Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 718 721. Magnetic Infantry, Attack (5)

The few fish that Ao Muyang saw were quite large, the largest of which was sixty to seventy centimeters, and most of them were half a meter long.

They live at the top of the reef slope, where the water is the shallowest, probably less than ten meters deep.

These fish look quite ferocious, with spines on their backs, serrations on the rear edge of the anterior operculum, and some flat spines behind the operculum. They are purple-brown and have gray-white spots.

Seeing them, Ao Muyang quickly stopped the tiger that was about to shake its head and tail to kill.

This was the first time he saw this kind of fish in reality, but he had seen it several times in books and on TV before. If he was not mistaken, it should be the legendary blue-spotted grouper.

It was a coincidence that their target this time was the red snapper that could change from female to male, and the blue-spotted grouper that Ao Muyang encountered now could change from female to male and then from male to female. They are the best marine fish in terms of sex change!

The reason why Ao Muyang could see the introduction of this kind of fish in books and on TV was because of this characteristic.

The scientific name of this characteristic is sex change, which is very magical. How magical is it? The gender of a fish can change several times a day. If two fish mate and lay eggs, one of them will be the female first and the other will be the male. Once they mate, they will switch genders and reproduce again...

When describing the difficulty of raising children in a single-parent family, people like to use the term "both father and mother". For blue-spotted groupers, they are both fathers and mothers!

Ao Muyang was very happy to see this magical grouper. He was lucky to encounter a grouper that is very rare in the red ocean.

He vaguely remembered that although blue-spotted groupers are distributed in large areas of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, including East Africa, the Persian Gulf, southern Japan, Taiwan, northern Australia, and the Fiji Islands, most of them live in the southeastern coastal area of ​​the United States.

Like other grouper relatives, blue-spotted groupers have very delicious meat and are high-end seafood no matter where they are.

Seeing these groupers, he first surfaced and returned to the boat to release the electric eel.

When he went to the Zhuantou Island Fishery to bring black dragons, he also brought the electric eel with him. At that time, he thought that the red snappers were in small groups, and the fish in small groups were not worth fishing, so he could let the electric eel help him catch them.

As a result, he did not find red snappers, but it gave the electric eel other room to play.

Bringing the electric eel into the water, Ao Muyang quietly approached the slope of the reef beach, and then he pointed to the blue-spotted groupers.

This fish is rare, but if it can be brought to the fishery, there is enough time to wait, and they can bring a school of fish to the fishery, because every blue-spotted grouper can be both a father and a mother...

The reason why they failed to expand their group here is that the blue-spotted grouper is carnivorous, and the appetite is large and fierce. The reef beach cannot support a large number of blue-spotted groupers.

When hungry, this fish will catch the fry of its own kind to eat. It is very likely that these fish are fed by their own young until today.

The electric eel aimed at them and slowly approached. The blue-spotted grouper is indeed the most ferocious among its kind. Seeing the strange-shaped electric eel, other fish fled first, while they slowly swam up.

This is normal. The blue-spotted grouper often catches eels and sea catfish for food. The electric eel looks a bit like these two foods.

They encountered a tough guy today. Although the electric eel is a bit like those two fish, their abilities are very different!

Facing the first grouper that swam over, the electric eel shook its head, and the fish's body suddenly became stiff for a short time, then turned over its belly and slowly floated to the sea surface.

The other groupers were stupid. They had no brains and continued to move forward.

The electric eel waited here quietly. The magician's combat was simple. It discharged electricity again and again, and the groupers could not get close at all. They turned over their bellies and floated up one by one.

Finally, a grouper found something wrong. It was not that it realized the power of the electric eel. With their brains, which were not much bigger than peanut kernels, they could not understand the nature of magic attacks.

This fish felt that there was something wrong with the seawater, which made it uncomfortable, because it was relatively close to a fish before, and when the electric eel attacked the fish, the current passed through the seawater and also shocked it.

The grouper turned around and ran away, but how could it run away?

The electric eel glanced at it contemptuously, brother, don't run away, I think you are stupid and lack electricity, come, eat my electricity!

Suddenly, the fleeing grouper also turned over...

Ao Muyang behind was very happy, this electric eel is not a magician, it is a magnetic infantry!

Awesome! Awesome! Incredible!

A total of eleven blue-spotted groupers were stunned in the water. Because they did not pose a fatal threat to the electric eel, the electric eel did not use the taser gun to its full strength. These groupers were just stunned but not dead.

He dragged all the fish onto the boat. He modified the Big Dragon Head. He converted a freshwater tank into a breeding pond, and these blue-spotted groupers were temporarily kept in it.

When God opens a door for someone, he will close a window at the same time.

Ao Muyang caught the blue-spotted grouper from the door, so he couldn't look out of the window to find red snappers. He searched in the sea for a long time, but he didn't find a single red snapper!

He was very depressed when he returned to the boat. This season is the best time to catch red snappers, so why didn't he encounter a single red snapper?

The Big Dragon Head moved forward slowly, and the black dragon suddenly leaned down from the top of the cabin and waved his arms at them.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang was refreshed and asked in surprise: "Did you find the red snapper?"

The black dragon shook his head and pointed to the side and front.

Knowing that he did not find the red snapper, Lao Ao's spirit became sluggish again. In fact, he also knew that his question was stupid. The red snapper was hidden in the deep sea. How could it be found on the top of the boat?

However, the black dragon still helped the fishing boat find the catch, a group of mackerels!

In spring, there is not only a fishing season for red snappers, but also a fishing season for mackerels. Soon, the red ocean will enter the season for everyone to eat mackerels.

Mackerels are usually not on the water. They stay in the middle and upper waters of the ocean, often living 20 to 30 meters underwater. That is, in spring, when the food on the sea surface is abundant, they occasionally run to the surface to hunt.

This time, the school of fish just emerged from the water, and the black dragon discovered the traces of the school of fish through the reflective characteristics of their bodies, and commanded the fishing boat to chase them.

The fishermen were excited when they found the school of Spanish mackerel. The price of Spanish mackerel was not high, but they were in large numbers and could make a lot of money.

Ao Mudong hurriedly changed the net and shouted, "Change the deep-sea net to the big-eye trawl net. Hurry up, hurry up, be quick!"

"That's enough, no need for you to nag. I'm coming!"

"You guys lower the net, I'll go check the situation." Ao Muyang went to the sea to track the fish school himself. It would be good if he caught Spanish mackerel, at least he could have fried Spanish mackerel for lunch.

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