Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 715 718. Offshore Current (2)

Looking at the anxious fishermen, the tourists were confused.

They looked at the sea calmly. The sea water was surging slowly, and layer after layer of white waves rushed to the shore. It looked like an ordinary high tide.

And the beach that the villagers pointed to was even quieter. There were still waves beating around. The sea water coming over here was relatively calm, with no waves, and it just surged up slowly.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts see the doorway.

Compared with the old sea ghosts in the village, Ao Muyang was only half an expert. He didn't see what was wrong with the waves, but he understood the word the villagers shouted: rip current!

Rip current is also called fault tide, and it is also called rip current abroad.

This situation is mainly because when the waves hit the coast, they encounter obstacles from the land and break up. A large amount of seawater surges onto the land and must find a way back to the sea. However, due to the push of subsequent waves, these seawater will initially move in a direction parallel to the beach, and finally gather into one or several strong currents and retreat into the sea, and this process continues to cycle.

In its cycle, there is no problem in the first half, and the tide is like this, and the seawater surges onto the land.

The problem occurs in the second half of the cycle, that is, a large amount of seawater flows parallel to the beach, and the tide surges up behind, and the collision between the two sides produces a swirling force, like a whirlpool.

In this case, if someone stays within the range of the tide, it is easy to be swept into the sea.

Ao Muyang remembered that he had read a document, which was the result of a long-term study by the maritime emergency agencies of Brazil and Australia. The data showed that about 90% of drownings in Oceania and South America occurred due to rip currents.

The United States also has relevant statistics, saying that about 150 people drown in rip currents every year, which even exceeds the total number of deaths from storms, hurricanes and tornadoes!

Seeing the rip current, he ran to the sea immediately.

The rip current appears silently, because it has no obvious performance on land, so it is generally believed that it will appear suddenly when people are unprepared, and it can happen in any weather conditions. People will not realize that they are in trouble until they are caught in it.

But it is more difficult to get rid of the trouble at that time. The flow rate of the seawater of a typical rip current is about 2 meters per second, which exceeds the swimming speed of ordinary people.

Because the flow rate is very fast, it has suction like a whirlpool, so once you get caught in it, not only ordinary swimmers but also lifeguards are often pulled out to the sea, causing drowning.

That is to say, there are many people on the beach this time, and there are many experienced fishermen staying here. They have experience. Seeing the tide surging along both sides, the sea water is darker and there are almost no waves, they have judged the identity of the rip current early: there is a local proverb about this disaster, called "white waves and green water, whoever wants to go down will regret it."

Otherwise, with so many people on the beach today, the rip current suddenly showed its power, and many people must have been in danger.

Hearing the villagers' anxious and fearful voices, the tourists knew that the situation was serious and left the beach and ran to the beach.

Ao Muyang went the other way. He ran to the beach while shouting: "We must leave the sea and not let the waves touch us, especially the children. Pull the children up quickly!"

There are small whirlpools in the offshore currents. Even if they are not up to the knees, it is dangerous. The hidden whirlpools under the water surface will overturn people, and it will be dangerous if they fall into the water at this time.

With his and the villagers' loud shouts, people left the place where the tide was rising, but they were able to leave in time because they were already on the shore. There were still people in the sea at this time.

The people in the sea found the danger. There were only two people in the sea. They were terrified and tried to raise their heads above the sea and then rushed to the shore with their hands and feet.

Their family members on the shore were so anxious that they jumped up and down: "Hurry up, help me, my husband is in the water!" "Dad, hurry up, come up quickly, there is danger!"

Ao Wenchang's father Ao Qianyao rushed to the shore and shouted loudly: "You two stay steady, stay steady! Don't swim up anymore, it's useless to fight against nature! Listen to me, don't try to swim back to the shore against the current, stay calm, can you tread water? Tread water, show your head! Can you float? Stay steady, we will go to the boat!"

His voice was not loud, but the tide was rising at this time, and the loud noise of the tide hitting the shore covered his voice. The other two people in the sea were already panicking. They wanted to go ashore against the current, but they swam further away from the shore...

This is the terrible thing about the rip current. It will roll people back into the sea, and its flow speed is faster than the swimming speed of people. Being trapped in the rip current is like being trapped in quicksand. The more you struggle, the deeper you will sink.

The reason for this is that the seawater in the offshore current is inconsistent in direction. It is a kind of balance in itself, and human struggle will break this balance!

Ao Muyang wanted to jump into the water. He knew that it was too late to send a boat, because the two people in the sea would be too panicked and would struggle more and more. When the seawater choked their mouths, they would be finished!

Seeing him go into the water, Ao Qianyao quickly grabbed him: "Don't, don't go into the water rashly, village chief, let's go to throw a lifebuoy quickly, and one person will fall down..."

"It's okay, I can handle it!" Ao Muyang pushed him away and jumped into the water amid the nervous screams of tourists and villagers.

When you look at it from the shore, the rip current is no different from the ordinary current, but you will find it different when you go deep into the sea. The seabed where the rip current appears is lower than the two sides. There are white waves on the surface of the sea rushing to the shore, like a normal high tide, but the water under the sea flows to the middle of the sea, which is like a low tide. This is why the vortex appears.

He found the two people in the sea as soon as possible, and the golden elixir reversed. Ao Muyang accelerated and approached a man.

The rip current is more troublesome for ordinary people, but it is nothing for him. When they returned from the South China Sea a few years ago, they encountered a storm at sea. The scene was much more terrifying than now.

Approaching the panicked man, Ao Muyang grabbed his chest from behind, and his arm passed through his armpit, just avoiding his arms.

He surfaced to let the man catch his breath, then saw the general swimming after him, so he pushed the man to the general and said, "Brother, hold the dog's belly, don't touch its limbs!"

The man was panicking, but it was obvious that he was a good swimmer and had good mental quality. After finding someone coming to rescue him, he calmed down temporarily, hugged the general and tread water, and stopped struggling.

The other person was in a worse situation, he had already sunk into the water!

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