rising tide. One of them shouted, "Get ashore quickly! Rip current! It's a rip current!"

"Come on, get away from the beach quickly, are you guys going to die? The rip current is coming!"

"Run with the children, pull them up quickly, and get ashore quickly if you are in the water, the rip current is coming!"

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