Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 740 743. Pickled Mantis Shrimp with Pepper (2)

As the sun sets, the Dalongtou returns to the village pier with a warehouse full of catch.

The highlight today was the mantis shrimp. Through fishing net fishing and manual foraging, they harvested thousands of kilograms of mantis shrimp.

The price of mantis shrimp is high because it is difficult to catch and the yield is low.

There are many mantis shrimps weighing thousands of kilograms, but this is the result of them fishing all around the sea. Of course, what they catch are all adult mantis shrimps of sufficient size, and the small mantis shrimps are left behind to allow them to reproduce.

In the past, they would not catch so much, and would only harvest half of it and leave, leaving the mantis shrimp group to continue to expand. But now that Ziliuhai has been discovered, it is better to strike first.

In addition to the low yield of mantis shrimps, it is also difficult to pack them up. The fishing nets are piled at the stern of the boat, and a group of people sit on small benches to pick mantis shrimps from the nets.

The legs of mantis shrimps on the market are wrapped with netting strings because they are picked from the net. Mantis shrimps have many legs and it is very difficult to remove them after they are entangled in fishing nets. It requires skill and strength.

Moreover, when the mantis shrimps are removed, the fishing net will be damaged. Although most of the fishing nets used to catch mantis shrimps are cheap and can even be used to catch mantis shrimps, this is still an expense after all.

It is for various reasons that ultimately led to the relatively high market price of mantis shrimps.

Fortunately, mantis shrimps are highly active and easy to bid for. They were still alive and kicking after being brought to the dock on the Dalongtou.

Tourists and villagers came to buy. Ao Muyang carried a basket of mantis shrimps ashore and was about to go back to eat. A beautiful girl grabbed him and said in a coquettish voice: "Little brother, little brother, please teach me how to choose." Pipi shrimp, which kind of Pipi shrimp is female? Is the female one delicious?”

Ao Muyang pulled Ao Mupeng over, handed it to the girl and said, "This little brother is a master at picking shrimps. If you ask him, he can tell which one is the female even with his eyes closed."

Ao Mupeng wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Hey, sister, let me teach you, the most intuitive thing is this, you turn the Pippi shrimp over, the one with 'king' on the neck is female, and the butt is here Those with yellow paste are also female..."

Walking back with Pipixia, he saw Li Ji and Su Penghui walking on the beach.

So he said hello: "Old man, I want to eat mantis shrimp tonight. How do you want to eat it?"

Li Jisan smiled and said: "You can eat it by yourself, you and Teacher Lu can eat it, we..."

"Salt and pepper mantis shrimp, this is delicious." Su Penghui said while swallowing his saliva.

Li Ji whispered: "You are an old foodie, you are not embarrassed."

Su Penghui said dissatisfied: "Why is it embarrassing if you know how to eat?"

Li Ji continued in a low voice: "That's not what I'm talking about. I ate that Jianshouqing last time. Do you still have the nerve to go to someone else's house now?"

This incident made Su Penghui's old face turn red: "I didn't say I was going to his house, I just taught him how to cook, salt and pepper mantis shrimp, this is really delicious."

Ao Muyang only saw the two people talking together and didn't hear what they said. He shouted: "Salt and pepper mantis shrimp? OK, but we have a special fisherman's dish here called pepper pickled mantis shrimp. I think it is better." eat."

"Not salt and pepper mantis shrimp?" Su Penghui was stunned.

Ao Muyang shook his head and emphasized: "It's mantis shrimp pickled with pepper. It's a special fisherman's dish. Let's try it tonight."

Su Penghui and Li Ji looked at each other, and then couldn't help but nodded together: "Okay."

After agreeing, the two of them looked for a way out: "Actually, it was nothing last time. We just fell into hallucinations and thought there was a ghost." "Yes, we are at this age, and we can be open-minded." "Pepper pickled mantis shrimps" What's going on? I've never heard of it. "It must be delicious."

The preparation of this dish of pepper-pickled mantis shrimp is just like its name, that is, it is marinated with pepper, but it is not simply pickled.

The traditional method is to make a sauce with onions, ginger, garlic, chili peppers, light soy sauce, vinegar and oyster sauce, then add fresh mantis shrimps, marinate them for a period of time and then eat them raw.

But this approach was a bit harsh and not everyone could bear it, so Ao Muyang made a compromise.

He marinated the mantis shrimps first, waited until they were dead, steamed them quickly in a pot, then took them out and marinated them again in the sauce.

Lu Zhizi was picking up wild vegetables. Teacher Zhu had a toon tree at home, which was growing well this year. She pinched a lot of toon buds and gave each of the teachers a bag.

After cleaning the toon sprouts, she asked: "How to do it? Chop it into egg pancakes or pickle it?"

Ao Muyang thought about it for a moment, opened the freezer and said, "A lot of the toona buds that were pickled last year are still there?"

Sure enough, he rummaged around and found a small bag of toon buds.

Seeing this, he quickly took it out to defrost it, and then stir-fried it with eggs and dried chili peppers. The pickled toon sprouts were flavorful and a perfect match for the eggs.

He mixed the fresh toon sprouts with egg liquid to make pancakes. Lu Zhizi wanted to add wheat flour to it, but he shook his head: "No, it was only done like this when my family was poor. Only fried eggs are delicious."

The eggs he uses are all fresh from the backyard. These are serious ecological eggs. When fried in peanut oil, the fragrance cannot be suppressed and comes out.

Li and Ji started sniffling right from outside the door. Su Penghui smacked his lips and said, "It smells so good."

The general, Youfu and the Lang brothers also thought it smelled good, so they squatted at the door of the kitchen and looked in eagerly.

After seeing it, Ao Muyang went over and knocked a chestnut one by one, and said angrily: "Why are you so greedy? Look at the Overlord Flower, people are not greedy."

Lu Zhizi smiled and said, "It's not because you raised her well."

Ao Muyang said: "What? I raised that head of state too. You see, the head of state is not greedy."

The head of state was not only not greedy, but he was not even interested in food. He wandered around the yard slowly, meowing as he wandered, his eyes green and looking a little anxious.

After noticing this, Ao Muyang wondered, "What's going on?"

Old man Ao Zhibing, who had just come back from collecting yellow eels, laughed and said, "The head of state is calling for spring. Spring is here, and the head of state is agitated."

Ao Muyang said, "That's a bit troublesome. There are not many cats in the village."

Cats are seldom kept in fishing villages, but mainly dogs, because every household dries fish and dried fish, and cats are likely to steal seafood; another village keeps cats not as pets, but to catch mice.

But golden shorthairs are good at catching mice, so if there is a dog at home, cats are not needed, which makes cats unpopular in fishing families.

Lu Zhizi shook his head: "Who said that? There are still people in the village who keep cats. Isn't the head of state in heat? Otherwise, he would have gone out to find those cats."

Ao Muyang pondered for a while and suddenly asked: "Are you sure there are female cats among the cats kept in the village?"

Lu Zhizi was stunned and had no answer for a while.

Seeing everyone appear, the head of state became even more anxious and simply went out and disappeared.

Ao Zhibing said: "Don't worry, boss. My third sister has a female cat. I will borrow it tomorrow for the head of state to breed. Isn't this easy to solve?"

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