Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 787 791. Hit Them (5)

A loud thunderous noise appeared, like a mine explosion. Fountain-like water splashes erupted in the surrounding area one after another. The small fishing boat flew up like a jet plane. The people on the boat screamed and were thrown away. They spun around in the air and fell into the air. sea!

On the foreign fishing boats in the distance, the fishermen who were staring here were shocked. They yelled that someone was going to put down the boat and come to the rescue, but then the big mouth of the killer whale appeared on the sea, which made them shudder. A dumbfounded chicken!

The tiger swam with half of its head exposed on the sea. Ao Muyang pointed at the small boat. It swam over like a dog with a ball and bumped into it again. It hit the boat again and again, sending it flying, and finally smashed it into pieces. .

The seawater surged like a bad tide, and the four white fishermen and the Chinese were beaten so hard by the surging waves that they could not control themselves. Their bodies rolled over and over, and a lot of seawater was poured into them.

The shotgun fell into the water. Ao Muyang picked it up and slung it across his back. Then he grabbed the fisherman who had previously held the gun and pulled it underwater.

The fisherman struggled in fear, but he couldn't float up no matter what. In the fright, he couldn't help but open his mouth, so that seawater poured in through his mouth and nose, making him roll his eyes repeatedly.

After giving him a sour taste, Ao Muyang grabbed him and swam to the sea.

Ao Wenchang approached with a rowing boat. He threw the foreign fisherman up and said, "Keep an eye on him."

Ao Mudong hit the fisherman on the lower abdomen with two old fists, which made him only breathe out but not in.

He went diving to catch other fishermen. The other fisherman was much tougher. After a short period of adaptation, he had calmed down. When he saw Ao Muyang approaching, he punched him in the head.

Ao Muyang felt like walking on flat ground in the water. He easily avoided his fist, grabbed the man's arm, and twisted the man's back hard. The man's eyes suddenly widened, and he opened his mouth and subconsciously sucked in cold air.

There is no air conditioning and there is endless sea water.

Bubbles popped out, and the fisherman rolled his eyes.

Black Dragon also took action under the water, and he struck harder. After grabbing people, he punched them in the ribs, like a boxer hitting a sandbag.

After being beaten, the fishermen opened their mouths in pain and gasped, having drunk themselves to death.

With ease and ease, Ao Muyang and Heilong drank all five of them and then caught them on the lifeboat.

The tiger is still swimming in the sea, with only its curved dorsal fin exposed and sliding continuously on the sea surface, like the scythe of death!

Because the tiger had just smashed the boat, the group of people on the fishing boat did not dare to launch another boat for rescue. They wanted to drive a large fishing boat closer, but it took time to start the fishing boat, and there was a rat trap. They had people on the lifeboat, and they did not dare to start the fishing boat even if they could. Come hit.

Ao Muyang threw a few gold drops to the tiger, and let it dive before returning to the top of the dragon.

On a Spanish fishing boat in the distance, several fishermen holding telescopes looked in disbelief. Someone asked: "Hey, Paul, what did you see? Did they kill anyone?"

The fisherman murmured: "No, Mark, my brother, that Chinese monkey can control the killer whale! God, how did he do it, the killer whale listens to him!"

"Shit, this is absolute shit, completely impossible!"

"Stop arguing. Paul is right. Damn Chinese monkeys know witchcraft. They trained killer whales with killer whales. Fake, I don't know what to say. That killer whale became their slave!"

"What should we do? Cassias and Sebastian were captured, and we crashed into them with our ship? What if we killed someone? This is the China Sea!"

The Spaniards are all fishermen, not warriors or killers. Their companions were kidnapped in other people's territorial waters, causing them to panic for a moment.

Back on the boat, Ao Muyang signaled everyone to tie up the Spanish fishermen with ropes.

The bearded man holding the gun before had a very violent temper. After he got on the boat, he regained his composure and immediately stood up, roaring and beating his chest with his fists. His face was ferocious and full of murderous intent.

A black shadow flashed past, and before he could show off his power, the general knocked him away several meters.

The bearded man stood up with a scream, and Meng Tian, ​​who was ready to go, rushed forward and knocked him backwards two steps. Then Meng Yi began to prepare for his attack, waiting expectantly for the bearded man to stand up and hit him.

As a result, the bearded man rolled on the boat holding his belly and could not stand up.

It turned to look at the Chinese next to it, its green eyes exuding a cold light, which was the gaze of a wolf.

The Chinese man was quite discerning. He screamed: "Mom, wolf! This is a wolf!"

Ao Muyang went up and gave him a kick. This kind of traitor is the most disgusting: "Shut up, or I will feed you to the wolves!"

The Chinese stopped screaming, huddled up and looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

Two of the other three fishermen fainted. These two were captured by the black dragon. The black dragon struck hard and did not stop until they were fainted.

Ao Muyang said: "Brother Dong, put some water on them, then tie them up, and find a small car for me to tie on."

Ao Mudong said reluctantly: "Wouldn't it be nice to let them faint?"

Ao Muyang said: "Wake up first and then talk."

The black dragon looked at his words and then walked over. He raised his foot and stomped on the abdomen of a big man. The big man opened his mouth and spit out seawater and screamed.

The Chinese man was so frightened that he shrunk his body again and murmured: "You are pirates, you are not fishermen, you are pirates!"

Four Spaniards and one Chinese were tied to a small fish truck. After being beaten up by the black dragon and seeing his methods, these people became honest.

And there were two wolves guarding them on the left and right. The five people were stunned. Where had they seen such a scene? How could a fisherman be so brutal and violent? How could a fisherman go out to sea with a wolf? !

Ao Muyang kicked the car and said, "If they attack us with a water cannon, then push them to the point where the water column falls. Wherever the water cannon hits, push them there."

After hearing this, Ao Mudong grinned: "Haha, Longtou, good idea, no wonder you tied them to the car, good idea."

The Chinese who was tied up knew that he had met a tough guy. He said weakly: "Man, we are actually compatriots..."

"Shut up, Chinese and Spanish are definitely not compatriots!" Ao Muyang kicked him in disgust.

Traitors must be punished!

Ao Daguo leaned out of the cockpit and shouted, "Dragon Head, the Spanish ship is coming, the whole ship is coming, do you want to ram it?"

The previous battle also made his blood boil, and now his mind was full of Deng Shichang's figure, and there was only one sentence in his mind: For the rise of China, ram that son of a bitch!

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "No, wait for them, they are here to negotiate."

Ao Mudong spit on the ground and said, "These ghosts are spineless, fuck them, keep driving the boat, why don't you dare?"

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