Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 717 720. Red Snapper Flood (4)

Spring, spring floods.

This season may be the time when the ocean produces the most fish in a year. After a winter of dormancy, fish schools become active and begin to attack everywhere.

Mating, breeding, hunting, and growing the population are the important tasks of fish in spring.

There are also some fish that migrate from the southern hemisphere in the spring, because the northern hemisphere is about to usher in summer, while the southern hemisphere is about to enter winter.

In the early morning, the morning sun has not yet appeared, and only a little dawn has appeared in the east. The Dalongtou is ready to set off.

Ao Muyang boarded this boat. The target of this trip was the relatively rare red sea bream.

Because red sea bream grows in the deep sea, the special living environment makes their meat very pure, without pollution, and the nutrients are highly active and easily absorbed by the human body.

Especially in the past two years, red sea bream fever has emerged in Hongyang. Girls and women are full of interest in them, because some authoritative beauty experts claim that the collagen content of red sea bream fish is high and active, and has special beautifying effects on the skin.

This is the case in China. If a creature wants to live a stable life, it must not be linked to aphrodisiacs and beauty. The former will cause men to go crazy, and the latter will cause women to go crazy. Regardless of whether men are crazy or women are crazy, the species will eventually be destroyed. Eating like crazy.

Wild red snapper is relatively expensive in the market because this fish rarely appears in large groups. Most of them consist of ten or twenty fish forming a small school.

Interestingly, a red snapper group is a large family. It is a polygamous family, with only one male fish in it and the others are female fish.

In this family, the husband does not allow other males to care about his beloved wife and concubine. Once a male fish appears, the docile male red snapper will become tough and take the initiative to lead his beloved wife to drive him away.

Male fish also do not allow the females in the group to show off, thinking that this species is very interesting. If a female fish tries to bully other fish, she will probably bully the other fish, turn into a male fish, and then fuck the male fish that fucked her before. If the husband wins, he can take his place and rule the family.

Ao Muyang was very interested in this. When he was on the boat, he saw Ao Mudong and his party passing the time talking about the mountains, so he asked: "Why can the female red sea bream become a male?"

As we all know, red snapper is one of the few fish that is easier to distinguish between male and female. Female fish are larger, stronger, and more colorful. If a group of fish are caught together, it is easy to tell the difference.

After hearing his question, several people looked at each other.

Ao Mudong pondered: "My father told me that there used to be a country of demons on the sea, and their people liked to put on makeup and powder. Well, this country of demons was later submerged by the sea, and was washed to the bottom of the sea by big waves, and then the country The ladyboy turned into a red snapper. Otherwise, why is the red snapper so red? It’s because the ladyboys like to put on makeup when they are alive..."

"Pull it down quickly, aren't you being careless?" Ao Qianpan said disdainfully, "That's not the case at all. The red sea bream has something to do with "Journey to the West". Originally, there were only female fish in the fish school, and the group multiplied. What? On the Zimu Spring? There used to be a Zimu Spring on the bottom of the sea, and female fish could get pregnant by drinking the water in it. However, the good times did not last long, and the spring of Zimu Spring was taken away for some reason, and they ended up in the Daughter Kingdom. , became the daughter and mother river of the daughter country..."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "I'm asking a scientific question. What are you talking about? Feudal superstition!"

"No, Longtou, this is something precious to our fishermen. What kind of wealth does it come from? Scholar, what is that word called? Is it traditional culture?" Ao Mudong said.

Ao Wenchang thought for a moment and said, "Are you talking about the precious intangible cultural heritage?"

Ao Mudong clapped his hands and said, "Yes, that's it."

Ao Muyang knew that he would not get the answer from this bastard, so he asked Ao Wenchang: "Do you know why the red silk fish changes from female to male?"

Ao Wenchang shrugged and said: "It's very simple. Male red snapper have brighter colors. This color can send out special signals underwater. Female fish need the stimulation of this signal."

"In this way, they are very sensitive to this color. Once the male fish's light color disappears, the nervous system of the female fish will be affected, and then the male fish will secrete male hormones in the body, causing the ovaries to disappear, the testes to grow, and the body color to become brilliant. "

"The reason why the strongest female fish becomes a male fish is because the male hormone content in her body is already high, and it is stimulated to secrete more and change faster. As long as a male fish appears in the group, other female fish will stop Secrete male hormones and slowly transform back into a normal female fish..."

"Is this simple? This is complicated enough." Ao Mudong was dumbfounded.

Ao Muyang winked at Ao Wenchang and then extended his thumbs up and said: "Awesome, Wenchang knows a lot."

In fact, he deliberately helped Ao Wenchang establish his prestige. Ao Muyang knew the temperament of this old classmate. Since Ao Wenchang chose to be a fisherman, he would definitely learn more about the ocean. He had been to Ao Wenchang's home and saw the things in Ao Wenchang's study. A bunch of ocean-related books.

The target of this trip to sea was red sea bream, so he estimated that Ao Wenchang would know the relevant knowledge about red sea bream in advance.

Sure enough, he asked some more questions later, some of which were even very mysterious. For example, Ao Wenchang explained the problem of red sea bream breeding to them clearly.

After listening to his introduction, Ao Mudong and others had a different impression of him, and they all followed Ao Muyang in giving a thumbs up.

Ao Wenchang was very smart. When Ao Muyang asked the first question, he had not realized the other party's purpose, but when he asked the third question, he understood it, and answered more carefully.

When he arrived at the designated sea area, Ao Muyang took off his coat and jumped into the water.

In the past, he had to wear a diving suit or a diving suit to pretend. As his fishermen understood his strength, he no longer pretended. After entering the water, no one knew his specific situation.

Red snapper is difficult to catch. They live in the deep sea and have to be caught by deep-sea trawl. Before the problem of artificial breeding was solved, this was once one of the most precious deep-sea fish in the world.

Even now, it is not easy to catch wild red snapper. The fish school is too small and there is no appearance feature. It depends entirely on casting nets over a large area. Most red snappers are caught by chance when fishing for other fish.

It is precisely for this reason that the Big Dragon Head went to the Zhuantou Island Fishery to bring the black dragon. Ao Muyang wanted to use the black dragon's ability to find this fish.

But it mainly depends on himself. After jumping into the water, Ao Muyang began to dive.

Although red snappers live in small groups, they try to get close to each other, that is, they eventually merge into a large group with small groups.

In this case, if red snappers are found, targeted deep-sea trawling can often yield good results.

Diving into the water, the sea here is very deep, and there is a slope of reefs on the seabed that is tilted downward. The slope stretches very long, like a continental shelf, and some fish are swimming around the slope.

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