Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 751 754. Second Episode (3)

At night, in the dark as usual, Yang Shuyong's burly body appeared at the door.

The general opened his mouth and barked a few times. Yang Shuyong took out his handbag to show it, and it closed its mouth and waggled its tail and went out to play.

Looking at the general's back, Yang Shuyong said: "Old Ao, once you become an official, your dog will be different. He has learned to accept gifts."

Ao Muyang said: "What gift did you bring me?"

Yang Shuyong chuckled and said, "What a fart."

"What about this bag? You came here with an empty bag?"

"Then it has to be an empty bag. If it's not an empty bag, how could I take the mantis shrimp head away from you?" Yang Shuyong continued to laugh. He had deceived the general.

Ao Muyang was convinced and asked: "Okay, okay, I left some for you to take with you later. By the way, have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten." Yang Shuyong said confidently.

Ao Muyang said: "Then let's get down to business quickly. If you finish talking earlier, you should go back to eat earlier. Don't go hungry. It's not good for your stomach."

He said these words with sincerity and sincerity.

Yang Shuyong was speechless for a moment. He spread his hands and didn't know what to say.

However, he did come here for business this time.

"Ding Erpao has been discharged from the hospital. I know that you were the one who hit him the second time. I see that he always runs to Wang Youwei. He is definitely not going to eat. Wang Youwei is no more open-minded than you. I want to go It’s not easy for him to earn a living.”

Ao Muyang glanced at him sideways: "If you say that again, I really won't pack the food and drinks for you."

Yang Shuyong quickly waved his hand and smiled: "You are just joking, life is about tossing, we have to toss a lot. So Lao Ao, what are you going to pack for dinner?"

Ao Muyang said: "You tell me your story first."

Yang Shuyong said: "I just want to tell you that Ding Erpao and Wang Youwei may be trying to pull some tricks. I am not their direct descendant, so I can't get any specific information."

Ao Muyang asked: "With the seven captains of your seven teams in Wangjia Village, who are Wang Youwei's confidants?"

"The first team is the Wang family, the fifth team is the Ma family, and the sixth team is the Ding family. These three teams are all Lao Wang's camp; our Yang family is the second team, and we are close to the Yu family in the seventh team. The third team and the fourth team The two families are together," Yang Shuyong said one by one.

Ao Muyang said: "Then your Wangjia Village engages in smuggling, do you know about this?"

Yang Shuyong sighed and said: "I probably know, but I don't know very well. I can't participate, or maybe Lao Wang is guarding me. This matter is very private and they are very careful. I knew that Lao Wang was personally responsible for this matter before." of."

Ao Muyang said: "He is not responsible personally. He doesn't have that much time. Wang Dongliang is responsible. After Wang Dongliang goes to jail, who do you think Wang Youwei will hand over this matter to?"

Yang Shuyong reacted quickly: "Ding Erpao?!"

Ao Muyang said: "Ding Erpao is his number one confidant?"

Yang Shuyong nodded: "It can be said that Wang Dongliang was brought up by Ding Erpao. Ding Erpao claimed to be his godfather. However, because of this, Wang Youwei stabbed him while drinking. Wang Youwei looked down on Ding Erpao, so he Just treat Ding Erpao as a slave."

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang's eyes lit up: "Then Wang Youwei shouldn't be much better with Ding Erpao in normal times, right? Is there any chance of inciting rebellion against Ding Erpao?"

Yang Shuyong slapped his thigh and said angrily: "It's useless. There is something wrong with this evil pen. He is willing to be Wang Youwei's slave. The Ding family are all such cheap bones. When the Japanese invaded Hongyang, their Ding family was There are quite a few traitors!”

"Made, Wang Youwei treats Ding Erpao as a slave. That's what we outsiders can see. Ding Erpao himself is still enjoying it. He is determined to lick Wang Youwei's buttocks and Wang Youwei tortures him thousands of times. , he will also regard Wang Youwei as his first love!”

Ao Muyang smacked his lips and said, "This is Stockholm Syndrome."

Yang Shuyong was stunned and said: "Isn't Stockholm a sword?"

Ao Muyang was stunned when he heard this: "What kind of sword is Stockholm?"

"The Sword of Stockholm? The one that hangs on people's heads."

"Mom, you're talking about the Sword of Damocles!" Ao Muyang rolled his eyes.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Why are we discussing this?"

Ao Muyang said: "Ding Erpao is Wang Youwei's confidant. Since this guy can't be brought into our camp, let's get rid of him. What bad habits does he have?"

When he got here, Yang Shuyong smiled: "Humph, what bad habits does he have? You should say he has other bad habits besides bad habits! He eats, drinks, whores, gambles, smokes, he is involved in everything, and he is proficient in everything!"

Ao Muyang said: "He still smokes? Smoking heavy cigarettes? Western poison?"

If Ding Erpao is infected with this problem, it will be easy to deal with him. The country has zero tolerance for unique products!

Yang Shuyong laughed sarcastically: "It's a bit exaggerated. I'm talking about smoking, ordinary smoking. He is too low-level to touch this thing."

Apart from Western poison, Ao Muyang thought that gambling was the most harmful to people: "What about gambling? Don't tell me that he just plays cards and chess with old men and women."

Yang Shuyong waved his hand and said: "No, he is playing a big role in this. The old Ding family used to be the boss of our Qixing Village. You know this, right?"

Ao Muyang nodded: "Yes, I've heard of it."

"The old Ding family became prosperous when the Japanese invaded China. In fact, the old Ding family still had some foundation until Ding Erpao became the leader. He packed up everything in the family and even sold the fishing boats. I lost everything on the gambling table!" Yang Shuyong said, foaming at the mouth.

Ao Muyang handed him a bottle of craft beer and said, "Okay, let's start from here."

"Set a trap for him to get into? Get rid of him at the gambling table?" Yang Shuyong reacted, and then he shook his head, "This is not very reliable. Ding Erpao is very cunning. He has done such despicable things. The two of us together cannot match him in this aspect. It is too difficult to make him fall."

Ao Muyang also shook his head and said, "No, didn't he take over Wang Youwei's smuggling business? We don't need to start with the gambling table. Someone will deal with him. Let's deal with him in smuggling."

This matter mainly depends on him. If he wants to deal with Wang Youwei, he must first cut off his left and right arms. Wang Dongliang has already been imprisoned, and it would be even better to send Ding Erpao in.

But this is not easy. Ao Muyang thought about it and had a headache. He couldn't understand why it was so easy for the protagonists in TV and movies to deal with a person, but it was difficult for him to deal with a villager.

This is reality. There is nothing simple in reality. In the adult world, everything is difficult.

After sighing for a long time, he still had to solve the problem.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number, then said enthusiastically: "Brother Jin Hong, how are you? Don't tell me that the signal is bad, or I will come to your door to find you..."

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