Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 737 740. Water gushing out of the small hole (4)

Ao Muyang entered the cab and said to Ao Daguo: "Turn off the accelerator."

The throttle and gearbox of Dalongtou are both the same lever. For the throttle, pushing it forward means increasing the throttle, and pulling it backward means decreasing it.

When the throttle was pulled back, the speed of the Dalongtou began to decrease, and the waves cut by the stern also began to decrease.

Ao Muyang put down the lifeboat and said, "Let's go, big guys, go down and have a look."

Common mantis fishing methods are net fishing and box fishing. The former is netted, while the latter is trapped using a fishing pot and bait just like fishing for shrimps and crabs.

Box fishing is not common because it requires the use of a large number of fishing pots. This time they had plans to catch mantis shrimps, but they did not bring fishing pots because they took up too much space.

Ao Qianwen directed the net to be lowered, while Ao Muyang drove forward in a small boat. Most of the crew members were beside him. They took two small boats and moved forward through the waves.

The reason why he drove the boat by himself was not because he wanted to find the mantis shrimps by himself, but because there is another common fishing method when fishing for mantis shrimps, and that is hand fishing.

This sea area is very shallow. Not long after they sailed in the small boat, the water depth was only two or three meters. Larger fishing boats did not dare to approach and could easily run aground.

Precisely because of the water depth problem, there have been few boats coming here. Many fishing boats know that there are large reefs here, and the boat bosses are afraid that the boats will run aground and dare not approach.

Someone in Longtou Village accidentally discovered that there were some mantis shrimps living in this area. They protected the place secretly and sprinkled some Pipi shrimp feed every year, which can be regarded as their own farm.

Mantis shrimps like to live in shallow waters or even places where the seabed is exposed at low tide. The water in these places is very shallow and may only reach a person's knees, so people can catch the shrimps with their hands.

The efficiency of catching Pipi shrimps by hand is quite high. An experienced person can catch more than a dozen Pipi shrimps in one minute while bending over. However, the efficiency of catching Pipi shrimps with fishing nets is relatively low, because Pipi shrimps live close to the bottom of the sea, and fishing nets As they sweep, they burrow into the sediment layer on the ocean floor, leaving the fishing net with nothing to catch.

Seeing that the water was shallow, Ao Muyang jumped in first. Ao Wenchang also wanted to jump, but Ao Mudong stopped him and said: "It's still deep here, you can't even catch a thing here, keep going in." Walk."

The sea surface was clear, but the water seemed shallow. Ao Muyang plunged in, but in fact it was still more than two meters deep here.

There are scattered caves on the seabed, or groups of caves. Three or four small holes are close together, and there is often a Pipi Shrimp inside.

There is an idiom called a cunning rabbit with three caves, and the same is true for mantis shrimps. When they have nothing to do, they will dig several passages around their nests, and if they encounter a crisis, they will run out from another hole.

The hole was not big, only about the size of the opening of two taels of wine. Ao Muyang covered the other holes with an iron ring net that he carried with him, leaving only one outside, and then patted it with his hands.

He slapped the water with his palm to create pressure, just like a spring. When he slapped it here, the other three holes came out. Among them, one of them had the largest small water column coming out from the distance.

Ao Muyang knew that the mantis shrimp was definitely not in the mouth of the passage. He looked at the other two. Sure enough, after a while, the mantis shrimp popped its head out of one of the mouths and suddenly jumped out.

This thing was covered in legs and ran very smoothly. Unfortunately, there was a trap waiting for it outside. It quickly fell into the net. Ao Muyang reached out and picked up the net, gaining +1.

He looked for a second small cave group, and using the same method, another mantis shrimp fell into his hands.

Ao Muyang was very pleased with the continuous harvests. He was lucky today.

Because there were villagers around him, he would pop up from the water from time to time. After all, he was not wearing a respirator. If he stayed underwater for a long time without showing up, the people above would become suspicious.

Everyone has their own harvest, chatting and laughing about how happy they are. Most people are looking for mantis shrimps in shallow waters, and the sea water can’t reach their thighs at most.

When Ao Muyang emerged from the water again, Ao Wenchang on the boat waved to him: "Longtou, something happened, a ship is coming."

He swam over and put the Pipi shrimps in the net bag into the box. There was already half a box of harvest in it. The price of this kind of artificially caught Pipi shrimps is higher because it is not entangled in fishing nets and the quality is better.

After getting on the boat, he looked to the south. In addition to the Dalongtou, there was also a fishing boat moored on the sea. The two ships were very close to each other. Many people on his side had already taken another small boat and returned to the Dalongtou. .

Looking at the docked fishing boat, Ao Muyang frowned and said, "It seems that there is another dispute at sea."

Since the other party brought the fishing boat so close, it was clear that they were looking for trouble. The rule for fishermen at sea is first come, first served. Whoever occupies a sea area first will have priority ownership of the catch found in the sea.

If the fishing boats that come later are also interested in the surrounding resources, they have to wait for the fishing boats in front to leave instead of snatching them. Otherwise, there will be no order on the sea and it will be chaos.

Ao Wenchang and others were waiting for Ao Muyang to go to sea. After Ao Muyang got on the boat, they hurried back.

The bows of the two fishing boats faced each other, and the fishermen on the deck were glaring at each other menacingly.

Ao Daguo was shouting with an electric loudspeaker, and the other side was also shouting, and his attitude was even more arrogant: "Magobi, you yourself said that this sea is not yours, so what's wrong with our ship stopping here? We're robbing your rice. Did you step on your dog’s head? Or did you fuck your wife?”

Upon hearing this, Ao Muyang understood that he was here to cause trouble.

The boat on the opposite side burst into laughter, while everyone on the boat on the other side was furious. Ao Mudong wanted to tear off the tarpaulin to expose the water cannon.

Ao Muyang stopped him, and at the same time took the electric horn and said coldly: "Who is the boss of your ship? Come out."

"I'm the boss of the ship, what's wrong?" The other party's attitude was very arrogant.

Ao Muyang was puzzled and asked the people around him: "Is this ship related to Wangjiacun?"

Normally, even if there is a dispute at sea, it will not turn out to be so ugly. At least there will be a buffering stage where everyone can negotiate first and then play cowardly if there is no result.

The other party came up so aggressively, which was not following the routine. Ao Muyang was a little unsure of the other party's intentions.

All the crew members shook their heads. This ship looked unfamiliar to them, and it didn't look like it belonged to Wangjiacun.

So Ao Muyang asked: "Across the street, is your father Li Gang?"

"My father is your grandfather, have I drafted it yet?" came the other party's voice loudly.

Without saying a word, Ao Muyang threw away the electric horn and pulled off the tarpaulin, unlocked the water cannon with his fingerprint, and personally controlled the water cannon to aim at the bow of the opponent's ship: "Go to your spicy neighbor!"

The engine of the water cannon hidden under the deck began to roar. The water inlet opened and seawater poured in. After entering the water storage tank, it gathered into a water column under the action of the high-strength press, and finally spewed out in a turbulent way!

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