Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 750 753. Strange Crab (2)

Ao Muyang's courage was doubled, which made him feel full of strength, but he felt a little sleepy after carrying too many...

In fact, even if the blue whale is 40 meters long, even if there are sunrise crabs within a 40-meter range, it is not difficult to find them all. After all, the length of a crab gathering place is at least hundreds of meters.

But the crab gathering place is flat, and the blue whale's corpse is a three-dimensional world. Take its head for example, it is like a building, and there are sunrise crabs inside and outside the building, and there are a lot of them.

Ao Muyang's fishing net was soon full of sunrise crabs. He couldn't drag it anymore, so he had to stuff the nylon tow rope into the tiger's mouth and let the tiger drag the fishing net up.

He put a signal transmitter on the whale's head. The ocean is vast. If there is no signal positioning, it will be difficult to find it again as long as it leaves this sea surface for a few kilometers.

The whale fell raised this sunrise crab group. According to the time calculation, it can feed the sunrise crabs for several years until there is no meat left, only bones.

At that time, a large number of anaerobic bacteria will replace the sunrise crabs as the main residents of the whale carcass. They enter the whale bones and other tissues, decompose the lipids in them, use sulfate dissolved in seawater as an oxidant, and produce hydrogen sulfide.

Tiger swam to the surface of the sea, and Ao Muyang continued to overlook the huge corpse of the blue whale. Its figure became smaller and smaller, and finally became - it was still very big in the end, after all, its body was too big!

Tiger carried him to find the Big Dragon Head, and the crew pulled up the fishing net, and then rejoiced: "Shrimp head, where did you find the dragon head, good stuff."

"Hurry up and pack it up, let's go find it together, the dragon head was picked up by hand? That means the mantis shrimp head should be in the shallow water area, is there a reef area here?"

The sunrise crab's crab shell is relatively thin, and the crab meat is similar to that of ordinary swimming crabs, but there is a plump and delicious crab roe, so the market price is very considerable.

Ao Muyang shrugged and said, "No need to go together, I can go by myself."

Hearing him say this, the crew shut up.

For fishermen, information about fishing resources is private. It is a favor to tell others, and it is their duty not to tell others. Moreover, Ao Muyang is the leader of the boat, so they can't ask him about it.

Unknowingly, Ao Muyang has been busy underwater for most of the day, and he can eat sunrise crabs for dinner.

This thing is not common in the waters around Hongyang, and it can even be said to be rare. Fishermen have not eaten it much, so everyone is looking forward to it.

Moreover, sunrise crabs are indeed a marine delicacy.

Gu Long wrote in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that Ji Bingyan has a large and comfortable carriage with two drawers: one is full of wine, "ten square bottles made of silver are filled with ten kinds of wine, from Maotai, Daqu, Zhuyeqing, to Guanwai Sheep Milk Wine. Although the bottles are not big, they can hold three pounds and twelve taels."

The other one was filled with snacks. "There are not only big shrimps from Jiangbei, ham from Jinhua, but also Fuzhou pickled fish, Fuzhou roast goose, Haining stink bugs, Wuxi meat bones, and plum blossom bear paws from Changbai Mountain... In short, as long as you can think of the most delicious snacks, this drawer has them."

Among them, the Haining stink bugs refer to the sunrise crab. Although the common name of sunrise crab is not nice, it refers to the appearance of stink bugs, but the inside is completely different.

Eating sunrise crab is simple, just steam it.

But steaming sunrise crab is a technical job. Its crab roe is very fresh, in other words, it has a strong "crab flavor" and a fishy smell. It needs to be steamed with ingredients.

There are onions, ginger and garlic in the kitchen on the boat. Ao Muyang found a thick onion, and then peeled it layer by layer to wrap the sunrise crab. The water in the steamer was mixed with ginger juice and cooking wine. When the water boiled, the ginger juice would be mixed with steam and steamed into the crab body to remove the crab smell.

The sunrise crab itself is red, and looks like it is steamed. After it is put into the pot, the color is even brighter red, which is quite festive.

After a large pot of sunrise crabs was brought down, the fishermen who had finished work came back in twos and threes, each took a few and scooped a bowl of stewed pork ribs, and then took two taels of white wine and went out to find a place to eat.

Ao Wenchang took a look and said with a smile: "This crab looks really strange, like a frog. The ocean world is full of wonders."

"Do you think it is called a sea toad for nothing?" Ao Qianwen said.

"Isn't it called a mantis shrimp head? It is also called a sea frog?" Ao Wenchang asked.

Ao Muyang said: "It is a sea toad. The sea frog is an anglerfish. It jumps on the seabed... Forget it, anyway, they are all common names, and they are common names in different places. It's okay to call them sea frogs."

There is no official certification for the common name, and it's OK as long as each place can understand it.

He deliberately took the largest mantis shrimp head, and after removing the crab shell, a large piece of crab roe was exposed.

The general, the head of state, Youfu and the wolf brothers came over at once.

Ao Muyang pushed them away one by one and shook his head, saying, "It's not delicious, this is not delicious."

The general pushed his hand away with his claws and continued to move closer to him.

Ao Muyang handed the crab shell to it, and it shook its head and shook it off. Xiao Meng didn't dislike it, and lay there with his claws on the crab shell and licked it, squinting his eyes and feeling very happy.

But happiness didn't last long. When it looked up, it found that everyone had been given crab roe or crab meat, and the worst had crab legs to eat, so it licked the crab shell stupidly.

This made it very dissatisfied, and then it lowered its head and licked the crab shell more vigorously...

Ao Muyang stared at it, why is this child a little stupid? But think about the Husky, who looks similar to a wolf but is stupid to a high level and stupid to an international level. It's not surprising that there are stupid people among wolves, otherwise where did the first generation of stupid Huskies come from?

Sunrise crabs are named mantis shrimp heads in Hongyang. In addition to their appearance, they are also related to the delicious meat of mantis shrimps.

Ao Muyang made a small bowl of ginger juice, and he dipped the meat into it and stuffed it into his mouth. The fishy smell was not strong and the meat was very tender. There is no need to dip the crab roe in ginger juice. It is best to taste its freshness perfectly.

A crab was torn into pieces in his hands, but the shell was intact. Ao Mudong came over to piece it together after seeing it and said, "Master, Longtou, can you still put it together?"

Ao Muyang smiled slightly: "Keep it for another dish."

Ao Mudong asked: "What dish?"

"Stuff it with rice noodles and steam it. This is crab shell powder. It is more delicious than shrimp powder. It tastes light and not greasy."

The Big Dragon Head went out to sea for three days. He fished for Sunrise crabs for three days. Even so, he did not catch all of them. Some Sunrise crabs were left in the whale fall.

He didn't catch the rest, but kept them for the crabs to reproduce, and wait for another wave in September, when the crab roe is bigger and more popular in the market.

Even though it's not a good time to eat crabs now, the Xu crabs are still quickly snatched up by tourists and fishing houses when they are brought back to the village, and there is no need to send them to the market.

Even people from other villages came to buy mantis shrimp heads when they heard that there were mantis shrimp heads, and those who ran slower couldn't buy them.

Yang Shuyong called Ao Muyang and said, "I have something to do with you, please save some mantis shrimp heads for me."

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