Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 759 763. Civil strife (2)

Eight Treasures Sea Bass Sashimi, one dish is a bowl.

The soup is slightly yellow, viscous, with a very light layer of chicken fat floating on it, and in the soup is a four-gilled sea bass.

Tu Yishao is really skilled. I don’t know what he did to this sea bass. The fish body is intact and has not turned white. It crawls in the soup like it is alive.

The soup bowl shakes, and the fish body also shakes, as if it is swimming.

“Try it, boss, in fact, I am not useless even if my tendons are picked. Some dishes are not about craftsmanship.” Tu Yishao was very proud when he saw Ao Muyang’s surprise.

After being proud, he was a little disappointed: “Alas, but my best skill is still craftsmanship. If my tendons are restored, I will serve you a table of Haishang Renjia, which is the specialty of our Tu family!”

As he spoke, he glanced at Ao Muyang, obviously waiting for a promise.

Could Ao Muyang not see his little thoughts? After hearing what Tu Yichan said, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not a big problem to connect the tendons. I just called the doctor for consultation, and the doctor said that you will have no problem picking up a kitchen knife in the future."

After hearing this, Tu Yichan smiled and said, "That's good, that's good. Come on, boss, try it, try my cooking skills."

The meat of the four-gilled perch is fine and white, tender and fat, fresh and not fishy. Ao Muyang picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, full of delicious taste.

He drank another sip of the soup, which had the mellow fragrance of the old hen and the freshness of the fish, and the two flavors blended into a unique taste.

There is also a layer of chicken oil on the soup, which sticks to the mouth. The soup enters the throat but it still stays on the tongue, leaving a long aftertaste.

"The west wind blows on the four-gilled perch, and the cedar is crispy and greasy, delicious!" Ao Muyang praised.

Tu Yichan was conceited. When he heard the compliment, he immediately raised his chin proudly and said, "This is absolutely delicious. Emperor Yang of Sui ate this sea bass sashimi when he went to the south of the Yangtze River. Even the emperor applauded and called this dish "golden and jade sashimi". How could it not be delicious?"

Ao Muyang nodded: "Okay, after this meal, you are mine. Perform well in the future. I will find a way to expand the scale of sea bass breeding. This dish can be used to calm the place."

The old man smacked his lips and said, "Why do I feel that what you said is wrong?"

After dinner, Ao Muyang helped him pack up his things that night, and then put them in the car and drove to Longtou Village.

The only valuable things in his house are kitchen utensils and some seasonings. The rest are broken bricks and tiles. If you throw them to rag pickers, they will probably be furious - this is insulting. You give me things that beggars don't accept?

From the last day of April, Longtou Village has been busy.

Ao Muyang didn't have time to take care of Tu Yishao, so he asked Zhong Cang to take him to the hospital to go through the hospitalization procedures and prepare for surgery.

He specifically told Zhong Cang that the old man liked to gamble, so he must have watched carefully.

Zhong Cang was reliable, and he kept a close eye on the old man from then on.

Because of the arrival of the May Day holiday, Ao Muyang was also busy. He had to find someone to go through the procedures. He contracted the double-layer pond of Wumanzhuang in the name of Tu Yishao, and then put feed in it.

Of course, when we say feed, it is actually small fish and shrimp. The four-gilled perch has a mouthful of sharp teeth. They are carnivorous fish, mainly feeding on shrimp and small fish.

The small fish and shrimp put into the pond are all alive, and the four-gilled perch they raise is actually no different from the wild ones.

Without natural enemies and abundant food, Ao Muyang thinks that the four-gilled perch group will expand rapidly and will sooner or later dominate this pond. In the future, he can catch a batch every once in a while and send it to the resort restaurant as the main dish.

Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, Longtou Village started the business of fishing for river clams and betting on pearls.

After the villagers fished the river clams, they placed them under the shade of trees by the river and sold them out according to their size. Tourists paid to buy them. After digging out the pearls, they could make small handicrafts for free. If they wanted to keep the clam meat, they could send it to the fishing house and pay a processing fee to make it into a dish.

Some tourists saw that the river clams they bought had pearls dug out, and they wondered: "Such shells are specially used to raise pearls, right? Can their meat be eaten?"

After learning about this, Ao Muyang set an example and said, "Look at how I eat it."

He started planting bamboo on the mountain two years ago, and in the spring of this year, bamboo shoots can be harvested.

In addition, it rained heavily a few days ago, and bamboo shoots began to emerge from the bamboo forest these days. The fresh bamboo shoots are delicious, and Ao Muyang climbed into the mountain with a bamboo basket.

The wolf brothers followed him fiercely. The two little guys were almost as big as adult wild wolves. They grew very fast and grew fat and strong.

In the past, it was Youfu who led them around, but now it was their turn to lead Youfu.

The brothers of the Lang family took turns to carry Youfu up the mountain. Ao Muyang felt tired, so he went back to take out the saddle made for the general and tied it to Meng Tian's back. Youfu squatted on the saddle.

There was a dog wandering at the foot of the mountain in the village. When Youfu saw it, he ran over slowly and swung his big ears in front of the dog.

The dog was bored, so he bared his teeth to scare it - he didn't dare to bite it, after all, Youfu smelled like a general.

Facing the provocation of the dog, Youfu swung his ears contemptuously, jumped up and bit the dog.

The dog whined, and it was angry now, and it also wanted to bite Youfu.

Just as it launched the attack, two strong winds sounded from behind. The dog turned back vigilantly, and a strong brown-gray figure flew over - bang!

With a muffled sound, the dog was knocked to the ground.

Meng Yi landed on the ground and quickly got up, opened his mouth and grabbed the dog's neck with a bang.

This is a wolf!

The dog kicked its legs in fear, but Meng Yi pressed its chest with his paws and pinned it to the ground.

The dog was helpless and could only whine in fear: "Woo, woo..."

The general looked up when he heard the dog barking and saw that the dog's crotch was bigger than his own. He turned his head lazily and continued to climb the mountain with Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang shouted: "Meng Yi, what are you doing? Come back quickly!"

Youfu quickly jumped onto Meng Tian's saddle, and Meng Yi followed him.

After a while, they met another dog. Youfu's eyes lit up and he jumped down again to provoke the dog.

The dog had no brains and didn't want to provoke Youfu, but Youfu's size was not as big as his mouth. Such a small thing dared to provoke him, didn't it deserve a beating?

Needless to say, the dog bared its teeth and attacked it.

Youfu ran away, running towards the Lang brothers.

Seeing that the dog was trying to bully Youfu, the Lang brothers were furious, and Meng Yi rushed forward again, and knocked down another dog in two rounds.

But the dog he knocked down was a female dog. The female dogs in the village were all the general's concubines. Hearing the concubine's wailing, the general got angry and went up to knock Meng Yi over again.

Meng Yi was not happy, and howled at the general: "Awoo!"

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