Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 735 738. How daring people are (2)

The Steller's sea eagle tried hard to please the queen, but to little avail.

At first, it showed the queen its strong physique, weathered feathers, and agile posture. Seeing that the queen didn't even look at it, it changed to fishing to show its courtesy.

As a result, all the fish it caught were given to Ao Muyang.

But this is better than showing off a few times there. At least it can impress his father-in-law. It took the right path, that is, to get his wife, he must first get his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Ao Muyang didn't let the queen fly around anymore. He took the queen back to the Big Dragon Head and signaled it to stay at the bow honestly so that the Steller's sea eagle could follow it.

If he didn't give the queen an order, the queen would definitely avoid the wild sea eagle.

The wild sea eagle didn't know how many thousands of kilometers it had flown to get here, and it was exhausted long ago. The queen had abundant physical strength and excellent flying ability. It is estimated that with a flap of its wings, the wild sea eagle would be thrown several kilometers away.

Seeing another sea eagle appear on the boat, the fishermen were delighted: "Hey, Dragon Head, where did you get another tiger-headed bird?"

Ao Muyang pointed at the queen and said: "Are you blind? A beautiful lady is a good match for a gentleman."

The wild sea eagle made a "cooing" sound from its mouth and approached the queen slowly. The queen drooped her eyelids and didn't want to pay attention to it. It approached her side, and the queen moved to the other side.

As a result, the queen was forced to the end of the ship's side in a few moves. The wild sea eagle still wanted to get closer, and the queen waved her wings and gave it an iron fan floating on the water. The wild sea eagle was dizzy and almost fell off.

Ao Muyang said: "Queen, don't do this!"

The queen also cooed twice, folded her wings, and shrank on the side of the ship unhappily.

Ao Wenchang smiled and said, "Are you trying to bring them together? Oh, your father-in-law likes this son-in-law?"

Ao Muyang sighed, "So what if I don't like him? There are too few Steller's sea eagles. Try to breed them."

He has the responsibility to raise the queen, to help the Steller's sea eagle population reproduce.

At lunch, Ao Muyang took a black porgy caught by wild sea eagles, chopped it up and mixed it with golden drops, and then fed it to the wild sea eagles.

The wild sea eagles were a little afraid of him, and when he approached, they immediately pretended to spread their wings and fly high.

Ao Muyang said disdainfully, "You are so shameless, look at how aggrieved you are, can I catch you and roast you? You have the guts to marry my beautiful and rich girl?"

The wild sea eagle didn't understand what he said, and when he continued to approach, it immediately flapped its wings and flew into the air.

Old Ao was helpless, so he had to feed the queen first.

The queen was very interested in the fish meat mixed with gold drops. She stretched and retracted her neck and swallowed a piece of fish meat.

The wild sea eagle flew for a while, and it was also hungry. Finally, it withstood the vigilance against humans and slowly flew down to eat and drink.

Lao Ao was very concerned about it. This fish meat mixed with gold drops was not eaten by the queen a few times.

He did this in the hope that the wild sea eagle could absorb the gold drops and become more majestic, so that the queen would be willing to accept it and then give birth to monkeys for it.

In order for the Steller's sea eagle to reproduce, Lao Ao was also worried.

After noon, he jumped into the water again.

Sitting on the tiger's head, he patted the upper part of the tiger's mouth. This action meant: Brother, we have to work hard and find some good fish that you are willing to eat.

After receiving the order, the tiger was full of energy and started to act immediately.

It shuttled quickly in the sea, like a large-displacement sports car, swimming quickly.

Ao Muyang carefully checked the underwater situation and looked for rare fish.

God will not let down those who work hard. After passing by several small groups of sea bass and sea crucian carp, he saw a red figure flashing by underwater.

Marine fish are colorful and diverse in color, but the fish that are red in the deep sea are mostly red snappers.

The red snappers that he had been looking for some time ago finally appeared at this time, and Lao Ao was refreshed.

He was afraid that the tiger would scare the red snappers away, so he patted its head to signal it to stop here first, and then relying on the power of the underwater propeller, he quickly cut into the seabed.

The deep sea world is dark. To the human eye, this place is already a desert of life. There are very few seaweed, water plants, fish, shrimps and crabs that the human eye can see in the deep sea.

Of course, there are many plankton in the deep sea, otherwise deep-sea species cannot survive, but the human eye cannot see them.

Ao Muyang stared at the red figures in the sea. He thought it was a small group of red snappers, but as he got closer, he found that he was wrong...

He was still not brave enough!

The fish's body is even more red than the red snapper, and it is even bigger, much bigger. One of the fish is one meter long, with a big head, a flat and open body, and an orange-red body, a rich look.

Ao Muyang didn't expect that he would encounter a northern flathead!

Several big fish are like hairtails at this time, with their heads up and their tails down, not moving much in the sea water, just like a few red panels sticking out on the seabed.

This is also the factor that Ao Muyang uses to judge their identity. The northern flathead has a strange habitat. They often gather in groups in caves with lush seaweed, with their heads up and motionless.

However, the northern flathead he encountered was not brought to the cave, but stayed in a small depression on the seabed. They floated quietly, peacefully.

Unfortunately, they encountered Ao Muyang, the evil star.

After discovering this small group of northern flathead fish, he immediately returned the same way he came without making any noise, then waved at the tiger and pulled the fishing net off its body.

He wanted to catch this batch of fish, but not for sale.

The saddle on the tiger's back was an equipment warehouse, with fishing rods and fishing nets on it. It only needed a sunshade to make a luxury yacht for sea fishing.

Diving into the water with the fishing net, Ao Muyang had already spread the fishing net and let it drift slowly into the water.

The northern flatfish has a long life span and has seen a lot. They are not easy to deal with.

The fishing net caused the sea water to fluctuate, and they immediately swam, especially when they discovered Ao Muyang's presence at this time, which made them panic.

If the fishing net was not used, it would be difficult for the northern flatfish to detect Ao Muyang's whereabouts, because their heads were facing up and their eyes were facing both sides, so they could not see the situation above their heads.

Ao Muyang was not afraid of them running away. He put a little gold drop in the fishing net, and the big fish that were ready to run away were immediately attracted, and they swarmed in to compete for it.

Waiting for the rabbit by the tree, Lao Ao just needs to guard the fishing net.

The big fish rushed into the fishing net, and the net suddenly shrank. It was difficult for them to escape at this time.

However, they were from the same group after all, and they had a tacit understanding. After they were trapped in the fishing net, they did not struggle randomly or drag each other down. Instead, they were led by the one-meter-long big fish and rushed to the depression on the seabed.

Lao Ao quickly reached out and grabbed the rope, and then he was like grabbing a wild horse and flew up in the sea...

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