Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 749 752. A World (1/5)

Chapter 749 752. A World (15)

Since he was in elementary school, Ao Muyang knew that blue whales are very large:

50 people can stand on a blue whale's tongue, a blue whale's heart is as big as a car, a baby can crawl through its arteries, a newborn blue whale calf weighs more than an adult elephant, and so on.

It is said that in the first seven months of its life, a blue whale cub drinks 400 liters of breast milk every day and can grow nearly 100 kilograms a day...

These are all the knowledge he learned from books. He has never seen a blue whale. Blue whales have come to the Red Ocean, but he was in school at that time and could not see them. He only heard about them.

There are no blue whale bones in the books. He doesn't know what a blue whale will become after death, but the remains he sees now must be from a blue whale. Only a blue whale can grow so big.

Even blue whales can't grow this big. Looking down at the wreckage, it is nearly 40 meters long. However, considering that the wreckage may have been washed and moved by the ocean current, causing the position to change, and causing the length to be inaccurate, it is normal to think so.

Ao Muyang looked down at the whale carcass from above the seabed and felt a shock, desolation and - noise!

The death of the whale is the end for it, but it is a feast for the sea area where it is located. It uses its huge body to support an ecosystem.

Ao Muyang has seen relevant documentaries before, saying that in the deep sea of ​​the North Pacific, at least 12,490 organisms of 43 species rely on whale falls to survive.

Some of these marine organisms, such as clams, worms and blind shrimps, will eat the remnants bit by bit next to the carcass. These whale falls can be chemoautotrophic, which means that they can produce their own food through chemical reactions. Except that they do not need to obtain sunlight (because sunlight cannot penetrate deep water), chemoautotrophy is similar to photosynthesis in plants.

There are many reptiles living near the whale wreckage, not to mention the bacterial colonies, which are simply countless.

The death of the whale has been given a special name, whale fall, because it is worth studying. Whale fall is divided into stages, and different stages nurture different lives.

Ao Muyang remembered that a complete whale fall seemed to have four stages. He forgot the specific names, but remembered that in the first stage, the whale fed sharks, eels and other carnivorous fish, and in the second stage, it fed these reptiles.

Based on what he knew, he roughly estimated that the whale may have been dead for several months or even more than a year, because the first stage can last up to 24 months before entering the second stage.

The creatures near the whale wreckage look very strange. Their shells are red, a very bright color, and they look a bit like frogs, with big heads and small bodies, and the lines from the head to the tail keep shrinking.

They are of course not frogs, they are crabs, a kind of crab that doesn’t look like a crab, the sunrise crab.

Because this kind of crab looks too non-mainstream, in addition to the official name, the names given to them by the locals are different from crabs, and they are all strange, such as sea stink bugs, sea toads, lion mantis cats, and Hongyang locals call them mantis shrimp heads.

Some time ago, Ao Muyanggang led a team to harvest a lot of mantis shrimps. Roughly speaking, this crab does look like the head of a mantis shrimp.

The body of the blue whale is too huge, which is a huge food treasure for the sunrise crabs. After the arrival of the crabs, they settled here and reproduced, and have formed a large crab tribe.

Unlike most crabs that like to walk in a domineering posture, sunrise crabs walk forward and backward normally, which is related to their body size. The body size of sunrise crabs is a big head and a small body, and it is not easy to walk sideways.

However, it is the same as the domineering style of other crabs. They occupied this whale fall and drove away other reptiles.

Normally, when a whale falls into the second stage, many invertebrates, especially polychaetes and crustaceans, will use the remaining whale carcasses as their habitats, living there while eating the remaining whale carcasses, constantly changing their own environment.

But Ao Muyang looked down and saw no other animals, only sunrise crabs.

This is good, he can harvest a batch of sunrise crabs. Although the name of this crab is not nice, it tastes good, especially the crab roe, which is big and delicious.

There is a fishing net on the tiger's seat. It is not suitable to use a fishing net to catch crabs, but it is very good to use a fishing net to hold crabs.

Ao Muyang dragged a net and landed in front of the whale carcass. He started from the fish head and fell into the sea to pick sunrise crabs, just like picking the girl's mushrooms, one by one, one by one...

Collecting sunrise crabs requires quick eyes and hands. This guy has two big claws, and there are ferocious serrations on the outside of the claws, just like the serrated scissors of Yue Lao San, the crocodile god of the South China Sea. Whether it is clamped or scratched by it, it will cost blood.

At this time, the whale's head had not completely rotted, and most of it was exposed to the white bones, but there was still some rotten meat, which looked a bit disgusting.

However, it was so big that Ao Muyang stood in front of it and looked up, just like looking at a building.

Just think about it, more than 50 people can stand on its tongue!

The blue whale has a huge body, and the biological community it feeds is huge. Ao Muyang estimated that there must be tens of thousands of sunrise crabs here, enough for him to be busy for several days.

The whale's mouth was huge, and Ao Muyang felt a little scared when he walked in.

The seabed was quiet, only the sunrise crabs made a "swish" sound when they crawled, like a cold wind.

There was no natural light at this depth of the seabed, and Ao Muyang could see clearly only because the golden elixir transformed his eyes.

In the dark seabed, the whale's wide-open mouth was like the legendary gate of Fengdu City. It was dark inside, and there was no way out...

Ao Muyang walked in slowly. After entering, he took a look and subconsciously shuddered.

In front of him stood a lot of black boards. The upper jaw of the fish mouth was wide and bulged upward in an arc. There were such boards on each side, as many as three or four hundred. These boards were about one meter long and half a meter wide, standing there in black, like tombstones!

"Oh my God, so scary." He muttered to himself in his heart to comfort himself, "But this is the baleen plate of a blue whale, it's okay, it's a blue whale, this is its baleen plate."

That's what he said in his heart, but his feelings wouldn't lie, he still felt quite scared.

The bright red sunrise crabs crawled between their whiskers, and looked like the red corpse beetles in ghost stories...

Thinking of this, Lao Ao slapped himself in the face, and said, "Stop thinking about it, and work honestly. If you keep thinking about it, will you still eat sunrise crabs? The crab roe of this thing is delicious."

After slapping himself in the face, he began to recite the Party Constitution while picking up sunrise crabs: "The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and the leading core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It represents the requirements for the development of China's advanced productive forces, represents the direction of China's advanced culture, and represents the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the Chinese people..."

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