Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 741 744. Finding a partner (3)

The important thing now is to eat. Ao Muyang served plate after plate of mantis shrimps to the table. The main dish was Chinese toon sprout egg pancakes. He didn't add anything in it, so the taste was relatively light, which could highlight the freshness of Chinese toon and the aroma of eggs.

Li Ji wanted to get salt, and said, "I have a strong taste and can't eat something so light."

Su Penghui held him back and said, "You can eat less salt. You have high blood pressure and a strong taste. Are you in such a hurry to see Marx?"

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "Teacher Li, sit down. If you think it's too light, you can dip it in this sauce soup. It tastes sour, spicy and salty. It's as heavy as you want."

As he said that, he tore off a piece of egg pancake and dipped it in the soup of pickled mantis shrimps. The soup was sour and spicy, and the Chinese toon egg pancake was fresh and fragrant. After entering the mouth, the five flavors were mixed.

Li Ji praised the food highly: "Xiao Ao is really good at it. The food tastes different after you turn it around in your hands."

Su Penghui picked up a mantis shrimp from the chopped green onion, ginger, garlic and green pepper and said: "Is this pepper-pickled mantis shrimp? I have to try it."

The mantis shrimp selected by Ao Muyang was large, full of meat, and the freshest. After the shell was removed, a seed strip was revealed on the back. He peeled it for Lu Zhizi, who smiled and said: "Great."

Su Penghui first sucked the soup on it, then tore off the shell piece by piece and ate the meat bite by bite, tasting it very carefully: "Well, it's really delicious."

Grandpa Ao Zhibing ate traditional pepper-pickled mantis shrimp. After peeling the skin, the crystal clear meat underneath was like jelly, because they were still raw.

The raw mantis shrimp meat lacks fragrance but has more freshness. It is more chewy than jelly after entering the mouth. Those who like it think it is the supreme delicacy, but some people can't eat it because its taste is too unique.

While eating, Li Ji said, "Xiao Ao, I am not here just to eat this time, but also to inform you that the application for the green turtle breeding base and green turtle life protection area in Longtou Village has been approved. The state will send a working group to confirm it, and then allocate funds to formally protect it. At that time, the media will follow, all of which are big media. It is estimated that it will be on CCTV."

Ao Muyang stopped eating, put down his chopsticks and asked, "So awesome?"

Li Ji smiled and said, "The green turtle protection area is rare in the world. Our country has established one to enhance the country's image in the international wildlife protection industry. It must be treated well."

Ao Muyang pondered, "Teacher Li, you see that we have dolphins and finless porpoises in our outer seas. Can we also set up a protection area?"

"What are you thinking about?" Li Ji shook his head, "You should just do tourism promotion honestly."

"What about sperm whales? I have resident sperm whales here. Which country still has them?" Lao Ao did not give up.

Su Penghui laughed and said, "You sperm whale, I guess the country wants to kill it. Don't you know that our country has not issued any policies to ban whaling?"

"To be precise, in 2006, the Caribbean island country of St. Kitts and Nevis held the 58th General Assembly of the International Whaling Commission. At that time, it even passed a motion of intent to support the resumption of commercial whaling, the "St. Kitts and Nevis Declaration", in which our country abstained from voting." Li Ji is obviously more familiar with these things.

Ao Muyang stopped talking. He estimated that Wang Jiacun didn't understand this and thought that whaling in China was illegal. After all, there were news reports in China that people who dug bird nests and caught birds were sentenced to many years.

Otherwise, with Wang Youwei's character, he would definitely attack the tiger and sperm whale out of jealousy.

But fortunately he didn't do it, otherwise Ao Muyang would not forgive him.

In fact, the two sides are now in a stalemate, and neither will forgive the other.

Before the Qingming Festival, the court issued a verdict on the case of Wang Dongliang and Liu Gangsheng poisoning the fisherman's taste. Wang Dongliang was sentenced to four years and six months in prison as the principal offender, and Liu Gangsheng was sentenced to one year and eight months as an accomplice.

The crime of poisoning is a dangerous crime. Its establishment does not require the actual result of poisoning an unspecified majority of people or the destruction of major public or private property. As long as the perpetrator has committed the act of poisoning, which is sufficient to endanger public safety, this crime is constituted.

In addition, Wang Dongliang and Liu Gangsheng were subjectively intentional in this criminal act. The two knew that their poisoning behavior would endanger public safety and might cause unspecified casualties, and they hoped that this result would happen, so there was no problem with conviction, and even the lawyer could not explain it.

On the day of the verdict, Ao Muyang did not go to the court to watch the trial of the case, but Long Deshui and others went to watch it. After all, this was a big deal in the surrounding villages.

According to what they said after they came back, Wang Dongliang burst into tears and cried loudly when he heard the judge announce the verdict. He didn't expect that he just smeared the dining environment of Longtou Village, but ended up with such consequences.

It can only be said that legal ignorance is very sad. Of course, there must be something hateful about pitiful people.

Wang Dongliang's sentence was not heavy. According to the law, if a person commits the crime of poisoning and has not caused any harmful consequences, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; if he causes serious injury, death or major losses to public or private property, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or death penalty in accordance with Article 115 of the Criminal Law...

Their poisoning caused many tourists to be poisoned by food and entered the hospital, which had already caused harmful consequences. If it weren't for Wang Youwei's desperate operation and the powerful lawyer he found, Wang Dongliang would have to stay in prison for ten years!

After the verdict of the case came out, Ao Muyang knew that the conflict between him and Wang Youwei was irreconcilable.

He knew Wang Youwei's character very well. He must have put the blame on him, thinking that he was the one who did it all.

His beloved son was imprisoned, which made him lose his mind.

Ao Muyang waited for his revenge, but there was no movement in Wangjia Village. Instead, Yan Qingcheng came back with Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei.

After Zhu Zhu arrived, she went to see the general and his party first: "My little darlings, sister is here, where have you been? Wow, there is a sea eagle beside the queen? So brave! Wow, Da Meng and Xiao Meng, you grow up so fast, so big?"

Meng Tian and Meng Yi tilted their heads to look at her, who are you, so familiar?

Zhu Zhu found all the pets and touched the snake king's head, and then she wondered: "Where is the head of state? Where did my baby head of state go?"

The chubby and furry cat is the girl's favorite. She liked to hold the head of state before.

Ao Muyang said, "The President went to look for his baby."

Zhu Zhu was surprised: "Ah? The President has a baby?"

Ao Muyang said, "The big baby is looking for a partner."

As they were chatting, the President came back with a droopy face. Zhu Zhu wanted to hug him, but he pushed her away with his fat paws. His drooping eyelids and wrinkled facial features showed his attitude: I'm annoyed now, don't bother me.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang said helplessly, "What's the matter, President, you didn't find a girl you like? If it were me, you should stop being picky. Why are you being picky like a queen!"

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