Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 731 734. Seeing Hand Green (3)

Hallucinating? Ao Muyang was stunned.

The veterinarian further explained: "You should have heard that some people take drugs, and then men and women get together and have sex. Well, well, I don't need to explain it more clearly, right? Look at those lying on the ground. Dogs, their noses are very bright, which means they are not sick, but are even a little too bright. This is because they lick too frequently..."

After getting such an answer, Ao Muyang frowned and went up the mountain.

Seeing him coming back, Ao Fugui asked anxiously: "Yangzi, what's going on?"

Ao Muyang swallowed and told him what the veterinarian told him. After hearing this, Ao Fugui was shocked: "Are the dogs poisoned? Damn it, they are actually poisoned?!"

"How can there be any unique products in this stupid place like ours? Isn't this just random? What kind of veterinarians are they? They are just quacks!"

"Oh, it's such a mess, it's such a mess. I'd say it must have been Wangjiacun's fault. Brothers, go back and steal the guys and do it to them!"

"Don't worry, don't worry. What did the doctor say? He said the dog was hallucinating, right?"

"Don't be impatient. If Wangjiacun is messing with our dogs over and over again, doesn't that mean they are messing with us? Go ahead and fuck them!"

The villagers were shouting in confusion, which made Ao Muyang feel dizzy.

Ao Mufeng, who had shouted "Don't worry" before, shouted: "Stop making noise, listen to me, Mad, look, what is this?"

As he spoke, he raised his arm, holding half a chubby fungus.

The cap of this fungus is thick and light yellow in color, and the stipe is thick and short, making it look cute and cute.

"What is this?" Ao Fugui asked blankly.

Ao Muyang took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and said: "Brown boletus, this is yellow boletus, right? Where did it come from?"

Ao Mufeng said: "Yes, village chief, it's the yellow-brown porcini mushroom. It's green. I picked it up on the ground. Look, there are still pieces on the ground."

Ao Fugui was shocked: "Huh? Your hands are blue? This thing doesn't turn green when you hold it in your hand."

Jianshouqing, a type of boletus that has the characteristic of indigo color reaction after injury, has a large number of species and belongs to the family Boletaceae.

As we all know, boletus is a very delicious wild mushroom. It is rich in nutrients and is very popular in all countries at home and abroad. Wild boletus is very expensive, not inferior to precious seafood.

But not all porcini mushrooms can be eaten, some are poisonous, and Jianshouqing is one of them.

Ao Muyang understood the fungus when he saw it. I'm afraid the problem lies with it. The toxicity of Jianshouqing is hallucinogenic!

Some people still don’t know this fungus. It’s true that porcini are delicious. There are too many types of them. Most of them can only live in tropical and subtropical mountainous areas. They are rare here in Hongyang.

Jianshouqing is a relatively unique fungus. Its growth span can last from the cold zone to the tropics. It is most common in the mountain forests of southern Yunnan in China, where a lot of this fungus is produced in April and May every year.

At Ao Mu Fenggan Farmhouse, various kinds of mushrooms are the main dishes. Because tourists want to eat wild game, the most common ones are various kinds of mushrooms. Ao Mu Feng has been exposed to these things for a long time, and he has become more familiar with them.

Ao Fugui was still surprised: "I know that my hands are blue after touching them, but they are not blue at all. Isn't this yellow?"

Ao Muyang said casually: "Qing Jianshou is a common name. In fact, there are yellow Jianshou and red Jianshou, but these two are the most common abroad. There are even black Jianshou, but they are very rare."

The culprit has been found, and the next step is to prescribe the right medicine.

But, how to administer this medicine? The group of people was confused. None of them had ever had a similar experience.

Ao Muyang ran to the bottom of the mountain to make a phone call again. Ao Mupeng teased him from behind: "Leader, if you have something to call, why are you running down there?"

This arrogant tone made Lao Ao's liver tremble with anger, and he said angrily: "Is there a signal on the mountain?"

Ao Mupeng said: "Yes, that's why I ran to find you just now."

Ao Mupeng didn't want to argue with him. He had more important things to deal with.

He called the veterinarian, who said he was helpless. It was very rare for animals to have hallucinogenic reactions, and even their large pet hospital did not have targeted treatment drugs.

However, he comforted Ao Muyang that it didn't matter if the dog had eaten hallucinogenic mushrooms. He had checked it out and found that the poison was indeed poisonous, but it was not very toxic. It could cause hallucinations, so just get over it.

Ao Muyang returned to the mountain and led people to circle the area first.

No one can say what will happen to the dogs when they are in a state of hallucination. They may bite people, so it is better to stay away.

Then, he asked the village to prepare a large amount of water and bone soup, bring it up the mountain and place it near the dogs to attract them to drink a lot of water.

If you drink too much water, you have to urinate. Urinating can bring out the toxic substances in the hands and make them wake up faster.

The dogs are indeed thirsty. How can they not be thirsty after working for a long time? When I saw the clear water, I drank it.

After drinking, the dogs continued to pile on each other.

Ao Mupeng looked melancholy and muttered: "Fuck, my life is worse than that of a dog."

Ao Mudong, who came after hearing the news, immediately smiled with a sly eyebrow and said, "Brother, bring your bank card and follow your brother tomorrow."

Ao Muyang said: "If this doesn't work, go back and get the bacon, cut it into slices and throw it to the dog for me."

The dogs just had some hallucinations, and their basic physiological needs were still there, which can be seen from the fact that they drank water when they were thirsty.

When the bacon was brought, the dogs snatched it away.

Then it got interesting. They started lining up to drink water, drinking it all the time: the meat is too salty!

In fact, it is not good to feed dogs too much salt, as it will damage their kidney system, but the damage to them from salt is always lighter than the toxins from fungi. Ao Muyang had no choice but to choose the lesser of two options.

As time passed, the dogs stopped lying down. They couldn't lie down. As soon as they lay down, they wanted to pee. They jumped around next to the pine forest, found a tree, lifted their legs and peed...

"I think the grass here will grow quite vigorously this year." Ao Qianwen said while smoking, "This dog urine is much more powerful than urea."

After peeing a few times, the dogs began to get better.

After all, the general has strong resistance and strong recovery ability, and he regained consciousness first.

Seeing a group of people staring at him, he was actually a little shy. He lowered his head and tucked his tail between his legs, and walked to Ao Muyang's back and hid.

Ao Muyang pushed it out and showed it the Jianshouqing: "What's wrong with this thing?"

The general took a look and shook his head. There was a dog next to him who wanted to eat it, so he pushed it to the ground in one bite.

The raw Jianshouqing tasted good, with a light sweet taste. Dogs are very sensitive to sweetness, and it is probably for this reason that they ate Jianshouqing.

But what Ao Muyang didn't understand was, how many Jianshouqing would it take to make so many dogs hallucinate? This thing is not common in Dalong Mountain, otherwise everyone would have thought about it first when they learned that the dog had hallucinations.

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