Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 785 789. Foreign Monk (3)

Encountering a school of cod is a good harvest. There was laughter and joy on the boat. The fishing nets were lowered and reeled in. The nets were heavy and pressed into a water drop shape. Inside were fat Pacific cod.

The two fishing boats crisscrossed the sea, and a lot of big cod piled up at the stern.

Just when everyone was immersed in the joy of the harvest, a large ship came quickly. It was sailing in the north-south direction at first, but suddenly changed its course from due south to due north to southeast to northwest.

The fishing boat approached quickly, and its huge body became clearer and clearer.

The Big Dragon Head was not small, but it was still a small witch compared to this ship. The fishing boat that came was more than 70 meters long, and it was like a building on the sea, which was extremely shocking.

Speaking of it, the Big Dragon Head was also more than 30 meters long, less than 40 meters long. In terms of length alone, it was half of this fishing boat, but considering the width, draft and hull outline, it was much smaller. There was an all-round gap between the two.

Standing on the bow, Ao Qianwen looked up at the ship and sighed: "Fuck, how many tonnage is this? Alas, if I have such a ship in this life, it really is not in vain."

Ao Daguo shouted: "What are you sighing about? This ship is coming for us. This is a foreign ship. They scolded the neighboring ship. They are here to steal cod!"

This is indeed a foreign fishing boat. There is a line of letters on the side of the ship, Océano-profundo-amor, which looks like English. Ao Muyang looked carefully and didn't recognize what the word means.

Ao Wenchang said after reading it: "It's not English, it should be Spanish. I don't know what it means specifically."

The big ship is very domineering. When it appeared in their field of vision, it had already cast a fishing net. The other party's ship is big and the fishing net is also big. Such a piece of fishing net can be cast down to catch a whole ship.

The conflict of interests between the Big Dragon Head and the foreign fishing boat is direct. The routes of both sides overlap. If the two ships continue to sail in the original direction, the fishing nets will eventually be tangled together.

The other party's fishing net is bigger, and several times bigger. Once the fishing nets are tangled, the fishing net of the Big Dragon Head will be dragged away. If the Big Dragon Head does not cut the fishing net in time, the fishing boat will even be pulled over because of the large difference in tonnage.

The foreign fishing boat sailed with full momentum, and Ao Daguo asked anxiously: "Longtou, how to turn?"

"Why do you turn after scolding the neighbor? It's too bullying!" Ao Mudong roared angrily.

The other party is bullying by doing this. The sea is not like land. There are no obstacles to cover. The course and position of a ship are easy to confirm. Unless it is foggy, there will be no such thing as overlapping courses.

The Big Dragon Head was the first to sail on this route. Foreign fishing boats should avoid it. The onboard computer can analyze the route, and the computer clearly shows how to avoid it.

But if the other party does not avoid it, it cannot be said that it is illegal, but it can only be said that it is immoral and unruly. Because the other party's fishing boat also has a route, and the Big Dragon Head also affects the other party's route.

But the other party changed its route midway. Anyone with eyes knows this. After all, the sea is flat, and it is clear which route a large fishing boat was sailing along before and which direction it is going now.

Ao Qianwen stood at the bow and waved a red flag, signaling the foreign fishing boat to slow down, but the other party ignored it and continued to move at full speed like a savage wild boar.

Seeing this, the Big Dragon Head had to turn around quickly.

For fishing boats in working state, sudden turns are taboos.

First, the direction of the fishing boat follows the migration direction of the fish school. The fish school will not turn midway. In this way, the turning of the fishing boat means that the funeral has control over the fish school.

Second, the fishing boat is dragging a large net behind it. There are already many fish in the fishing net. It has strong inertia when moving in the sea water. The fishing boat turns but the fishing net does not turn. In the end, the two forces collide, and the fishing net will be broken in serious cases!

The arm cannot bend the thigh. The Big Dragon Head must turn, otherwise the consequences will be more serious. Not only will the fishing net be broken, but the fishing boat may even capsize!

"Damn, these foreigners are looking for death!"

"Bullying, whose boat is this? Check, we must check!"

"What the hell, stop it, bullying!"

The people on the boat were indignant and cursed, but it was useless. The other party couldn't hear them, and they might not understand them even if they heard them, so they could only vent their anger.

Ao Muyang said in a deep voice: "Turn, but don't avoid it, turn around and hit it!"

Ao Daguo asked in surprise: "Ah? Hit it? Dragon head, our fishing boat will be hit and sunk!"

"Their fishing boat will sink as well." Ao Muyang said coldly.

The two fishing boats are either 40 meters or 70 meters long, both are huge. If they collide at full speed, the Dragon Head will be damaged and sunk, and the other party's bow will also be scrapped, even if it doesn't sink, it will be temporarily scrapped.

Ao Daguo advised: "Longtou, calm down, we won't get angry for a moment..."

"Hit them!" Ao Muyang said sternly, "At the same time, tell Zhong Feilu to come closer. At worst, we can put a lifeboat on their boat. At most, we will lose a boat, and they will lose a few people!"

Although the other fishing boat is huge, it has no companion ship, and it is a foreign fishing boat, but it appeared in the exclusive economic zone of the Chinese Sea, which is illegal!

Once the other fishing boat is forced to stop and the Chinese marine surveillance ship arrives, the other fishing boat will not be able to leave Chinese waters without diplomatic channels.

Ao Daguo was also angry. He listened to Ao Muyang's order decisively. He gritted his teeth and turned the rudder, then adjusted the direction several times and drove straight towards the foreign fishing boat.

Ao Qianwen shouted: "Everyone, fix your body! Prepare to hit!"

Ao Muyang took his place and stood at the bow, staring at the oncoming fishing boat.

He didn't believe that this foreign fishing boat really dared to face this collision!

This foreign fishing boat cost at least 15 million US dollars. He had seen similar fishing boats in the Blue Boatman. A 62-meter boat cost 70 million RMB. This boat cost at least 100 million RMB. Even the world's richest man couldn't afford the loss!

He ordered the collision to force them to stop. This was the best choice.

As he expected, the foreign fishing boat, which was originally arrogant and domineering, saw the Big Dragon Head colliding head-on with great momentum, and suddenly panicked.

The foreign fishing boat quickly changed direction, and Ao Daguo shouted excitedly: "I told you to turn sideways, and you turned around at last!"

Ao Muyang said calmly: "Keep turning, keep ramming!"

Ao Daguo was stunned, but did not question his order. He gritted his teeth and continued to let the big dragon head turn the sailing direction and continue to ram the other party.

The foreign fishing boats are big, but the tail is big and can't be dropped. It's hard to turn around. The big dragon head is much more flexible. When the other party changes direction, they also change direction and can always stay in the right direction.

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