Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 730 733. (2)

In late March and early April, the sun is bright and the breeze is gentle, which is a good time of the year.

At this time, Dalong Mountain got rid of the decadence of the winter, everything flourished, the trees were green and the flowers were red, and it became full of life again.

At the foot of the mountain and even up the mountainside, there are bamboo forests, with green bamboos one after another. The sea breeze blows, the branches and leaves are caressing, and they rustle like the sound of waves.

At this time, more tourists came to the village, and there were more projects in the village. There were whales, dolphins, and finless porpoises in the sea. There were green turtles on the shore. You could go fishing at sea, buy seafood when you came back, and go up the mountain to eat wild fruits and game.

There are more hares, pheasants, and even small wild boars on the mountain. This is all the work of Longtou Village. In order to rejuvenate Dalong Mountain, the small animals raised by the village all winter began to be released onto the mountain.

This is an investment. If these hares, pheasants and wild boars can survive on the mountain, it will bring countless benefits to Longtou Village.

Moreover, the free-range wild boars are not native wild boars. They are not very ferocious and their attack power against people and objects is not very strong. Tourists can be organized to hunt in the future.

There were turtles on the beach and livestock grazing on the mountains, so Ao Muyang got busy.

But life is like this. When you are not busy, nothing happens anywhere. When you are busy, nothing happens everywhere.

Throughout the month of March, Ao Muyang was not too busy, but as April just entered, he had a lot on his hands.

But at this juncture, something happened to the dog in the village again!

Ao Muyang was discussing with Li Ji the establishment of a protected area. Ao Mupeng hurried over and said, "Longtou, why are you still sitting here? Come with me, there are many dogs who don't know what's wrong, they are messing around! "

This is not clear. How can a dog mess around? Ao Muyang wondered, he also wondered why he was not sitting in the office? There is no need for him to follow me every day when going fishing.

Standing up, he asked: "The dogs are messing around? What are they doing? Are they biting people?"

Ao Mupeng shook his head repeatedly: "No, they are just messing around. They are messing around on the mountain! Oh, come with me. You will know clearly after you see for yourself."

Ao Muyang was helpless and said: "Is the matter urgent? I have other things here."

Ao Mupeng said matter-of-factly: "Of course it's urgent. Didn't you see that I was sweating? I ran here from the mountain."

Ao Muyang said angrily: "You deserve it. How many times have I told you to just call me if you have anything? Don't you have a mobile phone?"

Ao Mupeng giggled and said, "Don't you want to save two phone bills?"

Ao Muyang shook his head, this is the thinking of small farmers.

Following Ao Mupeng, he quickly went up the mountain. Many people in the village rushed to the mountain, and they were all notified that their dogs were messing around on the mountain.

The place Ao Mupeng took him to was not far from the village, on the edge of a pine forest. He saw at least thirty dogs staying here. A few dogs were lying on the ground with their eyes narrowed, and other dogs gathered together - they were really Messing around!

Ao Muyang subconsciously exclaimed: "Damn it, these idiots are having so much fun. By the way, where is my general?"

The general treats the bitches in the village as his harem. He cannot allow this to happen.

Ao Fugui came after hearing the news and saw his dog being ridden by other dogs. He suddenly collapsed and shouted: "Dana, are you doing this? Are you doing this? Let it go, let it go." My dada!”

While roaring, he wanted to get involved.

Several dogs lying on the ground were confused and grinned when they noticed that he was approaching.

Ao Muyang pulled Ao Fugui and said, "What are you doing? Be careful of being bitten by a dog!"

"If you dare to bite it, kill it!" Ao Fugui went crazy.

Ao Muyang said: "What if you just beat it to death afterwards? The wound it bit you will be gone? You have to know that if you are bitten by a dog, you will not be able to sail a boat to solicit customers for at least ten days and a half."

Ao Fugui was in a state of tragedy and said, "Damn it, where is my family? Are they being ravaged like this?"

Ao Muyang comforted him and said: "It's okay, spring is here, the dogs are here to feel it, they may be having a collective mating..."

At this point, he looked around and asked, "None of you show any of those messy things to dogs, right?"

Before anyone else could speak, Ao Fugui shouted: "Mating is a waste!"

"Hiss!" Ao Muyang took a breath of cold air.

"My Dahuang is also a dog."


"Village chief, has the general taken over the bitch in the village?"

Ao Muyang stared at this scene blankly, speechless.

Fortunately, Ao Fugui was his best friend and gave him strong support: "No, didn't you see that the general is also here? Here, he is lying in that grass nest."

Despite his sharp eyes, Ao Muyang searched for a while but couldn't find his dog.

When he found the general, he went over and called: "General, come here."

Hearing his voice, the general stood up and staggered a few steps, then fell to the ground with a thud...

What's going on here? Ao Muyang was shocked. He had never seen the general look like this.

The general squinted his eyes and grinned, and kicked his claws quickly on the ground. He looked like he was twitching, but he seemed to be in good spirits.

The situation was unclear for a while, and everyone became hesitant.

Ao Mupeng asked: "Longtou, could this matter be related to his mother's Wangjia Village again? Did Wang Youwei's old bustard get into something? What is this? Rabies?"

Ao Muyang shook his head: "No, this is definitely not rabies, but please be careful and stay back while I make a call."

He called Yang Shuyong and told him about the situation.

Yang Shuyong replied: "It wasn't Wang Youwei who did it. I've been keeping an eye on him recently. He did run to the county, but it has nothing to do with this matter. Ding Erpao has also calmed down. He was just discharged from the hospital two days ago and his ribs were broken again. Now he is back to the hospital again..."

Ao Muyang believed Yang Shuyong. In desperation, he took a video and went down the mountain. After the signal was good, he sent it to a senior veterinarian at Nuanwangwang Pet Hospital to listen to the veterinarian's professional opinion.

After watching a few videos, the veterinarian called him and said hesitantly: "You dogs are very emotional. How should I put it? I haven't seen this kind of situation very often..."

"I haven't seen it very often, does that mean you have seen it?" Ao Muyang asked sharply.

The veterinarian smacked his lips and said, "You may not believe me, but I have indeed seen dogs with this problem. It happened when I was studying in the United States. A group of hippies who raised dogs got together to smoke Ma, and the dogs followed their owners. The owners smoked one hand and the dogs smoked two. This is mental excitement and hallucinations."

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