Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 786 790. Negotiation (4)

Finally, the huge foreign ships slowed down and anchored so that even if they collided with each other, they could minimize the damage.

Just as they anchored, the Dalongtou also slowed down. The two ships ultimately failed to collide, but stopped when they were more than a hundred meters apart.

A group of white fishermen with big muscles and round waists appeared on the bow of the boat. They jumped to their feet and shouted. Some were holding harpoons, some were holding sticks, and some even took out shotguns!

Ao Qianwen observed with a telescope and was shocked: "Longtou, they have guns!"

Ao Mudong shouted: "If you're afraid of a ball, we have cannons!"

He went to pull off the gun jacket to reveal the water cannon, and it turned out that there was a larger water cannon on the deck, with a thicker hole, a longer barrel, and greater water pressure...

Seeing this, Ao Mudong was at a loss for words and cursed: "What a fool, the gringos don't have any rules on gun control, Marde, they have guns and cannons, how come there's no unrest within the country?"

A foreign fishing boat put down a small boat, and four or five people stayed on it and rowed over. Someone shouted with an electric horn: "The men across the way, come down and have a chat."

Ao Muyang nodded, and a lifeboat was also put down on the Dalongtou. He took Ao Mudong, Heilong and Ao Wenchang on to the boat and joined the boat.

Zhong Feilu was a good man. Their fishing boat rushed over and also released a lifeboat. He cooperated with Ao Muyang to pick up the foreign boat from left to right.

There was a Chinese, or rather a Chinese, on the foreign boat, and the other people were all blond and blue-eyed white people. Looking closely, Ao Muyang found that these people had very bad expressions, and some of them were carrying shotguns.

This discovery made Ao Mudong very unhappy: "Made, we don't even have a bow and arrow, so we won't be able to speak hard later."

Ao Muyang said: "I will deal with it later."

As the boat approached, the Chinese on the opposite side said in standard Jingpu: "Man, what do you mean, are you from a death squad? If you don't want to live, go back to China and jump into the sea. Don't hurt us."

Ao Muyang sneered: "This is the China Sea. What do you mean, you foreign father, invading my Chinese territory?"

The Chinese said disdainfully: "What kind of China Sea is this? This is the high seas. Our Spanish fishing boats have high seas fishing licenses issued by the International Fisheries Bureau..."

"Don't talk nonsense. You two devils know exactly whether this is the China Sea. Your foreign father also knows it. You are here to cause trouble, right? Are you the generation of your parents who went to Spain? Don't you understand China's current national strength? ?" Ao Muyang interrupted him.

The Chinese smiled disdainfully: "What is the national strength now? What kind of national strength? Do people who eat gutter oil and drink poisonous milk powder also have national strength? Forget it, I won't talk nonsense. You guys should get out of here. The cod fish here were discovered by our ship. Yes, according to international high seas seafood fishing regulations, we have priority in fishing.”

The other party knew that there were cod here, and Ao Muyang quickly realized that the fish detection radar on his boat was much more advanced than his own.

As the old saying goes, this Spanish fishing boat is not just here to cause trouble, but to grab cod.

He said calmly: "Let me tell you, foreign father, don't say this is the China Sea. The resources in the sea belong to my Chinese descendants. Even if this is the high seas, cod has nothing to do with you. We have been fishing here for half a day..."

As he was talking, several white people became impatient and started shouting. One of them even clicked the bolt of his shotgun to threaten them.

The Chinese pointed at the group of people and said: "Don't blame me for saying ugly words in front of you. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave later. The bow of our ship is specially reinforced. If we accidentally hit the side and stern of your ship later, hehe, You will go bankrupt. When we move out, do you think the Chinese navy will chase us to help you?"

He continued: "And this is a bad idea. We have water cannons on the boat. We will treat you to a sea bath later. Don't think we are too hospitable to our guests, haha."

Zhong Feilu said angrily: "Hey, man, are you Chinese? You help foreign devils harm your own people. You really have..."

"I'm Spanish, not Chinese." The Chinese raised his head proudly and said.

They kept negotiating, but the Spanish fishermen were not happy. Several of them used their fingers to pull the corners of their eyes into a line, and then started yelling.

Ao Mudong was stunned: "Why are these idiots still making faces? Mader, ghost guys already have faces, so you don't have to make faces."

Ao Wenchang said angrily: "That bullshit face is a form of racial discrimination. They are mocking us yellow people for having small eyes. This is racial discrimination!"

The fisherman holding a shotgun patted the Chinese on the shoulder impatiently, then raised the shotgun and pointed it at them and suddenly pulled the trigger: "Boom!"

There was a loud noise and bullets sprayed out.

Ao Wenchang, Zhong Feilu and others subconsciously lay down to hide. Ao Muyang and Ao Mudong were tougher and remained there.

The black dragon also leaned down, but his expression remained unchanged. After leaning down, his muscles tightened, like a leopard that had encountered its prey!

Ao Muyang stopped him, shook his head and said, "I'll do it."

Seeing this scene, the Spanish fishermen burst into laughter. Ao Mudong shouted angrily: "What a fright, they are really going to shoot people. Is it useful for you to lie down? Get up!"

Ao Muyang looked at the other party deeply and said, "Very good, if you want to start a war, then let's start a war!"

After saying that, he jumped into the water. Seeing this, the black dragon also jumped into the water, like a black water Rakshasa. After entering the water, it swam to the bottom of the opposite boat.

Ao Muyang pushed him away and shook his head, signaling him not to come near.

The Spanish fishermen were not stupid. When they saw someone jumping into the sea, they immediately looked in one direction and looked into the water vigilantly. The fishermen holding the shotgun lowered the muzzle of the gun and roared wildly.

However, after watching for a while, they did not find the other party diving close.

Seeing this, the Chinese laughed and said, "Hey, your leader dived and ran away, why don't you run away quickly? Why are you staying here?"

The fishermen holding the shotgun pointed at their heads and laughed, "Bang bang bang!"

Zhong Feilu was really scared. He had a wife and children and did not dare to take risks on the sea. Seeing Ao Muyang jumping into the water, he glanced at Ao Wenchang and the others, and signaled his men to row back.

Ao Wenchang also rowed back, and the Chinese said, "You are sensible. Get out of here quickly, otherwise we will use force."

The lifeboat was indeed moving very fast, and Ao Wenchang used all his strength to leave the Spanish boat.

The Spanish fishermen thought they had won a great victory and wanted to return to the fishing boat triumphantly.

At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared under the clear sea water. Ao Muyang pointed upwards, and the tiger raised its head and accelerated, crashing into the water with its iron-like head.

Suddenly, the relatively calm sea surface suddenly became turbulent, and several fishermen were shocked. Huayi looked down and screamed in horror: "Oh my God, what is this..."


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