Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 748 751. Whale Fall (5)

Lao Ao didn't want to intervene in this matter anymore. Whenever he thought of the way the little female cats looked at him, he felt ashamed.

In order to avoid this matter, he ran back to the Big Dragon Head and decided to spend the rest of April on the ship. It is estimated that the situation of the head of state will be much better after entering May.

In fact, it is not a good time for him to go out to sea at this time, because May Day is coming soon, and Longtou Village will usher in the peak tourism season. The village needs to make a lot of preparations, food reserves, work intensity, order, etc., all of which he has to command.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaoyu is also very capable in this regard. He encouraged her with a sentence that women can hold up half the sky, and then let her command these things.

The Big Dragon Head started slowly, and the tiger followed as usual. The sperm whale saw it and swam out.

Ao Muyang didn't want it to leave the sea outside the village, so he fished a dead fish and put a little gold drop on it, and then threw it in the opposite direction with all his strength.

The gold drop fell into the water, and the sperm whale felt its presence and swam over with its mouth open.

A porpoise also found the golden drop and tried to grab it, but when it swam over and looked up, it saw a big mouth, which scared it so much that it dived to the bottom of the sea.

"What is our goal this time?" Ao Mudong asked, holding a cigarette.

Ao Muyang waved his hand and pointed forward, saying: "The sea of ​​stars!"


"Catch whatever you find. This time we will go to the deep waters. There is nothing near the coast." Ao Muyang stopped joking and talked about business.

In the spring fishing season, deep sea waters often have big harvests.

They have to hurry up to hunt for fish. After entering the summer, there will be a fishing ban. At that time, Ao Muyang will be the captain and must set an example. The fishing boats in the village must not go out to sea.

After Ao Mudong left, Ao Qianwen came over and asked, "Longtou, are we going to deep water this time?"

"Yes." Ao Muyang nodded, "I just told Dongzi that there is nothing in the shallow sea."

Ao Qianwen said, "I think we should go to deep water in the future and focus on deep-sea fishing, but the big Longtou is not very good. Do you have any plans to change the boat?"

Ao Muyang thought about it. He did have some spare money. The Zhuantou Island Fishery has always produced rare fish, which has been exchanged for money. In one spring, the fishery alone brought him more than 3 million yuan in income.

But he had to invest the money in the resort, which was a goose that laid golden eggs. Buying a fishing boat with the ability to fish in the distant sea would probably cost tens of millions of RMB, and he couldn't withdraw so much funds for the time being.

After thinking about it, he shook his head: "Let's use the Big Dragon Head first."

The tonnage and size of the Big Dragon Head are not enough to cope with all-weather deep-sea fishing. He made sure that the weather at sea was fine several times before going out to sea. The last time he went back from the South China Sea, he almost got into trouble when he encountered a sudden storm.

The fishing boat sailed for a day, and the harvest was average after several netting. One net caught a silver pomfret, which was worth some money, but the others were not worth much.

The onboard radar on the Big Dragon Head responded, and Ao Daguo estimated that there were schools of fish underwater, so Ao Muyang decided to go into the water to take a look.

He jumped into the water, and the tiger swam over habitually, immediately dispersing a lot of silver-white fish. This was a school of white croaker, which was often caught before going out to sea.

The value of white croaker and yellow croaker was average, and Ao Muyang was not interested in them, but they were marine fish after all. They could be sold for some money when they were caught and sent to the ice cabin during the summer fishing ban.

The Big Dragon Head cast a fishing net and began to catch white mullets, while Ao Muyang swam far away with Tiger.

This time, Tiger's little brother Huang also came along. The yellow lip mullet had poor endurance, and most of the time it stayed in the sea outside the village waiting for Tiger, and could not follow him on a long journey.

But now it has become smarter, and has learned to get into the saddle and let Tiger carry it to swim. It is estimated that Tiger did not notice that his little brother was hitching a ride with him, otherwise he would definitely have to use Mount Tai to crush him.

Little Huang followed and ate the golden drops, and now he has become much fatter.

Ao Muyang touched his belly, well, the fish bladder is very full, and when he is short of money in the future, he will sell this stuff to the south, and it will definitely sell for a good price, and maybe he can exchange it for a boat.

Little Huang felt sharp, and quickly discovered Lao Ao's ill intentions, and swam to the bottom of the sea with his tail.

Tiger did not receive any instructions, and when he saw his little brother appear, he became happy immediately, chasing Little Huang and swimming behind him, playing with him underwater.

This yellow croaker is quite large, more than one and a half meters long, with golden scales and a round body. It is estimated to weigh more than 100 kilograms, and is definitely the Yao Ming of yellow croakers.

But it is far from being enough in front of the tiger. The tiger chases it like a person chasing a mouse, which is just for fun when bored. If it really starts to fight, the tiger can accidentally crush it to death.

Huang Xiaodi kept diving into the water, and it could not dive at a depth of 40 to 50 meters. The tiger's lungs were full of air and could still dive.

Ao Muyang looked around to find a school of fish, but he didn't find any. Instead, he found a huge figure faintly on the seabed.

He thought he had found a sunken ship, so he excitedly patted the tiger's forehead to indicate the direction of swimming. The water here was about 60 to 70 meters deep, which was not deep. The tiger swam over easily.

As he got closer, Ao Muyang found that he had guessed wrong. What he encountered was not a shipwreck, and the huge skeletons he saw were not the keels of a shipwreck, but some bones - he found the corpse of a whale!

The carcass of this whale has been severely damaged, most of the skeleton is exposed, and the meat and internal organs have long been missing. This is normal. The dead whale is a eating carnival for marine life. Sharks, hagfish and other carnivorous fish will eat the carcass. Eat their oil, fish, and internal organs all at once.

Whales are a very important part of the marine ecosystem. From birth to death, they have an important impact on the ecological environment of a large area of ​​the sea.

Biologists have given the death of a whale a special name, whale fall. Literally understood, it can be thought of as a whale slowly falling from the swimming sea surface and finally sinking to the bottom of the sea, marking the end of its life.

This exclusive name is the only name for death owned by all creatures in the ocean. It is similar to words such as "pass away" and "go west" for humans. Biologists think this word has a beautiful meaning.

The reason why the deaths of whales are given a special name is because they can make a contribution to the ocean after death that no biological death can make.

Looking down at the remaining carcass of the whale, Ao Muyang was a little shocked. This whale carcass was too big!

At this time, the whale's body had been highly decomposed, leaving only a piece of white bones. Starting from the rough and huge skull to the tailbone like a cart, Ao Muyang estimated that it was thirty-five to forty meters long!

However, as far as he knew, as far as mankind knew, the largest creature in the ocean should be the blue whale, which could grow up to thirty-three meters long. But the piece of white bones he saw now lasted more than thirty-five meters. rice!

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