Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 794 798. There is something underwater (2)

The two were checking the decoration of the holiday cottage when Ao Muyang's cell phone rang. He thought it was from the city's Fisheries Bureau because the new year's fishing ban had begun and he, as a leader in the community, had a lot to do.

As a result, he guessed wrong. The call was from Ao Mupeng.

Ao Mupeng said hurriedly: "Dragon Head, there is some chaos on the sea. Some tourists said they saw a sea python. The sea python must be ten meters long. All the fish they threw into the sea were swallowed by the sea python!"

Ao Muyang was surprised and said: "What the hell? Sea python? Oh my god, this is not the Amazon, where are the anacondas and water pythons?"

Ao Mupeng said: "I feel the same way, but many tourists saw it. Sandeng said he saw it too. The sea python was ten meters long..."

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes. What does ten meters long mean? There must be five and a half handsome guys like him! Could it be that a reticulated python got into the sea? Only this kind of python can be ten meters long.

Anyway, there was some chaos on the sea, and he had to go and check it out.

He told Du Tanzhi, and Du Tanzhi said, "Fuck, I'll go and check it out too, the mad python disaster on the sea? Oh, don't you have a sea python at home? I haven't seen it for a long time, is it this one?"

Du Tanzhi was talking about the snake king. Indeed, the snake king was long to begin with, and after eating the golden drop, its size increased further, and now it is already four meters long.

A four-meter-long sea snake is really exaggerated. Generally, sea snakes are only one meter long, and few can grow to two meters. However, there is still a big difference between four meters and ten meters.

Moreover, although the snake king looks fierce, it is actually very cowardly. It is afraid of cats and dogs. When Ao Muyang kept it before, he had to keep it in the backyard to prevent it from being frightened to death when it went out and being turned into snake meat cans...

After rushing to the dock, several speedboats were moving backwards, and the people on the boats were shouting: "Oh, there is a big python in the sea, a really big python!"

"Hurry up, the python is coming, be careful of being taken away by it!"

"That's a dragon, it's definitely a dragon, damn, I took a picture of it, there is a dragon in the sea!"

The tourists shouted in a mess, and it didn't sound like they were not afraid, but rather excited.

Perhaps it was the sperm whale and the killer whale that gave them courage. These two big guys are more exaggerated in size, but they have no attack power. After the tourists adapted to the size of the sperm whale, the other giants in the water were not so impressive.

Ao Muyang got on a speedboat and headed out to sea. He met San Deng rowing back, so he drove over and asked, "What did you see? What happened?"

San Deng said loudly, "It's hard to say what it was, it should be a sea python, it's huge, village chief, it's really huge, you see my friends here have seen it, it circled around my boat in the sea, it felt like it was connected end to end!"

Ao Muyang said unhappily, "Don't make up rumors, don't spread rumors, your boat must be six meters long and three meters wide? It can circle the boat, it's eighteen meters?"

San Deng He said with a sneer, "Maybe it's elastic like a rubber band?"

Du Tanzhi laughed, "Man, you're really good at joking, haha, this is interesting."

The tourists described it to him in a flurry: "It's definitely a silver snake, no, a silver python, so big!" "My son threw a fish and it swallowed it in one go, it's so scary!" "Fortunately it didn't attack our boat, otherwise it would be over!"

Ao Muyang didn't believe there were pythons in the sea. Academically, there was no such species, but the ocean was vast and boundless, who knew what was in it? It wasn't surprising to see some huge monsters.

He called San Deng on board and said, "Where did the sea python appear? Take me to see it!"

The tourists were afraid that the world would not be in chaos, they liked to watch the excitement, and tourism itself was a process of joining in the excitement, so when they saw Ao Muyang leading a team to find the sea python, they followed with great interest.

Some tourists even began to regret that they had lost their composure just now and should have taken a closer look. They would be willing to die because no one had ever seen a sea python.

Under the guidance of three lights, the fishing boat headed for the sea, followed by several boats. Ao Muyang looked back and saw at least hundreds of people following behind. This team was huge...

Ao Muyang was impressed by the Chinese people's love of watching the excitement! In uppercase and lowercase letters, and written in oracle bone script, it was impressed!

The location where the sea snake appeared was not far from the coast. After arriving at the sea area, Ao Muyang looked around and saw rolling waves and flying seabirds on the sea, but there was no trace of the sea snake.

Sandeng shouted, "Village Chief, there really is a sea python, we must have seen it!"

Some tourists had not seen it before, and now they were looking for it with wide eyes: "Where is it, where is it?"

Ao Muyang took off his clothes and prepared to enter the water, saying, "I believe you, but where is it now? I'll go and look for it."

Sandeng grabbed him and said in panic, "No, no, Village Chief, what if you go into the water and it pulls you away? The village can't live without you!"

Ao Muyang said helplessly, "Uncle Sandeng, you are an old sea ghost, when have you ever seen a sea python in the sea? This is all a lie, I'll go down and see what's going on."

Sandeng dragged him and said, "Even if it's not a sea python, it's definitely a big thing. No matter what it is, it's ten meters long, my village chief. If something happens to you, how can I explain it to Teacher Lu?"

Ao Muyang pushed him away and said, "Okay, okay, I won't dive, I'll just watch carefully by the boat."

The reason why he had to go into the water was because he felt that there were no sea pythons in the sea, but there were dragons!

It may sound a bit stupid to say this, but Ao Muyang really thinks there are dragons in the sea. From the legend of the dragon flying in the village, the origin of the village name and the Ambergris Lake, to his own golden elixir and golden scales, aren't they all related to dragons?

He dived into the water, and everyone on the boat held their breath and stared at the position where he dived.

Just as Ao Muyang was completely submerged in the water, a scream suddenly rang out: "Ah!"

Many people were trembling with fear, and San Deng almost fell into the sea.

Du Tanzhi was a young man who had seen big scenes. He looked at a young man and said, "What are you yelling about?"

The young man laughed and said, "Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to burp."

Du Tanzhi understood his purpose. What burp? This guy wanted to create chaos.

After Ao Muyang dived into the water, he looked around and first saw the lush algae on the seabed and some small fish swimming in it.

Because he had been working tirelessly on seaweed transplantation, the seabed outside the village was really lush, and his vision was greatly obstructed, so he did not find anything unusual.

In this case, he did not dare to dive to the bottom of the sea recklessly. To be honest, he did not believe that there were sea snakes in the sea, but there must be a big thing in the sea. If that thing attacked him...

Just as he was thinking about it, a chaotic seaweed at the end of his vision attracted his attention. There seemed to be something over there.

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