Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 736 739. Longevity Fish (3)

The northern flathead fish is very strong. Even if the fishing net interferes with the swinging of its tail, it can still move forward at high speed.

Ao Muyang had nowhere to get leverage and could not pull them at all. He could only be dragged around in the water.

This did not work. He quickly waved to the tiger and asked the tiger to help.

But the tiger was too far away from him. Ao Muyang's vision was very good underwater, but the killer whales were not. Killer whales rely on their sense of smell to move around in the water, and their eyesight is not very good.

So, Lao Ao was like a silly little girl dragging a runaway sled. He could not stop the brakes at all, and he wanted to use the foot brakes.

This made him very desperate. Who caught whom?

After being dragged and rolled on the seabed for half an hour, the tiger realized that something was wrong and came closer with its head shaking and tail wagging.

The tossing during this period made Lao Ao feel like he was beaten up by the essence of a drum washing machine. He was already confused.

Fortunately, the seafloor around him was flat, without any reefs to hinder him. Otherwise, if he had been dragged against the reefs a few times, he would have become the son of Aixinjuelu Dorgon, Aixinjuelu Dorgon.

The northern flatfish are so strong, and they really work together. If the Chinese men's football team also has this cohesion, there is no need to worry about not qualifying for the World Cup.

After the tiger approached, it did not come to support immediately. It was not sure whether Ao Muyang needed it. Sometimes Ao Muyang was fishing on the seabed, so in order to prevent it from scaring away the fish, it was not allowed to get too close.

So, it just swam over to watch, and its big eyes looked cute.

The northern flatfish found the killer whale. After circling for half an hour, they finally broke out again, swinging their tails desperately, and dragged Lao Ao in the sea.

Lao Ao had no choice but to turn around and roar at the killer whale: "You-Gudonggudong!"

Choked on a mouthful of water!

As they got closer, the tiger finally saw his gestures clearly. Seeing Ao Muyang waving, it swam over in a flash.

Ao Muyang stuffed the fishing net rope into the tiger's mouth and tied it to his teeth, so he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't dare to let go before. Once he let go, the northern flatfish would definitely escape from the fishing net with their struggling ability, and that would be a waste of effort.

Falling into the hands of the tiger, several northern flatfish were helpless. They wanted to escape desperately, but they couldn't pull the tiger's six or seven tons of weight!

Ao Muyang sat on the saddle and rested for a long time. He was exhausted just now. He had never encountered such a capable fish.

After resting, he patted the tiger's head to signal it to float up.

When the tiger surfaced, the northern flatfish were finished. The change in internal and external pressure took their lives.

After wandering on the sea for a while, he gave a signal and the Dragon Head came over.

The northern flatfish is not heavy, the heaviest one is only about 30 or 40 kilograms, and the total weight is only about 100 kilograms. Ao Muyang dragged them onto the fishing boat by himself.

Seeing these big orange-red fish in the fishing net, the fishermen immediately surrounded them:

"Oh, Red Grandpa, what a good fish."

"Is this caught by a tiger? The tiger really has the soul of a hunting dog."

"Hey, it's rare, how long have you not seen this Red Grandpa?"

The northern flatfish is indeed rare. They are mainly distributed in waters with higher latitudes, especially in the northeastern end of the Pacific Ocean, such as the Gulf of Alaska close to the Arctic, which can be said to be a paradise for northern flatfish.

The latitudes of the waters around Hongyang are not high enough, so there are not many opportunities to find northern flatfish. There are also few such fish on the market. Every time they appear, people will watch them and big hotels will rush to buy them.

The northern scorpionfish is a species of fish in the genus Scorpionfish of the family Scorpionfish. Among this species, the common ones in China include Liu Scorpionfish, Wubei Scorpionfish, Jiao's Scorpionfish, Tang's Scorpionfish, etc. The fish tastes good, but it is not very delicious.

The reason why the big hotel will rush to buy it after encountering it is because it has a gimmick. The northern scorpionfish is one of the longest-lived fish in the ocean. The "red grandparents" mentioned by the crew before is the common name given to them by the locals, and the name "grandparents" is used to describe the longevity of this fish.

As far as Ao Muyang knows, this kind of fish can generally live to more than 100 years old. Someone in the United States has caught a super long-lived fish of 170 or 180 years old, which once caused a sensation.

Humans all have the expectation of longevity. Complementing the shape with the shape is an important guiding theory of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese food. The northern scorpionfish is very popular because of its longevity. In many places, it is said that eating the northern scorpionfish can prolong life.

In fact, this statement also has scientific basis. The northern flatfish lives in the deep sea, theoretically from 20 meters to 1,200 meters, but mainly lives in the water depth of 200 to 300 meters.

Such deep sea is not polluted, the fish meat is clean, and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which is very good for people, especially the elderly. Eating it often can indeed prolong life.

Ao Muyang did not plan to eat them himself, nor did he plan to send them to the market. According to his plan, he wanted to freeze these fish and keep them. When the restaurant of the resort opens in the future, these are all treasures of the town.

Seeing the big fish, the wild sea eagle blinked its eyes, and it flew over quietly, and took advantage of the fact that everyone was not paying attention to catch one and wanted to fly away.

Ao Muyang was anxious and said, "Hey, what are you doing!"

This guy is too greedy, and he actually wants to catch the biggest one, but that fish weighs nearly 40 kilograms. The Steller's sea eagle is not the Andean condor with infinite strength. It weighs less than half of this fish and can't catch it at all.

Ao Muyang waved his hand and slapped the wild sea eagle. The sea eagle was so scared that it screamed and dropped the fish and flew to the queen for comfort.

The queen waved her wings and gave it another iron fan sweeping across the wilderness. Not only did it not find comfort, but it was in a worse situation.

The northern flatfish was sent to the ice cabin for insurance freezing, and the Big Dragon Head continued to gallop on the sea.

Ao Muyang went to see the fish cabin that was not full enough. When he came back, he said: "Let's get closer to the sea. Let's not look for fish schools. Let's see if we can get some mantis shrimp."

Mantis shrimp is mantis shrimp. They often dig holes in the sand or mud bottom of shallow seas. They like to live in caves and groups. April is a good time to eat mantis shrimp. At this time, the mantis shrimp is full of seeds and the meat is plump.

Fishermen do not go out blindly when they work at sea. Although casting a wide net is a common way of working, the next sentence of "focusing on fishing" is the way to make money.

Everyone has their own familiar fishways and shrimpways, based on villages or fleets. The so-called "fishways and shrimpways" are the common sea areas where fish, shrimps and crabs are found. Everyone knows how many seafood there are in each sea area.

After choosing a suitable place to live, the mantis shrimps will often stay for a long time. They dig horseshoe-shaped caves on the seabed and then hunt around.

Longtou Village knows several gathering places for mantis shrimps. What they have to do next is to take advantage of the fact that there are no people on the sea and go to these places to focus on fishing.

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