Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 760 764. Spring Bamboo Shoots (3)

The conflict between hounds and wolves is deep-rooted and engraved in their genes.

Unless they grow up together from the time they are puppies, hounds and wolves cannot be friends.

This is why the general who was so loving to the puppies in the village was full of hostility towards them after Ao Muyang raised the wolf brothers.

When the wolf brothers were young, they were naive and ignorant. They regarded the general as their real father. Unfortunately, their real father did not treat them well. Instead, their godfather Youfu always protected them.

So today, when they grow up and become sensible, they are not so fond of the general, but love their godfather Youfu wholeheartedly.

When their godfather Youfu was bitten by a dog, they went to bite the dog. When the general stood up for the dog and bit them, they went to bite the general.

With a howl, Meng Yi and the general confronted each other, grinning and looking fierce.

Ao Muyang came over and shouted: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Brothers quarrel outside the wall, defend against insults, don't you understand this principle?"

After hearing this, the furry children were confused: What are you talking about?

Meng Tian ran to his brother and confronted the general at the first time, and the atmosphere on the ground was tense.

The head of state didn't come, and he has been hanging out with his cat concubines recently, otherwise with this troublemaker, today's things would not be over.

Ao Muyang stood in the middle and waved his hands helplessly: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, all follow me to the mountain, general, you go to the left, and you two go to the right. No, you three, you have to be honest."

The big ears of the fennec fox flashed, and the big eyes were black and shiny. Zongzi's face was full of innocence, and he looked so honest.

Above their heads, the queen was slowly circling, and the male bird was following behind. Ao Muyang sighed after seeing it: "Alas, only the queen is worry-free."

This time he went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are available all year round, and winter and spring bamboo shoots are the most delicious.

If Ao Muyang wanted to last winter, he could also go to dig bamboo shoots, but there was no rain in winter, so the taste of the bamboo shoots might not be good, and it was early in the bamboo planting time, so it was not easy for bamboo shoots to sprout, so he did not dig them.

It is a bit too early to dig bamboo shoots this year, but it just rained heavily, and the bamboo shoots that sprouted at this time are very tender. It is a rare opportunity, so Ao Muyang decided to dig a few.

The best time to dig spring bamboo shoots is from mid-to-late March to around Qingming Festival every year. In May, it is already the late stage of spring bamboo shoots development, and the meat of the bamboo shoots is not so tender.

It is not easy to find spring bamboo shoots. The bamboo shoots that have not yet emerged or have just emerged are delicious. The spring bamboo shoots that Ao Muyang is looking for can only emerge two or three centimeters from the ground. After all, it is already May. The taller the spring bamboo shoots are, the older and harder they will be.

There used to be bamboo forests in Dalong Mountain, but the bamboos were sparse. Later, Ao Muyang returned to the village and presided over the planting of bamboo on the mountain. If you want to find bamboo shoots, you have to find old bamboos. New bamboos cannot grow good bamboo shoots.

The bamboo forest grows lush in spring. After a heavy rain, the bamboo is moistened by the rain. The bamboo leaves are so green that they are dripping. Staying in the bamboo forest and breathing, you feel that the air is sweet.

Ao Muyang used a wooden stick to pull the weeds on the ground. Bamboo has bamboo whips, and the bamboo shoots grow on them.

He knew that the bamboo whips were basically parallel to the lowest bamboo branches, so he first looked for the lower bamboo branches, and then the bamboo whips. If there were no fresh bamboo shoots on the bamboo whips, he would look for those slightly raised small mounds of earth, and the bamboo shoots were buried in them.

The bamboo shoots in this small earthen mound are very fresh and tender. After poking with a wooden stick for a few times, he found a bamboo shoot. This bamboo shoot is slender and covered with a layer of green-brown bamboo shoot skin, like a small pagoda.

Seeing this bamboo shoot, Ao Muyang shook his head and buried it with grass leaves again.

This bamboo shoot is very square. It must be a good bamboo that stands tall in the future. It’s a pity to eat it, so let’s leave it here first.

He continued to search and finally found a mound. As a result, when the mound was dug open, the bamboo shoots inside were also very square.

Ao Muyang took a breath of cold air: "Fuck, in order not to be eaten, you are also very hard-working."

He wanted to eat the kind of bamboo shoots that were crooked melons and cracked dates. Anyway, he would go back and slice them to stir-fry clam meat, so he didn’t need to care about the appearance.

As a result, he found several bamboo shoots in a row, each one was more square than the other, and he was embarrassed to start.

He met Ao Mudong in the bamboo forest and asked, "Did you go out with the Big Dragon Head?"

Ao Mudong said, "My waist has been a little sore lately, so I'm resting at home. Longtou, what did you lose? I saw you bending over here looking for it."

Ao Muyang said, "I didn't lose anything. I was looking for bamboo shoots."

Ao Mudong pointed to the side with his foot and said, "Then why are you looking for it? Look, isn't there a young bamboo shoot? It's definitely delicious."

Ao Muyang sighed, "I know it's delicious, but you see it's growing so well, isn't it a pity to eat it? Let it continue to grow."

Ao Mudong said nonchalantly, "Hey, what's the matter? The bamboo shoots on the Big Dragon Mountain are all beautiful. Eat them, eat them when you should." I have to eat."

Ao Muyang shook his head: "Forget it, let's look for it again."

As he said this, he laughed, and then added: "From this incident, I came to a conclusion, that is, people must be good-looking and handsome, which can sometimes save lives."

Ao Mudong also laughed, and said: "Looking good may save lives, but it is also easy to get tired. Isn't it said that handsome people suffer, beautiful people..."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, the rest is unnecessary, vulgar!"

Ao Mudong didn't care: "What's vulgar about men being together? Hey, Longtou, I want to tell you that I have a feeling from ticketing recently..."

Ao Muyang was dumbfounded. Why didn't he realize that this guy was so shameless before?

He searched for a while later and found that the bamboo shoots he found were indeed quite neat.

So he had to pick the ones that were not particularly neat. The spring bamboo shoots were small, so he dug forty or fifty before stopping.

Ao Mudong said: "Look, look, Longtou, you are also a man of few words. You just go back to stir-fry clam meat, why do you dig so many bamboo shoots?"

Ao Muyang said: "Who said you just go back to stir-fry clam meat? I'm going to pickle some with pickled peppers to make pickles."

He went home to peel and clean the bamboo shoots, and then went to get some fresh clam meat from the lake to prepare for the pot. On the way, he saw salted meat hanging under the gate of Ao Mufeng's house, so he went up to cut a piece.

Seeing him cutting meat privately, Ao Mufeng's dog quickly barked.

Ao Muyang said, "We are all acquaintances, why are you yelling?"

The golden shorthair is conscientious and responsible. No matter whether you are an acquaintance or not, no one can take things out of the house unless you are the owner.

Seeing the dog barking continuously, Youfu, who followed, waved his paw, and the Lang brothers rushed to the dog, one on the head and the other on the butt, and pressed the dog down.

Ao Mufeng looked out of the window and shouted, "Village chief, you said you came here to cut my meat, but why are you planning to beat my dog ​​away and eat it? It's too much!"

Ao Muyang blew a whistle, Youfu waved his paw in a proper manner, and the Lang brothers let go of the trembling dog pressed to the ground and ran away happily.

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